
1.Lust- Everyone knows that college equals parties. I remember thinking back in high school how much I was looking forward to the parties and crazy stories that come from them. The one thing that college students of all ages should be aware of is the risk of STDs. "Only 54 percent of students regularly use condoms during vaginal intercourse, 29 percent during anal intercourse and only 4 percent during oral sex." If those numbers don't scare you, you might find yourself slipping into the statistics. Contraceptives folks, they'll lower your chances.

2.Gluttony- Whether it's the "Freshmen 15" or random partying, students sometimes find it hard to maintain a healthy diet. College students eat what is easy to make, and easy on the wallet. The alcohol consumption doesn't help either but we all fall victim to the occasional drink or two. Drinking and eating crazy will surely show you that living a "YOLO" lifestyle can put a hole in your wallet, and give you a cute little kangaroo pouch to match.
3.Greed- Money hungry aren't you? The reason students seek a higher education is to get higher paying jobs. Where does the sin come in you might ask? Well some students are simply driven by money, they'll study for a degree that they think will get them more money but end up hating their career. Students like a great portion of the world are driven by money, but money comes and goes. At the end of the day you are in college, and will already be in a higher class than those who do not have a higher education. We all like a buck or two, but why not focus on school now and let the "mula" flow in later?

4.Sloth- If there was one sin that we are ALL GUILTY of it would be sloth. College students are full of excuses, "I don't need to go to this class today" or my favorite, "I'll start that paper tomorrow." A pamphlet describing ways to avoid laziness should come in the college bundle they give you at freshmen orientation. Leaving things for last-minute is something we all do and the majority of students get bit in the derriere when they realize that due dates are creeping up. We my friends, are sinners!
5.Wrath- A couple of situations pop into mind when I hear wrath. When I hear wrath I think of students who erupt at the financial aid office. Keep calm, half the time it isn't their fault that you didn't get an extra loan. Don't rip their throats out! The other situation I immediately thought of, is that loud mouthed student who always picks a fight with the professor. It just makes me want to hit them with a shoe *insert George Bush joke here*. College is a new realm and there should always be mutual respect between students and professors. If it isn't that serious, zip it, and just get your work done.

7.Pride-by definition, pride means "a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to acknowledge the good work of others, and excessive love of self". In life everyone should possess self esteem. No one can love you better than yourself. College teaches you many things. People find exactly who they are in college and that finding dictates who they will be for a good portion of their lives. On the other hand, it's easy to lose yourself in college. The one piece of advice I have is always try and keep yourself grounded. Chances are if you don't feel right doing something, it isn't you.
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