And that is what is interesting about Berners-LeeҀs history. While he too hadnҀt recognized the entire import of his creation in the early 90s, he was a lot more prescient about itҀs consequences than most of us. And while he wasnҀt entirely in control of how his creation would be adopted (what inventor is?) his history is important because the texture of so many of our lives have been defined by events and visions that he was closely associated with.
One way to historicize our present online life is to simply mark our current surfing selves as the present and skip back to the moment Berners-Lee launched the first Web page at CERN in 1991. That first Web page is a historical monument which deserves a place in our collective memories as much as say, the joining of the transcontinental railroad or the first telephone communication by Alexander Graham Bell. But whatҀs left out, and what Berners-LeeҀs book helps to illuminate is that our present online life doesnҀt just rest on that achievement alone but is also contingent and the product of a myriad of other successes, failures, and ongoing battles. What is often lost when we merely think of Berners-Lee as the inventor of the Web and the first person to post a Web page is that the Web wasnҀt just a technological invention but an evolving set of communication practices and agreements that Berners-Lee was instrumental in forming. Berners-Lee, after all, wasnҀt the first to provide a clickable GUI that people could use to get information off the internet. Those achievements were preceded by companies like Prodigy and AOL. What Berners-Lee really did was to persuade a threshold number of user to adopt a set of communication protocols that no one company (as yet anyway) has been able to monopolize and make solely their own. Today we can jump on the Web with a large number of browsers owned by a variety of different companies in large part because of Berners-LeeҀs work and his belief that this was the right thing to do.
There were times in the early days of the Web when it looked like a particular companyҀs browser might become so ubiquitous and successful that itҀs functionality would drive and define Web protocols. And Berners-Lee, had he decided to form his own browser company, or join an existing one, might have crystallized such an outcome. But Berners-Lee (at least as he recounts his story) didnҀt have the same inclinations as a Marc Andreeson or a Bill Gates. His primary interest was in making the Web into a thriving ecosystem rather than in the profit and success of an individual company. It was this reason why, instead of creating a company, he decided instead to form and direct the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that would maintain and expand on the Web standards he had introduced through the introduction of his first Web site. As he puts it:
ŀ[m]y primary mission was to make sure that the Web I had crated continued to evolve. There were still many things that could have gone wrong. It could have faded away, been replaced by a different system, have fragmented, or changed its nature so that it ceased to exist as a universal mediumŀMy motivation was to make sure that the Web became what IҀd originally intended it to be ր a universal medium for sharing information. Starting a company would not have done much to further this goal, and it would have risked the prompting of competition, which could have turned the Web into a bunch of proprietary products. (page 87)
Given that the book is by Berners-Lee itҀs possible that passages like the above are just self-congratulatory autobiography. But thereҀs a reason why Berners-Lee was knighted: by heading the W3C heҀs been genuinely, insistently, and abidingly, interested in creating a universal medium for communication that transcends the domain of any single company. We are where we are now not just because of his original inventiveness but because of his interest in developing a larger public good.
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