Some of the things on this list are inevitable while others are part of the culture of college.
Lets begin.
Top 10 things to expect from College

1.Skipping Class- Everyone does it once in a while. Not going to class has become part of the college experience. I am not condoning skipping class but I guarantee that you will meet a friend that has something better to do rather than go to class.

2. Canceled Class- This is probably every students favorite part of college, receiving an email that class was canceled. I cannot explain to you how much joy I felt every time I checked my email and saw that the professor had canceled class.

5. Roommates- Some people love the idea of living on campus. The sense of freedom is enormous. No more rules from your parents. Doesn't that sound amazing?! Even though some students don't like their roommates, others grow great friendships during college! They might even end up looking like these guys.

6.Road Trips- This is one of my favorites on the list. There is nothing like jumping in a car with a couple of your buds and taking a trip somewhere! You never know who you might meet on these road trips, but that is the beauty of it. You might meet a really cool Chinese man that owns his own restaurant in Canada.

7.Bookstore Money- Every so often you get some funds in your ID car that can be used to buy stuff at the bookstore. That ID card will become your go to source when you are in desperate need of gum. At the end of the day you'll have to pay that money back but what's a pack of orbit and a red-bull right?

8. 7-Eleven Runs- I don't mean having to run to the bathroom after a corn-dog I'm referring to that go to spot when you have to "disscuss" life's issues with your friends. Spots like these make college that much
memorable because they become your getaway place from the thoughts of school.

9.Term papers/Finals- There is no other way for me to put this other than you're going to get them, more
than you can even imagine. Get ready.

Catch you next time,
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