Friday, February 8, 2013

Help Writing Essays

You can't avoid them, well you can, but I'm not sure how far you'll get in college like that.

College essays are the root of all that is stressful in college.  We all have to do them and it isn't the most entertaining aspect of college.  The majority of students hate writing papers and it isn't that hard to understand why.

I found a list of tools to help you get that pesky paper done.
Check it out!

1. Research - When writing a paper, you should always and I mean always, research the topic you are writing on.  If you don't know exactly what you're writing about your paper will sound like garbage, and the grade will easily reflect that.

2.Outline - This has always proven to be the best strategy when writing a paper.  If you sit down and write an outline you'll know what to write next.  There's nothing worse than writers block.  You know the point where you're staring at the screen thinking, "What in the world do I type next?".  If you have an outline, you'll know where to go next.

3.Paragraphs- Look at a paragraph as a chance to start a new thought.  Rambling isn't good when writing a paper, so if you can minimize the nonsense you can make it easier on yourself to focus on the key points.

4.Grammar- This might be the hardest thing for many people when writing a paper but it can be avoided.  When writing a paper many students make grammatical errors.  Losing points on a paper for misspelled words is avoidable.  Here's a website that can help you check your grammar, Bookmark it!!  Grammarly

5.Format- Whether it's MLA or APA, knowing which specific format you need is crucial to getting a good grade, If you don't know which is which, click the links below.

APA              OR            MLA

Now run college students, go write your wonderful college papers!!

A bit cheesy ending huh?

Catch you next time,


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