Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Study in Germany : Freshmen Tips
If you have your high school diploma in his pocket and can start life as a student, the course is only once a reason to rejoice: A new life begins, and you can look forward to the many new impressions and experiences that await you. But everything is so exciting - in some situations it may also be that you are overwhelmed or not white. But that is no reason to bury their heads in the sand,
Chile: The Year of Two Falls
Lately the days here have been more akin to late-september in the northern hemisphere than what comes to mind when you think of sunny, warm south america. More often, sea-fog envelopes the cities for days at a time and it's been increasingly damp and chilly. Leaves are starting to fall and people are breaking out their boots and sweaters. It's strange, these past two semesters have both been fall semesters! Luckily the good days are worth all the bad ones, and today was one of those. After class, I took advantage of the clear, cool air and walked from the metro to the beach for a little while. It's amazing how much quieter Vina is now. Two months ago this beach would've been almost unrecognizably filled with tourists and vendors and all sorts of activity. Today, the only thing to be heard was the soft crashing of the surf and the strumming of a spanish guitar nearby. It seems now that the seasons have shifted, all that's left are the Vina and Valpo residents. Happily, I realized that means me too now.
Other than a quick day trip to the sleepy surf town of Maitencillo this past weekend, my friends and I have pretty much parked ourselves in Vina and Valpo for the time being. It's easy to get swept up in the adventures of weekend travel; it becomes a sort of addiction. It always seems like there are places to go. Ever since I came back from Punta Arenas I've had a hard time shaking the nagging feeling of itchy feet and the need to be moving all the time. I guess that's why virtually every weekend I've been here I've spent traveling. Of course, that's normal when you're in a foreign country but I've always come to realize the importance of taking in what Vina and Valparaiso have to offer. Even if it means just sitting on the beach after class or taking a different route home, little discoveries are what really add up in the end.
That's definitely something I've come to realize about study abroad. It's not constant tourism or travel, even though you might end up doing a lot of that too. It's actually living somewhere else. That means sometimes you're going to be stuck in class or watching TV or just sitting around plain bored because the weather sucks. But on the other hand, coming home today, there was a guy was singing some lively spanish songs on the metro with his guitar, the walk from my school was filled with bright, colorful Valpo graffiti and a few aromatic Vina flowers were still clinging to their stems by the beach. After two months, it easy to almost stop seeing these things at all, but appreciating them is just as necessary to enjoying this time abroad as those grander weekend trips. It's not always glamorous or exciting but, really, it's all a small part of the bigger adventure.
IFP Scholarships for International Students at Cardiff University
Cardiff University
Masters Degree
Masters Degree
Deadline: 31 July 2013
Study in: UK
Course starts September 2013
Study in: UK
Course starts September 2013
Brief description:
Sponsored Ad
Cardiff University awards a limited number of full and partial scholarships to students on the International Foundation Programme who demonstrate outstanding academic performance and potential.
Host Institution(s):
Cardiff University in UK
Field(s) of study:
The International Foundation Programme is available from September 2013 in the following subjects: Business, Engineering and Health & Life Sciences.
Number of Scholarships:
Limited ր only 2
Target group:
International students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Cardiff is offering two full scholarships for self-funding students, which will cover the cost of course fees for the International Foundation Programme.
Հ You must be confirmed as an Overseas Student for fee paying purposes (this information is contained in your offer letter).
Հ You must fully complete the application form with the supporting statements as directed.
Հ Applicants for IFP scholarships must have a conditional or unconditional offer and must have accepted their offer by Midnight (GMT) Friday 31st July 2013.
Հ After this date, applicants have until Midnight (GMT) Thursday 16th August 2013 for their offers to be changed to unconditional րapplications where the status is not unconditional after this time will not be considered.
Հ Scholarships are to be used for academic year 2013/14 only and cannot be used for 2014/15 entries. If you are awarded a scholarship and wish to defer your entry to the University, you will lose your scholarship and will need to re-apply again in the following year.
Հ These scholarships are only available to self-funding students. Students who are in receipt of full funding from a sponsorship body (such as their home countryҀs Government, charity or a private organisation) are not eligible to apply.
Հ Students must satisfy certain financial requirements as part of their visa application for study in the UK and students should not be solely relying on receiving a scholarship to meet these.
Հ If a student withdraws/is requested to withdraw from study before completing the IFP Course or does not complete the IFP course at Cardiff University they are responsible for repaying all monies received from the International Scholarship award unless there are extenuating circumstances.
Հ IFP scholarships do not include interruption of study as part of the fund. If students are required to resit a year of study, then they will not receive further funding for additional years.
Հ Winners must ensure that they maintain a satisfactory academic record.
Application instructions:
Applicants for the for International Foundation Programmes cholarships must have either a conditional or unconditional offer and must have accepted Cardiff University as their choice for study during the 2013/14 academic year, by Midnight (GMT) Wednesday 31 July 2013. After this date, applicants have until Midnight (GMT) Thursday 16th August 2013 for their offers to be changed to Unconditionalրapplications where the status is not unconditional after this time will not be considered.
It is important to visit the official website (link found below) to access the application form and for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Official Scholarship Website: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/for/prospective/international/english-foundation-courses/international-foundation-programme/costs-scholarships/scholarships.html
DAAD Scholarships For Developing Countries
Masters (MS) Degree
Masters (MS) Degree
Deadline: 31 July (annual)
Study in: Germany
Course starts September 2013
Study in: Germany
Course starts September 2013
Brief description:
Sponsored Ad
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides scholarships in Germany for international students for a range of postgraduate courses at German Universities which aim at providing academically educated young professionals from developing countries with further specialized studies.
These degree courses, which consist of one to two years of concentrated study, provide academically-trained young professionals in leading positions from developing countries with the opportunity to engage in postgraduate education and training in their particular field or profession.
Host Institution(s):
German Universities offering postgraduate courses with relevance to developing countries.
Field(s) of Study:
Postgraduate courses are offered in the following fields:
Հ Economic Sciences / Business Administration / Political Economics
Հ Development Co-operation
Հ Engineering and Related Sciences
Հ Mathematics
Հ Regional Planning
Հ Agriculture and Forest Sciences
Հ Environmental Sciences
Հ Medicine and Public Health
Հ Veterinary Medicine
Հ Sociology and Education
View the list of selected programmes for 2013/2014.
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified.
Target group:
The DAAD Germany Scholarships are for international students and young professionals from developing countries in Africa, Asia, Pacific Islands, Central and South America and Central and Eastern Europe. (See the DAC List of the OECD)
Scholarship value/inclusions:
DAAD scholarship supports selected programmes with a variety of full or partial scholarships.
Հ Will come either from a public authority or a state or private company in a developing country and, as such, be engaged in the planning and execution of directives and projects with emphasis on development policies having a bearing on technological, economic or social areas.
Հ Holds a BachelorҀs degree (4 years) in related subject.
Հ Will have completed an academic degree far beyond average and at least two years of related professional experience.
Հ Is not older than 36 (for some courses the age limit is 32), and his/her respective academic degrees should normally not be older than 3 years. Concerning a possible age limit, please refer to the course details on the following pages.
Հ For courses in German: DSH 2 or TestDaF 4; at time of application German skills at completed level A2 are required. In addition, German language courses at level A3 or B1 are highly recommended.
Հ For courses in English: TOEFL (minimum score: 550 paper based, 213 computer based, 80 internet based) or IELTS (band 6) certificate.
Please also see if you meet the eligibility requirements of the programme you are applying to.
Application instructions:
Scholarship applicants can apply at the German embassy or DAAD regional office, directly at the DAAD in Bonn or directly to the university. For Cameroon, Myanmar, Nigeria it is highly recommended to submit the applications only via the German Embassy.
The applicant should submit the complete requirements as found in this link. The applicant also needs to follow separate specific application requirements and instructions (if any) set by a course.
Application deadlines for DAAD-scholarships are as follows:
ՀAt German embassies and/or at the DAAD regional offices: 31 July
Հ At the DAAD section 431 in Bonn/Germany: 30 August
Հ At the respective universities in Germany: 30 September or 15 October
Important Note: Applicants should make sure to check information regarding university-specific application closing dates directly with the individual universities because they may vary from the general deadlines listed above.
It is important to read the 2013-2014 Scholarship Booklet and visit the official website to access the application form and for complete information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Official Scholarship Website: http://www.daad.de/entwicklung/studierende_und_alumni/bildung_postgradual/ast/08492.en.html
Texas Tech to Host Annual Chef Camp

Chef Camp 2013 is dedicated to enhancing each camperҀs knowledge and skills of culinary arts ׀ ranging from lessons and activities on plating, preparation and presentation. Campers explore the world of culinary arts, but at the same time learn many aspects of their own personal style. Each camp day is beneficial and tons of fun.
On Thursday evening campers participate in an ӀIron ChefԀ type competition. After a week full of culinary arts activities, the students will present their skills at a reception for their family and friends.
The cost is $650 per person before May 15th and $750 after May 15th. Fees include meals, room and board, all supplies, camp t-shirt, chef coat, and apron. The application and information can be found on our website, http://www.depts.ttu.edu/hs/nhr/RET/chef_camp/.
Monday, April 29, 2013
There are different types of studies covering scholarship programs. Should know, because we may be interested now or in the future. Also meet the requirements to apply for a scholarship we can take months or years, so to have this clear goal in mind can help us get the scholarship you want later.
뀀 Degree
There are few jobs for undergraduate study abroad, but there are some available.
뀀 Mastery
뀀 Degree
There are few jobs for undergraduate study abroad, but there are some available.
뀀 Mastery
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Pets are Beneficial for Your Children!
Every child needs the responsibility of loving and being loved by a pet. Having the daily job of feeding, grooming, and playing with a dog or cat teaches them to care for others. This is not a one way street. Pets love their owners and will return the care and love many times.
"Caring and being responsible for someone else is a big mind leap for a child. Sure they love Mom and Dad. They love their siblings. But those beings are taking care of them. The daily routine of feeding, watering, and loving their pet teaches them about reaching out to others. Having a companion who is always there to love them back helps a child to calm themselves when life gets unfair in their estimation." Yes, I have said this before but it bears repeating!
When a child experiences the unconditional love that a pet offers it helps them to stabilize in a world that sometimes seems to be crazy. With all of the recent tragedies on the news they are going to feel insecure at times. When comfort dogs were introduced to some of the victims of those tragedies the victims immediately became calmer.
We have always had multiple pets in the home. My youngest son had a tom cat which would stand guard over him when he was sleeping. No waking that child up! My daughter had cats, dogs and even mice for awhile. Today she has 4 horses, 4 cats, 2 dogs, and 2 ferrets. Our home also has 2 cats and one very large dog. I can not imagine a home with out a loving pet. They offer comfort when you are upset and offer to play when you are bored. They understand our moods and do whatever they can to help.
For a child who is homeschooling they may be the friend they need. Someone they can talk to who will not judge them. Someone who will just be there when they want someone to understand.
"Caring and being responsible for someone else is a big mind leap for a child. Sure they love Mom and Dad. They love their siblings. But those beings are taking care of them. The daily routine of feeding, watering, and loving their pet teaches them about reaching out to others. Having a companion who is always there to love them back helps a child to calm themselves when life gets unfair in their estimation." Yes, I have said this before but it bears repeating!
When a child experiences the unconditional love that a pet offers it helps them to stabilize in a world that sometimes seems to be crazy. With all of the recent tragedies on the news they are going to feel insecure at times. When comfort dogs were introduced to some of the victims of those tragedies the victims immediately became calmer.
We have always had multiple pets in the home. My youngest son had a tom cat which would stand guard over him when he was sleeping. No waking that child up! My daughter had cats, dogs and even mice for awhile. Today she has 4 horses, 4 cats, 2 dogs, and 2 ferrets. Our home also has 2 cats and one very large dog. I can not imagine a home with out a loving pet. They offer comfort when you are upset and offer to play when you are bored. They understand our moods and do whatever they can to help.
For a child who is homeschooling they may be the friend they need. Someone they can talk to who will not judge them. Someone who will just be there when they want someone to understand.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Common Master's Degree Options
Master's in Clinical Psychology : This can be a terminal degree, which means that additional graduate study will not be important. In most states, graduates of those practice-based applications are permitted to supply psychotherapy and psychological assessment beneath the supervision of a licensed clinical psychologist.
Master's in Experimental Psychology : This degree alternative serves as a terminal degree or preparation for additional graduate study. These research-based degrees are focused entirely on preparing students for careers in investigation. Students generally concentrate on a specialty location for instance cognitive psychology, human components, developmental psychology or social psychology. This sort of degree would make students for job as investigation assistants, lab managers and market place researchers.
Master's in an Applied Psychology Area : The U.S. Department of Labor implies that job possibilities are strongest for students using a graduate degree in an applied psychology location for instance industrial-organizational psychology or forensic psychology. A degree in an applied field makes students to operate straight within their area of expertise, but a majority of graduate student may well also come across teaching positions in the university or college level.
Job Alternatives Using a Master's Degree in Psychology
What in case your degree is not in among the list of above areas, or what for anyone who is keen on switching gears to concentrate on a unique area of psychology? When your profession path might not be as clear, you will discover nevertheless an abundance of unique job possibilities to think about.
As you commence your profession search, contemplate the capabilities and understanding you obtained through your education and look at various strategies you could possibly apply these skills inside the workforce. The following are just some with the big area you could would like to concentrate on within your job search.
Jobs at Colleges and Universities
When the competitors for teaching positions is often fierce, some graduates using a master's degree in psychology do acquiring teaching positions at junior colleges and universities. Academic advising, profession counseling and academic recruiting are option careers in larger education that graduates from a master's psychology system may well would like to look at.
Jobs in Regional, State and Federal Government
A different alternative will be to appear for job together with the regional, state or federal government. Several government offices generally employ people using a master's degree in psychology to execute a array of duties for instance performing investigation or giving psychological solutions. One particular technique to appear for such jobs will be to go you your states Division of Labor web page and search by way of the readily available job listings.
Some unique government positions that you just could qualify for include things like:
Vocational rehabilitation provider
Self-reliance specialist
Developmental specialist
Drug and alcohol specialist
Employment counselor
Human resources analyst
Parole officers
Psychology program manager
Rehabilitation counselor
Social service manager
Jobs in Health Care and Mental Health Services
Even though your degree was not practice-focused, you could possibly nevertheless be capable of come across employment inside the mental overall health field. Quite a few of those positions are entry-level, however they is usually a good technique to get practical experience and ascertain when you could be keen on pursuing a doctorate degree in clinical or counseling psychology.
Some doable job titles within this location include things like:
Behavioral counselor
Health project coordinator
Psychiatric technician
Rehabilitation specialist
Group home coordinator
Family services worker
Child protection worker
Child care supervisor
Jobs in Business, Sales, Marketing and Advertising
A master's degree in psychology also serves as great preparation for careers outdoors of psychology. Psychology graduates are generally sought immediately after by employers simply because they have sturdy interpersonal and written communication capabilities. A strong background in investigation and statistics also qualifies graduates to operate in regions for instance market place investigation.
Human resources manager
Advertising agent
Market researcher
Employee trainer
Public relations representative
Project manager
Sales representative
Store manager
Study Tips for Online College Students
A brief history college student creates Wikipedia content articles concerning the tradition associated with Spain before a large examination. The legislation college college student makes a podcasting which frequently testimonials exactly what this individual understands in the first-year programs. If you are nevertheless learning along with hands created information as well as 3x5 credit cards, if you're getting left behind.
A person talk with your own educators on the internet. A person see talks on the internet. A person talk to your own class mates on the internet. Why don't you enjoy research on the internet too?
There are many distinctive as well as difficult methods to learn your own materials through taking the potency of the internet. Think about one of these simple web experienced research suggestions:
1. Create or even document Wikipedia records. Wikipedia. net (off-site link) could be a useful source of college students. See the content articles associated with your own subject associated with research. When there is details lacking, include this. Composing the actual suggestions in your terms can help you internalize the subject. When the content articles tend to be total, think about reading through all of them out loud for your Voiced Wikipedia Task (off-site link). Reading through the info can help you consider this. In addition , your own documenting can help some other Wikipedia customers later on. Do remember which Wikipedia is actually user-edited and possesses mistakes : it's wise in order to check information prior to carrying out this in order to memory space.
2 . Sign up for legal representative team. Becoming a member of legal representative team will help you discover solutions for your queries as well as maintain excitement for the topic. In case your course does not curently have legal representative team, think about becoming a member of 1 upon Google Organizations (off-site link) or even Search engines Organizations (off-site link). You will find a large number of organizations everywhere through traditional materials in order to pc technology. You may also build your personal web page as well as ask other course people to participate a person within a digital research team.
3. Article your own reading through information on the internet. Publishing your own information with regard to general public examination will certainly motivate you to definitely confirm the info as well as existing the reality within the the majority of understandable possible way. In addition, your own information can help other people get ready for their very own projects. Consider using a totally free general public notice spreading web site for example stu. decio. all of us (off-site link) or even Internet Notice (off-site link).
4. Produce on the internet adobe flash credit cards. If you need to remember conditions as well as meanings, by pass the actual catalog credit cards. Rather, attempt an internet adobe flash cards machine. Websites like these permit college students to produce, discuss, research, as well as print out credit cards off their computer systems. Take a look at Adobe flash Cards Swap (off-site link), Adobe flash Cards Machine (off-site link), as well as Incredible Adobe flash Cards Device (off-site link).
5. Transmit the podcasting. Have got the gear and also the information, making a every week (or monthly) podcasting as to what if you're studying could be a enjoyable method to truly become familiar with your own topic associated with research. In addition, some other college students will certainly take advantage of your own shows. To have an sort of students developed podcasting notice Living of the Legislation College student (off-site link). To get more specialized info, you may even look into the Regarding. net podcasting website.
Discovering innovative ways to analyze will help you conquer the actual dullness associated with aged routines to remain studying refreshing. These types of 4 research abilities suggestions will help you begin; however continue to keep your own eye open up with regard to distinctive methods for you to place the internet to operate for the schooling.
A person talk with your own educators on the internet. A person see talks on the internet. A person talk to your own class mates on the internet. Why don't you enjoy research on the internet too?
There are many distinctive as well as difficult methods to learn your own materials through taking the potency of the internet. Think about one of these simple web experienced research suggestions:
1. Create or even document Wikipedia records. Wikipedia. net (off-site link) could be a useful source of college students. See the content articles associated with your own subject associated with research. When there is details lacking, include this. Composing the actual suggestions in your terms can help you internalize the subject. When the content articles tend to be total, think about reading through all of them out loud for your Voiced Wikipedia Task (off-site link). Reading through the info can help you consider this. In addition , your own documenting can help some other Wikipedia customers later on. Do remember which Wikipedia is actually user-edited and possesses mistakes : it's wise in order to check information prior to carrying out this in order to memory space.
2 . Sign up for legal representative team. Becoming a member of legal representative team will help you discover solutions for your queries as well as maintain excitement for the topic. In case your course does not curently have legal representative team, think about becoming a member of 1 upon Google Organizations (off-site link) or even Search engines Organizations (off-site link). You will find a large number of organizations everywhere through traditional materials in order to pc technology. You may also build your personal web page as well as ask other course people to participate a person within a digital research team.
3. Article your own reading through information on the internet. Publishing your own information with regard to general public examination will certainly motivate you to definitely confirm the info as well as existing the reality within the the majority of understandable possible way. In addition, your own information can help other people get ready for their very own projects. Consider using a totally free general public notice spreading web site for example stu. decio. all of us (off-site link) or even Internet Notice (off-site link).
4. Produce on the internet adobe flash credit cards. If you need to remember conditions as well as meanings, by pass the actual catalog credit cards. Rather, attempt an internet adobe flash cards machine. Websites like these permit college students to produce, discuss, research, as well as print out credit cards off their computer systems. Take a look at Adobe flash Cards Swap (off-site link), Adobe flash Cards Machine (off-site link), as well as Incredible Adobe flash Cards Device (off-site link).
5. Transmit the podcasting. Have got the gear and also the information, making a every week (or monthly) podcasting as to what if you're studying could be a enjoyable method to truly become familiar with your own topic associated with research. In addition, some other college students will certainly take advantage of your own shows. To have an sort of students developed podcasting notice Living of the Legislation College student (off-site link). To get more specialized info, you may even look into the Regarding. net podcasting website.
Discovering innovative ways to analyze will help you conquer the actual dullness associated with aged routines to remain studying refreshing. These types of 4 research abilities suggestions will help you begin; however continue to keep your own eye open up with regard to distinctive methods for you to place the internet to operate for the schooling.
How to analyze an Online Colleges
Assessing online colleges and universities is usually a task. You will the actual variety of method prepared to interested in, nonetheless narrowing your individual directory of possibilities products change. The exact six to positively consider underneath can assist you to review online colleges and universities influenced by just what exactly just about every education gives you. In advance of enrolling in your exclusive method, write down with attainable institutions and pay attention to the way that they make the cut.
1. Review Internet Institution Accreditation Accreditation one amongst the most important aspect to contemplate looking at online colleges and universities. If you ever be present at a faculty by using local accreditation, you will have a less difficult occasion acquiring tasks, downloading your individual facebook credits with other institutions, and also your individual college degree to obtain graduate products. Internet institutions by using DETC Accreditation are likewise recognised by way of lots of institutions plus businesses.
2. Review Internet Institution Residency Necessities Quite a few online colleges and universities necessitate individuals to waste a few semesters wedding event natural tuition for grounds. People necessitate week end seminars or simply the summer time user discussion forums. Quite a few products allow for individuals that will receive degrees of severity solely in the world-wide-web, without getting bottom in the brick-and-mortar education. Looking at online colleges and universities, consider residency necessities of which fit in your. Dont fail to in order to accessibility with each institution in mind : your week end lessons in the area education is far much better to be present at as compared with a person not one but two suggests away from.
3. Review Internet Elegance Activities Another facet in order to can be lessons preparation. Depending on institution you end up picking, you most likely are are actually accomplish tutorials your private velocity, you will have in order to reach demanding deadlines, otherwise you should go surfing in the several occasion a week pertaining to current knowing. Looking at activities, seek to see how you discover most effective. Quite a few individuals have sufficient commitment to do schoolwork without having accurate deadlines, people would prefer shape with establish elegance situations.
4. Review Internet Institution Diagnostic tests The majority of online colleges and universities necessitate individuals to do lessons checks. However just about every method are going to have unique diagnostic tests necessities. Quite a few require of which individuals carry most of checks in the proctored diagnostic tests core. People allow for a lot of medical tests to generally be carried out internet, by using open-book allowances. Looking at online colleges and universities, contemplate how to opt to in order to checks. If perhaps proctored checks have, dont fail to give thought to your individual accessibility that will diagnostic tests focuses and also the schoolҀs brick-and-mortar grounds.
5. Review Internet Institution Entr退e Necessities The good news is substantial diversification around internet institution entr退e necessities. Quite a few colleges and universities employ a for an extended time applying it practice as well as documents, recommendations, plus selection interviews. Many other colleges and universities admit most of appliers as well as individuals to begin the process tutorials within the weeks time. Review institutions influenced by your individual capability match entr退e necessities whilst your desirable start out time frame.
6. Alternative ideas in order to Online Colleges and universities In combination with on a on top of things, make the private directory of education want to do. The following directory of inquiries to check with possibilities institutions may help in making a brilliant determination.
1. Review Internet Institution Accreditation Accreditation one amongst the most important aspect to contemplate looking at online colleges and universities. If you ever be present at a faculty by using local accreditation, you will have a less difficult occasion acquiring tasks, downloading your individual facebook credits with other institutions, and also your individual college degree to obtain graduate products. Internet institutions by using DETC Accreditation are likewise recognised by way of lots of institutions plus businesses.
2. Review Internet Institution Residency Necessities Quite a few online colleges and universities necessitate individuals to waste a few semesters wedding event natural tuition for grounds. People necessitate week end seminars or simply the summer time user discussion forums. Quite a few products allow for individuals that will receive degrees of severity solely in the world-wide-web, without getting bottom in the brick-and-mortar education. Looking at online colleges and universities, consider residency necessities of which fit in your. Dont fail to in order to accessibility with each institution in mind : your week end lessons in the area education is far much better to be present at as compared with a person not one but two suggests away from.
3. Review Internet Elegance Activities Another facet in order to can be lessons preparation. Depending on institution you end up picking, you most likely are are actually accomplish tutorials your private velocity, you will have in order to reach demanding deadlines, otherwise you should go surfing in the several occasion a week pertaining to current knowing. Looking at activities, seek to see how you discover most effective. Quite a few individuals have sufficient commitment to do schoolwork without having accurate deadlines, people would prefer shape with establish elegance situations.
4. Review Internet Institution Diagnostic tests The majority of online colleges and universities necessitate individuals to do lessons checks. However just about every method are going to have unique diagnostic tests necessities. Quite a few require of which individuals carry most of checks in the proctored diagnostic tests core. People allow for a lot of medical tests to generally be carried out internet, by using open-book allowances. Looking at online colleges and universities, contemplate how to opt to in order to checks. If perhaps proctored checks have, dont fail to give thought to your individual accessibility that will diagnostic tests focuses and also the schoolҀs brick-and-mortar grounds.
5. Review Internet Institution Entr退e Necessities The good news is substantial diversification around internet institution entr退e necessities. Quite a few colleges and universities employ a for an extended time applying it practice as well as documents, recommendations, plus selection interviews. Many other colleges and universities admit most of appliers as well as individuals to begin the process tutorials within the weeks time. Review institutions influenced by your individual capability match entr退e necessities whilst your desirable start out time frame.
6. Alternative ideas in order to Online Colleges and universities In combination with on a on top of things, make the private directory of education want to do. The following directory of inquiries to check with possibilities institutions may help in making a brilliant determination.
How to choose an Online College and University
There are lots of online universites and colleges readily available for the ones that are curious about acquiring an internet degree. Because of the tremendous choice, it might end up being extremely difficult to have the correct college for the specific requirements. Web schools provide several advantages to those who choose to make use of all of them. Samples of these types of advantages are the ease of learning from the safety associated with house, versatility within arranging, and several different alternatives as much as programs as well as coaching are worried. There are many explanations why you might choose to go to a college in cyberspace for the schooling. To be capable to enjoy the greatest degree of advantages from online college, you have to know how you can correctly choose one which is going to be right for your specific requirements. Within this manual, you may be brought to several easy steps that will help you.
The very first concern that needs to be created think about an online college is actually identifying when the college provides you with the greatest degree of chance as much as your general achievement is involved. To get right into a specific college might be towards the top of your own listing of focal points, you need to have making the amount that you need towards the top of your own listing of focal points. Based on data, just 3 people of all the 6 which make it right into a university can come from the service having a level. To be able to make sure that you possess the best possibility of achievement for your schooling, it is essential which you evaluation the internet schoolҀs graduating price. When it is lower, it might be better to begin an additional college. When it is higher, then you definitely will probably feel the achievement associated with graduation using the level which you strive to acquire.
With regards to choosing an online college, major stuff that you will probably assess is actually just how much this expenses to go to the college. No matter what anybody might state, college tuition performs a big part within every guests making decisions procedure. Still it is necessary which you prevent permitting you to ultimately turn out to be excessively worried about the cost of the actual college tuition. It is important is you assess applications, scholarship grants, function applications as well as trouble classes to find out in case you fulfill the membership specifications to get your own college tuition reduced or even totally decreased. College students get some type of educational funding : no matter what their age is, their own main or even their own socioeconomic history. It is very important choose colleges that provide these types of applications so you find get the schooling that you need in a small fraction from the price.
The next phase in order to determining a school which will offer the schooling that you want, being an person, would be to measure the schoolҀs popularity. Being you might be on the web, you will find out numerous techniques to viewing exactly what other medication is stating of their encounters using the college. Like you might visit social networking systems for example Myspace as well as Tweet. Individuals speak upon these types of systems through looking for specific key phrases inside these types of systems; you will find out numerous views. Furthermore, you will find sites on the internet wherever people provide testimonials associated with colleges as well as paper related to specific colleges. You may even evaluation discussion boards, organizations as well as discussion boards for facts. You are going to frequently discover what college students consider the programs, the actual educators and also the possibilities linked to the college. You can after that utilize which info to be able to see whether the college is only one that fits your own personal specifications.
You can easily discover on the online schools that provide applications, accreditation as well as an internet degree that you will be thinking about acquiring. Still it might be hard to reduce your alternatives. Your own educational achievement is very important. You have to make sure that the school or even college which you go to is able to fulfill your specific requirements as well as anticipation. Could can be a difficult effort, adopting the actions layed out within this manual will help a person. Just like employment, you should to take time to do your research to find out that choice is most effective for the specific requirements. In so doing, you will discover online college which will provide you with probably the most possibilities and also the capability to ultimately enter the actual occupation that you will be meant.
The very first concern that needs to be created think about an online college is actually identifying when the college provides you with the greatest degree of chance as much as your general achievement is involved. To get right into a specific college might be towards the top of your own listing of focal points, you need to have making the amount that you need towards the top of your own listing of focal points. Based on data, just 3 people of all the 6 which make it right into a university can come from the service having a level. To be able to make sure that you possess the best possibility of achievement for your schooling, it is essential which you evaluation the internet schoolҀs graduating price. When it is lower, it might be better to begin an additional college. When it is higher, then you definitely will probably feel the achievement associated with graduation using the level which you strive to acquire.
With regards to choosing an online college, major stuff that you will probably assess is actually just how much this expenses to go to the college. No matter what anybody might state, college tuition performs a big part within every guests making decisions procedure. Still it is necessary which you prevent permitting you to ultimately turn out to be excessively worried about the cost of the actual college tuition. It is important is you assess applications, scholarship grants, function applications as well as trouble classes to find out in case you fulfill the membership specifications to get your own college tuition reduced or even totally decreased. College students get some type of educational funding : no matter what their age is, their own main or even their own socioeconomic history. It is very important choose colleges that provide these types of applications so you find get the schooling that you need in a small fraction from the price.
The next phase in order to determining a school which will offer the schooling that you want, being an person, would be to measure the schoolҀs popularity. Being you might be on the web, you will find out numerous techniques to viewing exactly what other medication is stating of their encounters using the college. Like you might visit social networking systems for example Myspace as well as Tweet. Individuals speak upon these types of systems through looking for specific key phrases inside these types of systems; you will find out numerous views. Furthermore, you will find sites on the internet wherever people provide testimonials associated with colleges as well as paper related to specific colleges. You may even evaluation discussion boards, organizations as well as discussion boards for facts. You are going to frequently discover what college students consider the programs, the actual educators and also the possibilities linked to the college. You can after that utilize which info to be able to see whether the college is only one that fits your own personal specifications.
You can easily discover on the online schools that provide applications, accreditation as well as an internet degree that you will be thinking about acquiring. Still it might be hard to reduce your alternatives. Your own educational achievement is very important. You have to make sure that the school or even college which you go to is able to fulfill your specific requirements as well as anticipation. Could can be a difficult effort, adopting the actions layed out within this manual will help a person. Just like employment, you should to take time to do your research to find out that choice is most effective for the specific requirements. In so doing, you will discover online college which will provide you with probably the most possibilities and also the capability to ultimately enter the actual occupation that you will be meant.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) 36-hour Liberty University
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Strengthen your management skills, as you stretch your knowledge in such areas as entrepreneurship, legal issues in business or non-profit management. Become familiar with current research methods and scholarship relevant to business administration, and establish a comprehensive foundation of business through group projects and course assignments. Classes include marketing, managerial accounting, and economics.
Our experienced faculty believes that maintaining high ethical standards breeds great business leaders, so all courses emphasize the importance of applying ethics to management practices.
To further pursue your education and career advancement, consider LibertyҀs 45-credit-hour M.B.A. program. The 45-credit-hour program will allow you to continue to engage your potential as you narrow your focus in a particular specialization.
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Liberty University
Liberty UniversityҀs Master of Business Administration program prepares you to excel as a professional manager, enhancing career development in business and related fields, as well as providing opportunity for promotion and associated salary increases.
You will strengthen management skills, stretching your knowledge to such areas as corporate responsibility, entrepreneurship, and legal issues in business or non-profit management.
Through group projects, you will develop managerial expertise in accepting and devising solutions to complex management challenges, and will become familiar with current research methods and scholarship relevant to business administration.
Our experienced faculty believes that maintaining high ethical standards breed great business, so all courses emphasize the importance of applying ethics to management practices.
You may be interested in pursuing your MBA through our residential MBA program,
You will strengthen management skills, stretching your knowledge to such areas as corporate responsibility, entrepreneurship, and legal issues in business or non-profit management.
Through group projects, you will develop managerial expertise in accepting and devising solutions to complex management challenges, and will become familiar with current research methods and scholarship relevant to business administration.
Our experienced faculty believes that maintaining high ethical standards breed great business, so all courses emphasize the importance of applying ethics to management practices.
You may be interested in pursuing your MBA through our residential MBA program,
M.B.A. students have the option of choosing a cognate.- Accounting
- Criminal Justice
- Healthcare Management
- Human Resources
- International Business
- Leadership
- Marketing
- Project Management
- Public Administration
- Public Relations
Master of Arts in Management and Leadership Liberty University
Liberty UniversityҀs Master of Arts in Management and Leadership program prepares students to excel as a business professional in a variety of management positions, enhancing opportunities for promotion and associated salary increases. Students pursuing this degree will be challenged to improve their critical thinking skills through complex, real-world assignments that require the utilization of graduate-level analysis and synthesis. All courses emphasize the importance of applying ethics to management practices and will improve studentsҀ project development abilities through participation in group projects. Possible career advancement opportunities for graduates of this program include business owner, finance manager, human resource manager, non-profit manager, organizational manager and retail/sales manager.
All graduate faculty members hold doctoral level degrees from major research universities and are committed to teaching from a Christian perspective.
All graduate faculty members hold doctoral level degrees from major research universities and are committed to teaching from a Christian perspective.
Master of Science in Information Systems Liberty University
The Master of Science in Information Systems provides students with a broad perspective of information-related issues in strategy, security, ethics, design and development, and related business process support. Core courses will focus on gaining essential technology and management knowledge from a biblical worldview, while discovering interpersonal and team collaboration skills through an array of business and real-world viewpoints.
This 36-hour program is ideal for professionals looking to increase their proficiency and marketability or seeking to further a career in information technology. Students may choose from two available cognate tracks.
This 36-hour program is ideal for professionals looking to increase their proficiency and marketability or seeking to further a career in information technology. Students may choose from two available cognate tracks.
Master of Science in Accounting Liberty University OnlineҀs Master
Liberty University OnlineҀs Master of Science in Accounting program prepares you to excel as a leader in your career through in-depth study of both national and international accounting practices. You will develop excellent oral and written competencies in specialized accounting contexts and will exhibit familiarity with current research methods and scholarship relevant to accounting, auditing and taxation. This program will increase your computer literacy, sharpen your skills in analytical reasoning and teach you to make intellectual, technical and spiritual application of course material in your professional life.
Our experienced faculty believes that high ethical standards breed great business, so all courses stress the importance of applying ethics to accounting practices in accordance with the professionҀs established code of professional conduct. This 30-hour program can be completed in one to two years, and helps students meet the 150 hours required to sit for the CPA exam.
Please note: For a full listing of official CPA requirements specific to your state, please visit the Gleim website.
Liberty University Online's accounting program was listed as one of the top three online accounting programs.
Our experienced faculty believes that high ethical standards breed great business, so all courses stress the importance of applying ethics to accounting practices in accordance with the professionҀs established code of professional conduct. This 30-hour program can be completed in one to two years, and helps students meet the 150 hours required to sit for the CPA exam.
Please note: For a full listing of official CPA requirements specific to your state, please visit the Gleim website.
Liberty University Online's accounting program was listed as one of the top three online accounting programs.
Online Master's Programs Liberty University
The online masterҀs degree programs offered by Liberty University are designed to provide students with the skills and expertise needed to succeed in todayҀs highly competitive marketplace. We continually update our academic instruction to reflect current industry practices; and our faculty, comprised of leaders from each field, bring real-world experience to the classroom.
Our eight-week online master degree format has proven to be the most effective vehicle for delivering distance learning degrees. Students earning their master degree online have the flexibility to complete assignments any time during the week, day or night, with no required log-in times.
Each student at Liberty University Online is assigned an admissions specialist who can help plan a specific path to graduation, including required and elective courses.
Find an online master degree program that interests you, and then contact us for more information. We can help you plan a path to success. Be sure to check out the doctoral degrees we offer as well.
Our eight-week online master degree format has proven to be the most effective vehicle for delivering distance learning degrees. Students earning their master degree online have the flexibility to complete assignments any time during the week, day or night, with no required log-in times.
Each student at Liberty University Online is assigned an admissions specialist who can help plan a specific path to graduation, including required and elective courses.
Find an online master degree program that interests you, and then contact us for more information. We can help you plan a path to success. Be sure to check out the doctoral degrees we offer as well.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Making Curriculum a Game or How to Individualize Learning
Recently, I was talking to a teacher I was working with about how to "gamify" her classroom. She is in a district where they are implementing outcomes and targets aligned to the Common Core. She's worried that some students were bored while others were struggling and that she wasn't letting students develop at their own pace.
I gave her the following resources to think about:
The teacher in this article used game-like elements to personalize the way she taught her class. This article is about a math class, but I think the same concepts could be applied to other areas:
This is a TEDx talk that doesn't use the word "gamify" but does speak to some of the same elements:
Finally, this post also has a lot of the ideas about individualized and self-paced learning but in context of why the flipped classroom didn't work:
I gave her the following resources to think about:
The teacher in this article used game-like elements to personalize the way she taught her class. This article is about a math class, but I think the same concepts could be applied to other areas:
This is a TEDx talk that doesn't use the word "gamify" but does speak to some of the same elements:
Finally, this post also has a lot of the ideas about individualized and self-paced learning but in context of why the flipped classroom didn't work:
All three of these resources develop the concept of student choice within a set curriculum.
Chile: Recuerdo Chiloe
On Friday morning, peering out over the still sea into foggy, breeze-free air I could make out the faint outline of shore looming in the distance. After a long 12-hour bus ride from Vina del Mar to Puerto Montt, we had about made it to the Chilean emerald isle itself: Chiloe. Finally!
Foggy, foggy Ancud |
Chiloe Island is the second biggest Island in South America, situated off the coast of Puerto Montt. Technically that makes it Northern Patagonia and somedays, if the view is clear enough, you can see the snow-capped Patagonian ranges in the distance. But otherwise it's a far-cry from the raw, intimidating reserves closer to Antarctica. Chiloe and the surrounding ports are the near-south, mostly just small, charming fishing towns separated by vast green farmland and rocky coast.
The island itself is satiated with a rich old mythology that includes mermaids, forest dwelling trolls, ghost ships and witches. Something sort of hung in the air and it was easy to see where these stories came from, with the creeping fog, rolling green valleys and isolated wooden cottages.
Many a time a smile lit across my face as I strolled through the sleepy salt-licked town of Ancud, only to be reminded of the Cozens family home on Madekat in Nantucket Island (before our house just about fell into the ocean, at least). It may sound strange, but the whole time I was there I couldn't shake the weird feeling that I had been there before.
Old artifacts preserved in Ancud Museo |
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Old carving of the island troll |
Weavings of witches |
Charles Darwin himself stopped here for some time while writing his book...and complained about the jungles and constant rainfall |
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Ship outside the Museo |
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Giant Baleen Whale skeleton |
Since the season was over, we were able to see the less-busy side of Chiloe and things were relatively quiet. The local people went out fishing during the day and at sun down the town would go quiet. When the tide was out boats that looked like bath toys rested contentedly on gray beaches and the hillside houses stood brightly in their many colors against the constant sea mist and random bursts of rain.
Famous palafitos in Castro |
We explored the towns and the UNESCO churches, ate some interesting seafood, and searched for trinkets in the many artisan markets. Like I said, it's off-season so we managed to get amazing handmade goods really inexpensive. Finally, I'm knocking off some of my gift shoppingŀand I'm swiftly running out of money.
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World Heritage Church in Dalcahue |
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The most famous UNESCO church in Chiloe. Only in Chile would someone paint a building bright yellow and purple and somehow make it look not ridiculous. |
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Traditional Curanto...we were entirely unprepared |
For a moment as the ferry pulled away from the humble little dock on the northern face of Chiloe Island, I felt a fleeting but all the same poignant sense of bittersweetness. A part of me wanted to stay and just sit on one of the lush green hillsides to watch the sun go down over the sea. And then another part of me just wanted to stay on the boat and spend my life out on the ocean. Although I never knew him, I must have somehow inherited an unquenchable love of the ocean from my dad's father, who was apparently quite the amateur mariner. I had to tear myself away from the boat deck when we docked, dragging my feet all the way back to the bus. Ah, wellŀat least for the next two months the ocean is still my backyard!
So now that I'm back in Vina, it's time to take a little break from traveling and try to focus on my school work in some capacity. Next week it'll be May and then essentially I'm in for the homestretch. Already. El tiempoŀadonde vas?
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