Thursday, November 29, 2012
Biblical Foundations of Justice Study Guide
The Biblical Foundations of Justice Study Guide was uploaded at 1:05 PM on November 29th 2012.
If you have any questions on any of the content please email me at ""
If you have any questions on any of the content please email me at ""
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Tim Berners-Lee, The Web, And The Pursuit of the Public Good
Historians often lament the fact that we donҀt really know enough about our past to make sense of who we are today. That historianҀs critique can be directed at all sorts of narratives, like the American founding, the Civil War, the New Deal or any other important story in AmericaҀs past that define us. But given how much our lives are defined by the Web, maybe there are additional benefits in reading about itҀs origins. Such was my reason for reading Tim Berners-LeeҀs Weaving The Web.
The book goes over ground that is familiar to many of us. Like that moment in the fall of 1993 when I first heard about the Mosaic browser. Or the time in 1994 when I downloaded Netscape and began surfing the Web. ItҀs often only in retrospect that we recognize what moments hold import and for me anyway this was somewhat true then. To be sure I marveled at Netscape and the way it had contracted the world. For example I distinctly remember being awed that I could instantly read a Web page that has been served up by a computer half way around the world. But I donҀt think I recognized the momentҀs true weight and how ubiquitous the internet would become in my life. For instance IҀm sure I had no idea that IҀd spend a significant portion of my working day interacting with the Web. At the time it was something I dialed into through a modem and used during one or two discrete moments of the day. In other words, I liked it. But it wasnҀt yet an ambient presence that I followed (or maybe better put , followed me) everywhere and at every hour.
And that is what is interesting about Berners-LeeҀs history. While he too hadnҀt recognized the entire import of his creation in the early 90s, he was a lot more prescient about itҀs consequences than most of us. And while he wasnҀt entirely in control of how his creation would be adopted (what inventor is?) his history is important because the texture of so many of our lives have been defined by events and visions that he was closely associated with.
One way to historicize our present online life is to simply mark our current surfing selves as the present and skip back to the moment Berners-Lee launched the first Web page at CERN in 1991. That first Web page is a historical monument which deserves a place in our collective memories as much as say, the joining of the transcontinental railroad or the first telephone communication by Alexander Graham Bell. But whatҀs left out, and what Berners-LeeҀs book helps to illuminate is that our present online life doesnҀt just rest on that achievement alone but is also contingent and the product of a myriad of other successes, failures, and ongoing battles. What is often lost when we merely think of Berners-Lee as the inventor of the Web and the first person to post a Web page is that the Web wasnҀt just a technological invention but an evolving set of communication practices and agreements that Berners-Lee was instrumental in forming. Berners-Lee, after all, wasnҀt the first to provide a clickable GUI that people could use to get information off the internet. Those achievements were preceded by companies like Prodigy and AOL. What Berners-Lee really did was to persuade a threshold number of user to adopt a set of communication protocols that no one company (as yet anyway) has been able to monopolize and make solely their own. Today we can jump on the Web with a large number of browsers owned by a variety of different companies in large part because of Berners-LeeҀs work and his belief that this was the right thing to do.
There were times in the early days of the Web when it looked like a particular companyҀs browser might become so ubiquitous and successful that itҀs functionality would drive and define Web protocols. And Berners-Lee, had he decided to form his own browser company, or join an existing one, might have crystallized such an outcome. But Berners-Lee (at least as he recounts his story) didnҀt have the same inclinations as a Marc Andreeson or a Bill Gates. His primary interest was in making the Web into a thriving ecosystem rather than in the profit and success of an individual company. It was this reason why, instead of creating a company, he decided instead to form and direct the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that would maintain and expand on the Web standards he had introduced through the introduction of his first Web site. As he puts it:

And that is what is interesting about Berners-LeeҀs history. While he too hadnҀt recognized the entire import of his creation in the early 90s, he was a lot more prescient about itҀs consequences than most of us. And while he wasnҀt entirely in control of how his creation would be adopted (what inventor is?) his history is important because the texture of so many of our lives have been defined by events and visions that he was closely associated with.
One way to historicize our present online life is to simply mark our current surfing selves as the present and skip back to the moment Berners-Lee launched the first Web page at CERN in 1991. That first Web page is a historical monument which deserves a place in our collective memories as much as say, the joining of the transcontinental railroad or the first telephone communication by Alexander Graham Bell. But whatҀs left out, and what Berners-LeeҀs book helps to illuminate is that our present online life doesnҀt just rest on that achievement alone but is also contingent and the product of a myriad of other successes, failures, and ongoing battles. What is often lost when we merely think of Berners-Lee as the inventor of the Web and the first person to post a Web page is that the Web wasnҀt just a technological invention but an evolving set of communication practices and agreements that Berners-Lee was instrumental in forming. Berners-Lee, after all, wasnҀt the first to provide a clickable GUI that people could use to get information off the internet. Those achievements were preceded by companies like Prodigy and AOL. What Berners-Lee really did was to persuade a threshold number of user to adopt a set of communication protocols that no one company (as yet anyway) has been able to monopolize and make solely their own. Today we can jump on the Web with a large number of browsers owned by a variety of different companies in large part because of Berners-LeeҀs work and his belief that this was the right thing to do.
There were times in the early days of the Web when it looked like a particular companyҀs browser might become so ubiquitous and successful that itҀs functionality would drive and define Web protocols. And Berners-Lee, had he decided to form his own browser company, or join an existing one, might have crystallized such an outcome. But Berners-Lee (at least as he recounts his story) didnҀt have the same inclinations as a Marc Andreeson or a Bill Gates. His primary interest was in making the Web into a thriving ecosystem rather than in the profit and success of an individual company. It was this reason why, instead of creating a company, he decided instead to form and direct the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that would maintain and expand on the Web standards he had introduced through the introduction of his first Web site. As he puts it:
ŀ[m]y primary mission was to make sure that the Web I had crated continued to evolve. There were still many things that could have gone wrong. It could have faded away, been replaced by a different system, have fragmented, or changed its nature so that it ceased to exist as a universal mediumŀMy motivation was to make sure that the Web became what IҀd originally intended it to be ր a universal medium for sharing information. Starting a company would not have done much to further this goal, and it would have risked the prompting of competition, which could have turned the Web into a bunch of proprietary products. (page 87)
Given that the book is by Berners-Lee itҀs possible that passages like the above are just self-congratulatory autobiography. But thereҀs a reason why Berners-Lee was knighted: by heading the W3C heҀs been genuinely, insistently, and abidingly, interested in creating a universal medium for communication that transcends the domain of any single company. We are where we are now not just because of his original inventiveness but because of his interest in developing a larger public good.
7 Sins of College
Before I get the attacked by a mob let's keep in mind that this isn't a religious rant. This is simply my take on the seven sins, college style.

1.Lust- Everyone knows that college equals parties. I remember thinking back in high school how much I was looking forward to the parties and crazy stories that come from them. The one thing that college students of all ages should be aware of is the risk of STDs. "Only 54 percent of students regularly use condoms during vaginal intercourse, 29 percent during anal intercourse and only 4 percent during oral sex." If those numbers don't scare you, you might find yourself slipping into the statistics. Contraceptives folks, they'll lower your chances.

2.Gluttony- Whether it's the "Freshmen 15" or random partying, students sometimes find it hard to maintain a healthy diet. College students eat what is easy to make, and easy on the wallet. The alcohol consumption doesn't help either but we all fall victim to the occasional drink or two. Drinking and eating crazy will surely show you that living a "YOLO" lifestyle can put a hole in your wallet, and give you a cute little kangaroo pouch to match.
3.Greed- Money hungry aren't you? The reason students seek a higher education is to get higher paying jobs. Where does the sin come in you might ask? Well some students are simply driven by money, they'll study for a degree that they think will get them more money but end up hating their career. Students like a great portion of the world are driven by money, but money comes and goes. At the end of the day you are in college, and will already be in a higher class than those who do not have a higher education. We all like a buck or two, but why not focus on school now and let the "mula" flow in later?

4.Sloth- If there was one sin that we are ALL GUILTY of it would be sloth. College students are full of excuses, "I don't need to go to this class today" or my favorite, "I'll start that paper tomorrow." A pamphlet describing ways to avoid laziness should come in the college bundle they give you at freshmen orientation. Leaving things for last-minute is something we all do and the majority of students get bit in the derriere when they realize that due dates are creeping up. We my friends, are sinners!
5.Wrath- A couple of situations pop into mind when I hear wrath. When I hear wrath I think of students who erupt at the financial aid office. Keep calm, half the time it isn't their fault that you didn't get an extra loan. Don't rip their throats out! The other situation I immediately thought of, is that loud mouthed student who always picks a fight with the professor. It just makes me want to hit them with a shoe *insert George Bush joke here*. College is a new realm and there should always be mutual respect between students and professors. If it isn't that serious, zip it, and just get your work done.
6.Envy- a.k.a jealousy is a horrible hat to wear, and sometimes the hardest one to take off. Remember in grade school when a student would answer all the questions, and always volunteer? You might not want to admit it, but the attention that classmate got sure did get under your skin. College has those too, "Teacher's pet 2.0" is what I call them. There will always be at least one "brown noser" in a classroom. Student's shouldn't strive to get this extra attention, but sometimes people just can't help it.

7.Pride-by definition, pride means "a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to acknowledge the good work of others, and excessive love of self". In life everyone should possess self esteem. No one can love you better than yourself. College teaches you many things. People find exactly who they are in college and that finding dictates who they will be for a good portion of their lives. On the other hand, it's easy to lose yourself in college. The one piece of advice I have is always try and keep yourself grounded. Chances are if you don't feel right doing something, it isn't you.

1.Lust- Everyone knows that college equals parties. I remember thinking back in high school how much I was looking forward to the parties and crazy stories that come from them. The one thing that college students of all ages should be aware of is the risk of STDs. "Only 54 percent of students regularly use condoms during vaginal intercourse, 29 percent during anal intercourse and only 4 percent during oral sex." If those numbers don't scare you, you might find yourself slipping into the statistics. Contraceptives folks, they'll lower your chances.

2.Gluttony- Whether it's the "Freshmen 15" or random partying, students sometimes find it hard to maintain a healthy diet. College students eat what is easy to make, and easy on the wallet. The alcohol consumption doesn't help either but we all fall victim to the occasional drink or two. Drinking and eating crazy will surely show you that living a "YOLO" lifestyle can put a hole in your wallet, and give you a cute little kangaroo pouch to match.
3.Greed- Money hungry aren't you? The reason students seek a higher education is to get higher paying jobs. Where does the sin come in you might ask? Well some students are simply driven by money, they'll study for a degree that they think will get them more money but end up hating their career. Students like a great portion of the world are driven by money, but money comes and goes. At the end of the day you are in college, and will already be in a higher class than those who do not have a higher education. We all like a buck or two, but why not focus on school now and let the "mula" flow in later?

4.Sloth- If there was one sin that we are ALL GUILTY of it would be sloth. College students are full of excuses, "I don't need to go to this class today" or my favorite, "I'll start that paper tomorrow." A pamphlet describing ways to avoid laziness should come in the college bundle they give you at freshmen orientation. Leaving things for last-minute is something we all do and the majority of students get bit in the derriere when they realize that due dates are creeping up. We my friends, are sinners!
5.Wrath- A couple of situations pop into mind when I hear wrath. When I hear wrath I think of students who erupt at the financial aid office. Keep calm, half the time it isn't their fault that you didn't get an extra loan. Don't rip their throats out! The other situation I immediately thought of, is that loud mouthed student who always picks a fight with the professor. It just makes me want to hit them with a shoe *insert George Bush joke here*. College is a new realm and there should always be mutual respect between students and professors. If it isn't that serious, zip it, and just get your work done.

7.Pride-by definition, pride means "a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to acknowledge the good work of others, and excessive love of self". In life everyone should possess self esteem. No one can love you better than yourself. College teaches you many things. People find exactly who they are in college and that finding dictates who they will be for a good portion of their lives. On the other hand, it's easy to lose yourself in college. The one piece of advice I have is always try and keep yourself grounded. Chances are if you don't feel right doing something, it isn't you.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Current Affairs : CM (Cheif Ministers) of all states
A Cheif Minister of india is elected head of government of a state of India. CM is head of state cabinet and leader of state legislature.
Appointed by: Governor of state.
Eligibility : CM of India should be
Appointed by: Governor of state.
Eligibility : CM of India should be
- A citizen of India
- should be a member of the state legislature.
- If a person is elected chief minister who is not a member of the legislature, then he/she must become a member within six months.
- of 25 years of age or more
Andhra Pradesh | Nallari Kiran Kumar Reddy | Indian National Congress | 25-11-2010 |
Arunachal Pradesh | Nabam Tuki | Indian National Congress | 01-11-2011 |
Assam | Tarun Gogoi | Indian National Congress | 17-05-2001 |
Bihar | Nitish Kumar | Janata Dal (United) | 24-11-2005 |
Chhattisgarh | Raman Singh | Bharatiya Janata Party | 07-12-2003 |
National Capital Territory of Delhi | Sheila Dixit | Indian National Congress | 03-12-1998 |
Goa | Manohar Parrikar | Bharatiya Janata Party | 09-03-2012 |
Gujarat | Narendra Modi | Bharatiya Janata Party | 07-10-2001 |
Haryana | Bhupinder Singh Hooda | Indian National Congress | 05-03-2005 |
Himachal Pradesh | Prem Kumar Dhumal | Bharatiya Janata Party | 30-12-2007 |
Jammu & Kashmir | Omar Abdullah | Jammu & Kashmir National Conference | 05-01-2009 |
Jharkhand | Arjun Munda | Bharatiya Janata Party | 11-09-2010 |
Karnataka | Jagadish Shettar | Bharatiya Janata Party | 12-07-2012 |
Kerala | Oommen Chandy | Indian National Congress | 18-05-2011 |
Madhya Pradesh | Shivraj Singh Chauhan | Bharatiya Janata Party | 29-11-2005 |
Maharashtra | Prithviraj Chavan | Indian National Congress | 11-11-2010 |
Manipur | Okram Ibobi Singh | Indian National Congress | 02-03-2002 |
Meghalaya | Mukul Sangma | Indian National Congress | 20-04-2010 |
Mizoram | Lal Thanhawla | Indian National Congress | 07-12-2008 |
Nagaland | Neiphiu Rio | Nagaland People's Front | 12-03-2008 |
Orissa | Naveen Patnaik | Biju Janata Dal | 05-03-2000 |
Pondicherry | N. Rangaswamy | All India NR Congress | 16-05-2011 |
Punjab | Prakash Singh Badal | Shiromani Akali Dal | 01-03-2007 |
Rajasthan | Ashok Gehlot | Indian National Congress | 12-12-2008 |
Sikkim | Pawan Kumar Chamling | Sikkim Democratic Front | 12-12-1994 |
Tamil Nadu | Jayalalithaa | All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam | 16-05-2011 |
Tripura | Manik Sarkar | Communist Party of India (Marxist) | 11-03-1998 |
Uttarakhand | Vijay Bahuguna | Indian National Congress | 13-03-2012 |
Uttar Pradesh | Akhilesh Yadav | Samajwadi Party | 15-03-2012 |
West Bengal | Mamata Banerjee | All India Trinamool Congress | 20-05-2011 |
Sunday, November 18, 2012
CDS I (combined defence services) examination , 2013

Last Date : 10.12.2012 till 11.59 PM
UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) will conduct a Combined Defence Services Examination I on 17.02.2013.
CDS I examination will be conducted by UPSC for the admission to following mentioned courses
(1) Course Name : Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun 136th Course commencing in January, 2014 [including 32 vacancies reserved for NCC рCҀ Certificate (Army Wing) holders].
Number of vacancies: 250
(2) Course Name :Indian Naval Academy(INA), Ezhimala-Course Commencing in January, 2014 Executive (Hydro/ General Service) (including 06 vacancies reserved for NCC 'C' Certificate holders (Naval Wing).
Number of vacancies: 40
(3)Course Name : Air Force Academy(AFA), Hyderabad (Pre-Flying) Training Course commencing in January, 2014 i.e. No.195th F(P) Course.
Number of vacancies: 32
(4)Course Name :Officers Training Academy(OTA), Chennai, 99th SSC Course (for Men) commencing in April, 2014.
Number of vacancies: 175
(5)Course Name :Officers Training Academy(OTA), Chennai 13th SSC Women (Non- Technical) Course commencing in April, 2014.
Number of vacancies: 12
Women candidates are eligible only for OTA so their first and only preference should be OTA.
Sex and Marital Status
(1) IMA : Unmarried male candidates.
(2) INA : Unmarried male candiadates.
(3) AFA : Unmarried male candidates.
(4) OTA : Married / Unmarried male candidates, unmarried women,issueless widows who have not remarried and issueless divorcees (in possession of divorce documents) who have not remarried are eligible.
Age Limit:
(1) IMA : Candidate born between 2.01.1990 and 1.01.1995.
(2) INA :Candidates born between 2.01.1992(2.01.1990 for NCC Naval Wing C certificate Holders) and 1.01.1995.
(3) AFA : Candidates born between 2.01.1991 and 1.01.1995.
(4) OTA : Candidates born between 2.01.1989 and 1.01.1995.
Educational Qualification:
(1) IMA and OTA : Degree.
(2) INA: Degree in Engineering.
(3) AFA: Degree of a recognised University (with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level) or Bachelor of Engineering.
Examination Fee :
(1) Female candidates / SC / ST : No Fee.
(2) All other Candidates : 200/-
(Method of submitting the fee: Deposit the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of SBI, State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur/State Bank of Hyderabad/State Bank of Mysore/State Bank of Patiala/State Bank of Travancore or by using Visa/Master Credit/Debit Card.)
Apply Online for CDS I 2013 here
CDS I 2013 Official Notification
Study Material for CDS I 2013
This week on DNLE-- Bloom's Taxonomy
This week in the Venture Lab course I'm participating in, we were asked to do an assignment on Bloom's taxonomy. It was one of those assignments where you are supposed to select a technology tool for each level of Bloom's. I hate these assignments, and have described why in a past post.
At first I thought I might do the whole assignment with a pencil at each level, but another student beat me to it. So instead I created the graphic below using a tech tool that I know is very flexible.

Bloom's taxonomy is a pretty amazing way to think about our thinking and I use it constantly in my consultant work. I still feel it is a poor way to categorize technology.
At first I thought I might do the whole assignment with a pencil at each level, but another student beat me to it. So instead I created the graphic below using a tech tool that I know is very flexible.
Bloom's taxonomy is a pretty amazing way to think about our thinking and I use it constantly in my consultant work. I still feel it is a poor way to categorize technology.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Current Affairs : Nobel Prize 2012
Nobel Prize 2012
1) The Nobel Prize in Physics : The nobel prize 2012 was awarded jointly to Serge Haroche and David J. Wineland for "ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems".
1) The Nobel Prize in Physics : The nobel prize 2012 was awarded jointly to Serge Haroche and David J. Wineland for "ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems".
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Serge Haroche | David J. Wineland |
2) The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awared jointly to Robert J. Lefkowitz and Brian K. Kobilka for studies of G-protein-coupled receptors.
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Robert J. Lefkowitz | Brian K. Kobilka |
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Shinya Yamanaka | Sir John B. Gurdon |

5) The Nobel Peace Prize : EU (European Union)

6) The Prize in Economic Sciences: This Nobel prize was awared jointly to Alvin E. Roth and Lloyd S. Shapley for the theory of stable allocations and the practice of market design.
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Lloyd S. Shapley | Alvin E. Roth |
Basic General knowledge : (National insignia) for ssc ,upsc and other competitive exams
1.) When was the National Flag of India first displayed?
Ans. Midnight of 16 January 1974
2.) How many spokes are there in the wheel (Chakra) of the National Flag of India?
Ans. 24
3.) What is approximate diameter of the wheel (Chakra) of National Flag?
Ans. Less than half of the width of the whole flag
4.) The Indian Flag is rectangular in shape and the ratio of the length to breadth is?
Ans. 2 : 1
5.) The cloth of National Flag of India is?
Ans. Cotton Poplin
6.) The colour of Chakra (wheel) in the white band of the National Flag is ______.
Ans. Blue black
7.) From where has the design of the wheel on white band of Indian National Flag been taken?
Ans. Symbol of industrialization
8.) Out of five stanzas of National Anthem of India, how many stanzas have been adopted by the Defence Forces?
Ans. Only first stanza
9.) When was the State Emblem of India adopted by Government of India?
Ans. 26 January 1950
10.) How many Lions are visible in the State Emblem of India?
Ans. Three full
11.) National Emblem of India is an adaptation from ____.
Ans.the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka
12.) The words рSatya Meva JayateҀ from the Mundaka Upanishad are related to
Ans. National Emblem of India
13.) Which is the National Animal of India?
14.) Which is the National Flower of India?
Ans. Lotus
15.) Name of the National Bird of India is
Ans. Peacock
16.) Before accepting Tiger as National Animal of India, which of the following was National Animal?
Ans. Lion
17.) When was the unified National Calendar to be used for all official purposes introduced in India?
Ans. 22 March 1957
18.) Which is the first month of National Calendar of India?
Ans. Chaitra
19.) What is co-relation of first month of Indian National Calendar with Christian era calendar?
Ans. Chaitra 1 falling on 21 March in common years and 22 March in a leap year
20.) The National Calendar of India is based on:
Ans. Saka Era
Ans. Midnight of 16 January 1974
2.) How many spokes are there in the wheel (Chakra) of the National Flag of India?
Ans. 24
3.) What is approximate diameter of the wheel (Chakra) of National Flag?
Ans. Less than half of the width of the whole flag
4.) The Indian Flag is rectangular in shape and the ratio of the length to breadth is?
Ans. 2 : 1
5.) The cloth of National Flag of India is?
Ans. Cotton Poplin
6.) The colour of Chakra (wheel) in the white band of the National Flag is ______.
Ans. Blue black
7.) From where has the design of the wheel on white band of Indian National Flag been taken?
Ans. Symbol of industrialization
8.) Out of five stanzas of National Anthem of India, how many stanzas have been adopted by the Defence Forces?
Ans. Only first stanza
9.) When was the State Emblem of India adopted by Government of India?
Ans. 26 January 1950
10.) How many Lions are visible in the State Emblem of India?
Ans. Three full
11.) National Emblem of India is an adaptation from ____.
Ans.the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka
12.) The words рSatya Meva JayateҀ from the Mundaka Upanishad are related to
Ans. National Emblem of India
13.) Which is the National Animal of India?
14.) Which is the National Flower of India?
Ans. Lotus
15.) Name of the National Bird of India is
Ans. Peacock
16.) Before accepting Tiger as National Animal of India, which of the following was National Animal?
Ans. Lion
17.) When was the unified National Calendar to be used for all official purposes introduced in India?
Ans. 22 March 1957
18.) Which is the first month of National Calendar of India?
Ans. Chaitra
19.) What is co-relation of first month of Indian National Calendar with Christian era calendar?
Ans. Chaitra 1 falling on 21 March in common years and 22 March in a leap year
20.) The National Calendar of India is based on:
Ans. Saka Era
Basic general knowledge for SSC , UPSC and other competitive exams( I )
1.) How many languages and dialects are spoken by people all over the word?
Ans. 9,000
2.) Approximately, how many people speak Chinese language?
Ans. 1 billion
3.) The language with the richest vocabulary is
Ans. English
4.) English language have more than _______ words
Ans. 4,50,000
5.) The oldest Indian language is:
Ans. Tamil
6.) Which book has been printed in the maximum number of languages and scripts?
Ans.The Bible
7.) The only religious book ever printed in a shorthand script is The
Ans. Bible
8.) The oldest printed work in the world, which dates back to AD 868 is
Ans. The Hiraka Sutra
9.) The largest book, the super book, is _______ and weighs _______
Ans. 270 cm, 300 cm, 252 kg
10.) Les Hommes de bonne volonte is
Ans. The longest novel ever published
Ans. 9,000
2.) Approximately, how many people speak Chinese language?
Ans. 1 billion
3.) The language with the richest vocabulary is
Ans. English
4.) English language have more than _______ words
Ans. 4,50,000
5.) The oldest Indian language is:
Ans. Tamil
6.) Which book has been printed in the maximum number of languages and scripts?
Ans.The Bible
7.) The only religious book ever printed in a shorthand script is The
Ans. Bible
8.) The oldest printed work in the world, which dates back to AD 868 is
Ans. The Hiraka Sutra
9.) The largest book, the super book, is _______ and weighs _______
Ans. 270 cm, 300 cm, 252 kg
10.) Les Hommes de bonne volonte is
Ans. The longest novel ever published
Friday, November 16, 2012
Eyes on Facebook
Late last night I was on Stumbleupon and found an interesting article about Facebook. The article was focusing on a little trick that admissions offices are using when looking at prospective students. Colleges are looking at your Facebook profiles to see what type of person you are. I can't put it any simpler. The eyes are on you!
The article goes on to speak about how high school students change their names to "FunkMasterFloikes" and untag themselves from "risky" photographs that might harm their chances of getting accepted. The article also mentions that inappropriate tweets might also put your chances at risk.
Where's the privacy?! Oh wait, I remember now, we sign off our freedom once we agree to their "terms".
Ahh, the beauty of the internet, you gotta' love it!
The article does focus on high school students, but believe me, once you graduate, employers will be searching your name up as well.
Here's an excerpt from the article:
The article:
The article goes on to speak about how high school students change their names to "FunkMasterFloikes" and untag themselves from "risky" photographs that might harm their chances of getting accepted. The article also mentions that inappropriate tweets might also put your chances at risk.
Where's the privacy?! Oh wait, I remember now, we sign off our freedom once we agree to their "terms".
Ahh, the beauty of the internet, you gotta' love it!
The article does focus on high school students, but believe me, once you graduate, employers will be searching your name up as well.
Here's an excerpt from the article:
"It turns out students have good reason to worry. According to a recent Kaplan Test Prep survey of 350 admissions officers, more than 25 percent of school officials said they had looked up applicants on Facebook or Google. Off campus, a similar percentage of private scholarship organizations also acknowledge researching their applicants online, according to a National Scholarship Providers Association survey. Still, many admissions directors are reluctant to provide specifics in how they scour social feeds. No, many say, they donҀt look up every applicant online, but yes, if they somehow come across an inappropriate tweet or Facebook post, it could factor into their decision. No, theyҀd never use it as the deciding factor between two similar applicants, but yes, students should be mindful of what they post."
The article:
Everyone and their mother has a Facebook account and for the most part, people don't care what they put on their pages. The one thing you should really pay mind to, is that companies that are hiring are also looking into social media to see if the candidates they interview are the people they say they are.
Try to remember that when you are about to apply to a new job or a new school, you should think about taking down the pictures from that house party you were at and that one shot of you "rehydrating" yourself because it could come back to haunt you!
Think of what gets put on the internet.
To you it might just be a beer, but to a future employer it could be a reason not to hire.
"Stay thirsty my friends"

Try to remember that when you are about to apply to a new job or a new school, you should think about taking down the pictures from that house party you were at and that one shot of you "rehydrating" yourself because it could come back to haunt you!
Think of what gets put on the internet.
To you it might just be a beer, but to a future employer it could be a reason not to hire.
"Stay thirsty my friends"

Planning for Life Succes
In SBISD we are helping students be college-ready and more. We believe no matter what our students are planning to do after high school, they can find their passion and spark a love of life-long learning and ultimately life success.
SBISD educators want to ensure that every student graduates from high school college-ready and ready to meet the challenges of a college curriculum or the demands of an increasingly knowledge-based workforce. Start planning now!
SBISD educators want to ensure that every student graduates from high school college-ready and ready to meet the challenges of a college curriculum or the demands of an increasingly knowledge-based workforce. Start planning now!
Do you know where you stand?
There are many factors involved in the college the admission process. However, a student's standardized test score and GPA are the biggest factors in determining acceptance into American universities.
According to College Board, as more and more students decide to attend college, competition is tougher, and factors such as GPA and SAT scores are becoming more important. It's critical for current high school juniors to know their GPA, rank and testing scores so they can plan the work they need to do in the spring semester. Click here to find out what you need to know.
According to College Board, as more and more students decide to attend college, competition is tougher, and factors such as GPA and SAT scores are becoming more important. It's critical for current high school juniors to know their GPA, rank and testing scores so they can plan the work they need to do in the spring semester. Click here to find out what you need to know.
Are you safe? Be informed and avoid financial aid scams.
Every year, several hundred thousand students and parents are defrauded by scholarship scams. Scam operations often imitate legitimate government agencies, grant-giving foundations, education lenders and scholarship matching services, using official-sounding names containing words like "National," "Federal," "Foundation," or "Administration."
Learn how to protect yourself from scholarship scams; and what to do if you are scammed.
Learn how to protect yourself from scholarship scams; and what to do if you are scammed.
FAFSA and TAFSA - Workshops
For most students, the FAFSA is the first step in applying to and being eligible for over 90% of available financial aid funds.
Click here for more details >>
Do you know how you're going to pay for college?
Paying for college can be one of the toughest parts of earning your degree - but it doesnҀt have to be. Use our tips, tools, and advice to learn the best ways to pay for college, including scholarships, savings, grants, loans, and more.
Once you have started your college search, start applying to scholarships, and saving money. Seek out federal financial aid, and make sure to investigate all your options when it comes to financial decisions about college. Click here for more information.
Colleges will accept either the SAT or ACT. So which should you take?
There is not a right or wrong answer for which test you should take. It's all about the numbers. Some students end up scoring substantially higher on the SAT; others do better on the ACT. The best option is to take both tests.
Click here for information about both test that will assist you in planning for when to take it and how to prepare.
A New Online Tool
Welcome to myDigitial Counselor.
Are you planning for life after high school graduation? We're here to help! This site is designed to help you as you plan for a prepare for life after high school graduation. From planning to testing tips and advise on financial aid, this site is just one of many tools you can use to effectively plan for college and beyond.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Coping with Annoyance
College like the rest of your life, will introduce a special person who you just won't like. A professor, boss, in-law or a coworker can fit this category perfectly.
I call these people "special" because they are the ones who will drive you insane.
It takes time, but you CAN deal with these people. Dealing with difficult people takes patience and maturity and believe me, biting your tongue isn't the easiest thing to do but it can be the smartest thing in the long run.
When placed in a situation where you feel yourself slipping away, keep a few things in mind.
1. Empathy: Put yourself in their shoes. This does not mean feeling bad for the person, just try and see this disagreement from their point of view. Sometimes it's easier to point the finger than to look in the mirror and realize that you might be the one who is wrong. It helps to stand back and truly focus on the situation. Right before an argument is about to start, focus on what the other person is saying, it might help resolve the issue before it escalates.
2.Take a breath: Some people are hot heads and can easily flip out. If you can calm yourself down, you can possibly avoid a negative situation. No one knows you better than you. If you reach a point where one smart remark can throw you over the edge, it is time to inhale, and exhale. Count from one to ten, roll your shoulders back a few times, pray to your "ALL MIGHTY" or just grab your ears and "Woosah, Woooooooosahhh"
3.Just be quiet: I am for speaking your mind and standing up for what's right, but sometimes we can get carried away. I believe that knowing when to speak can help everyone grow as people. Remember when you were younger and you heard the infamous line "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? That line might have not meant anything to you then but as you get older you'll see that it is actually a very helpful tool when dealing with an aggravating person. Knowing when to speak can save you a terrible headache.
Life is about growing and learning from our mistakes. Keep in mind that college is an important stepping stone in your life. As much as you might want to put a professor in the octagon and drop a flying a kick, realize that life doesn't always offer such a barbaric alternative.
(unless you don't mind spending some time in prison for aggravated assault)
Catch you next time.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
Starbucks vs Dunkin' Donuts
Caffeine Fiends Unite!
Coffee, don't we all love it? Some more than others of course. A cup of coffee is almost synonymous with a college classroom. Whether its a cup before midterms, finals, a group project, or even hanging on campus, it appears that college students NEED the brewed excellence.
We've all had a great cup of coffee at least once in our life times. Some prefer a medium hazelnut coffee from Dunkin' Donuts (my favorite) or a mouth watering, sensation tingling,
double-mocha-choca-locka-ploppa-droppa-to-the-flora-chino (see what I did there?), We can all agree that coffee is delicious and it is loved by the masses!
When you think of coffee, Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks are the first two places that pop into your head. These two giants have been clashing for a couple years now, and despite Starbucks skyrocketing in business ventures, many people still prefer a nice brew of Dunkin' Donuts.
The prices vary, but here's an estimate of each cup.
Keep in mind that an "extra" anything adds a couple cents more to your order.
Each brand has its own attributes and distinguishing features. Starbucks has a very "hipster" feel to it. Many Dunkin' Donuts spots just feel like an "in and out joint" You go in, get your coffee, and go out, simple. That doesn't mean that Dunkin' is of lesser quality than Starbucks, it just means that Starbucks wanted to make a name for themselves. Some Starbucks locations feel like lounges. The owners knew that by using fancy names for their cup sizes, and giving their customers a variety of choices, they would gain the attention they wanted.
So here's the question folks. Which one do you prefer before that 8 a.m. class?
Do you like the fancy deliciousness of Starbucks? or would you rather have a rich cup of goodness at Dunkin' Donuts?
Comment below or hit me up on Twitter and let me know what's your favorite cup o' joe-
Here are some facts about Starbucks you might not know!
Catch you next time,
Coffee, don't we all love it? Some more than others of course. A cup of coffee is almost synonymous with a college classroom. Whether its a cup before midterms, finals, a group project, or even hanging on campus, it appears that college students NEED the brewed excellence.
We've all had a great cup of coffee at least once in our life times. Some prefer a medium hazelnut coffee from Dunkin' Donuts (my favorite) or a mouth watering, sensation tingling,
double-mocha-choca-locka-ploppa-droppa-to-the-flora-chino (see what I did there?), We can all agree that coffee is delicious and it is loved by the masses!
When you think of coffee, Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks are the first two places that pop into your head. These two giants have been clashing for a couple years now, and despite Starbucks skyrocketing in business ventures, many people still prefer a nice brew of Dunkin' Donuts.
The prices vary, but here's an estimate of each cup.
Keep in mind that an "extra" anything adds a couple cents more to your order.
Each brand has its own attributes and distinguishing features. Starbucks has a very "hipster" feel to it. Many Dunkin' Donuts spots just feel like an "in and out joint" You go in, get your coffee, and go out, simple. That doesn't mean that Dunkin' is of lesser quality than Starbucks, it just means that Starbucks wanted to make a name for themselves. Some Starbucks locations feel like lounges. The owners knew that by using fancy names for their cup sizes, and giving their customers a variety of choices, they would gain the attention they wanted.
So here's the question folks. Which one do you prefer before that 8 a.m. class?
Do you like the fancy deliciousness of Starbucks? or would you rather have a rich cup of goodness at Dunkin' Donuts?
Comment below or hit me up on Twitter and let me know what's your favorite cup o' joe-
Here are some facts about Starbucks you might not know!
Catch you next time,
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Don't be afraid to ask
Many people don't ask for help out of fear of being rejected. I have actually refused help just so that I wouldn't seem desperate. Silly thought right? Well the truth is that many students feel this way. Remember in middle school when you really wanted to know the answer to something but you were too scared that people would laugh at you? I fell victim to that for years!
Help is available and as students we need to take advantage of all the help we can get. Here are some steps that you can take to help you get out of that "comfort zone" and get the answers you need.
1. Study Groups- If you are afraid of asking a question in class (which you shouldn't be, but we are all guilty of it) study groups are a great way of interacting with fellow classmates and discussing the course. If you have friends in a class, take the time out to meet up somewhere and go over notes, study for tests, and share ideas about the course.
2. Research- As simple as this option is, many people do not realize that the internet is the MOTHER LOAD when it comes to information, after all this is college so we should all be amazing when it comes to looking stuff up. If you aren't that internet savvy, ask a librarian.
3. Professors- I absolutely get it if you are too shy to ask a question during class, but professors are open to meeting up before or after class to discuss an issue. Emailing a professor never hurt either.
Here is a cheesy yet effective video which showcases the benefits of Utilizing your Professor's office hours.
Help is available and as students we need to take advantage of all the help we can get. Here are some steps that you can take to help you get out of that "comfort zone" and get the answers you need.
1. Study Groups- If you are afraid of asking a question in class (which you shouldn't be, but we are all guilty of it) study groups are a great way of interacting with fellow classmates and discussing the course. If you have friends in a class, take the time out to meet up somewhere and go over notes, study for tests, and share ideas about the course.
2. Research- As simple as this option is, many people do not realize that the internet is the MOTHER LOAD when it comes to information, after all this is college so we should all be amazing when it comes to looking stuff up. If you aren't that internet savvy, ask a librarian.
3. Professors- I absolutely get it if you are too shy to ask a question during class, but professors are open to meeting up before or after class to discuss an issue. Emailing a professor never hurt either.
Here is a cheesy yet effective video which showcases the benefits of Utilizing your Professor's office hours.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
It is that time of the year where we are given the opportunity to exercise one of our great rights. VOTING!
For those of you who aren't sure if you should vote, I scavenged the "interwebs" to find the Top 5 reasons why College Students should go out and vote! This is one way to get your voice heard and no matter who you're voting for, this is the ultimate way to stand behind your candidate.
1.)Its your right-Just as you've been told since elementary school, voting is an important right we have a duty to exercise. Many governments around the world allow citizens no part in electing officials. You do have the opportunity to help select government leaders, and the health of our democracy relies on your participation.

3).You're living life as an adult now- Despite conventional attitudes about college students not being in the "real world," much of your daily life involves very serious and important decisions. You manage your finances; you are taking charge of your education and career; you are doing your best, every day, to improve yourself through higher education. In essence, you are becoming an adult (if you aren't one already). Your vote, then, matters most because you are finally able to cast it. Go voice your opinions on issues, policies, candidates, and referendums. Stand up for what you believe in. Vote!
4.)Your choice of presidential candidate could impact issues like abortion and gay marriage rights. How? As Laura Seldon of MTVҀs Rock the Vote explains, Supreme Court justices, who are appointed by the President, are appointed for life. Four of the nine current justices are in their seventies, which means that there is a good chance they will be retiring or possibly experiencing age-related health issues within the next few years. The President may likely have to appoint a new justice, and the Supreme Court hears cases that deal with issues like voter rights, gay marriage, affirmative action, and more. Your life and your American rights could be affected.
5.) IT IS OUR FUTURE- Like many others, college students feel that voting isn't that important. They feel that their "1" vote wont make a difference. Well what if 1,000,000 students felt that way? Those votes are valuable and just because these students thought their vote didn't matter, we're faced with a politician who might not be fit for the job. This election impacts all of us.
Let's go out there and vote!
Remember that not many countries have this freedom...
Saturday, November 3, 2012
The Roommate Experience #4

1. What's your major? What would you like to pursue with it?
"My major is Business Management Entrepreneurship. Some day I would like to own and operate my own business using the skills that I learned in school.
2. What advice would you give to a new student at Berkeley who's shy but open to meeting new people?
"I would tell the student to go to the events that our school runs and participate. I am a shy person and that is how I met a lot of people. Most of the people that go to the events are outgoing and fun to hang out with, so meeting new people shouldn't be a problem."
3. What's the funniest or most embarrassing moment you've had while living with a roommate?
"Something crazy that happened to me was this one time that my old roommate would not stop starring at me for at least a week straight. In our room there was a refrigerator right in the middle and right next to it was my roommate's dresser. One night I was tired and hungry so I got my food out of the fridge and I put it on top of his dresser. As soon as I did that he walked in the room and stared me down. I could tell that he didn't like me using his dresser as a table so I moved my food to my side of the room, but noticed that he was still staring at me. No matter what I said, he wouldn't stop so I never wanted to be in my room. I would always hang out in the lounges at the school just to avoid him. For the rest of the time that he and I were roommates it was very awkward for me."
Talk about creepy!!
Shawn works for Student Development and Campus Life at the Woodland park campus. If you ever meet him, ask him if he thinks his roommate ever watched him sleep. (ha.ha)
Catch you next time,
Thanks for reading.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Let's be honest, none of us love to do school work 24/7. We all need that one hobby to help us take our minds off of things. Some people like to read, write, draw, or play videos games. No matter what it is you like to do, enjoying your free time helps stimulate your mind. There is one website which can actually help get those creative juices flowing. That website is called
Stumbleupon is a free website that allows you to create a custom web search of all the categories you choose from. I have had an account for a couple of months now and I can honestly say I use it at least five times a week.
There are plenty of categories to choose from. Some of my favorites are Paranormal, Humor, Tattoos, and Web Design.
This website also has a FREE app! FREE I TELL YOU!
"Warning" once you start Stumblin' you cannot stop!
Here's one of the websites I stumbled upon. It is hilarious!
P.S, If you guys get a chance go check out my personal blog where I post short stories, poems, and what ever else comes to mind! THANKS!
Stumbleupon is a free website that allows you to create a custom web search of all the categories you choose from. I have had an account for a couple of months now and I can honestly say I use it at least five times a week.

This website also has a FREE app! FREE I TELL YOU!
"Warning" once you start Stumblin' you cannot stop!
Here's one of the websites I stumbled upon. It is hilarious!
P.S, If you guys get a chance go check out my personal blog where I post short stories, poems, and what ever else comes to mind! THANKS!
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