Many students are looking forward to high school graduation in June. It's an exciting time in your life - it's the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. You've worked hard and achieved your dream of high school graduation! As you prepare to take the next BIG step in your life's path...are you ready?

So, what's your plan? Have you picked a major? Are you ready to face the challenges that lie ahead? No?
It can seem overwhelming, but here are a few tips to help you as you transition into the next step in your personal journey to life success! You don't have to be a superhero to be successful. All you need is a little planning and insight into someone you know well - yourself!Find Your Passion and Follow Your Dreams
This is a time in your life where you can take the lead and make decisions that will shape your future. Knowing who you are and what you want to achieve can help you when making choices about coursework, social activities and how to spend your time during your college experience.
Define Your Mission
Think about what you value and rank as important in your life. What do you enjoy doing? Do you have activities that connect with your values? Maybe you like to volunteer, or participate in social activities. Think about how those experiences or activities can help you get to where you want to go in a career or life's work. Often by looking at what we enjoy doing, that can inform us on the type of work or career path we want to follow.
Be Realistic
For a dream to become a reality it requires planning and work. Set goals both long- and short-term for yourself based on your top values. You're more likely to get where you want to go if you set goals that are realistic and achievable. Be logical in your planning and detail the steps of the when, where and how for your plan. Pay attention and track your progress. You'll feel good about your accomplishments and be more likely to stick to your plan.
Research isn't just for school!
Step 1: Think about your dream job. Step 2: RESEARCH IT! Find out what professionals in that field do to advance their careers. Do a job shadowing activity. Sign up for an internship. Go to work with someone to find answers to the questions you have. What kind of training does the career require? What skills will you need? What are the working conditions like? Is the work schedule something you can live with? What are the rewards? Maybe money isn't everything...what other compensation or benefits do you value from this career choice?
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