It is that time of the year where we are given the opportunity to exercise one of our great rights. VOTING!
For those of you who aren't sure if you should vote, I scavenged the "interwebs" to find the Top 5 reasons why College Students should go out and vote! This is one way to get your voice heard and no matter who you're voting for, this is the ultimate way to stand behind your candidate.
1.)Its your right-Just as you've been told since elementary school, voting is an important right we have a duty to exercise. Many governments around the world allow citizens no part in electing officials. You do have the opportunity to help select government leaders, and the health of our democracy relies on your participation.

3).You're living life as an adult now- Despite conventional attitudes about college students not being in the "real world," much of your daily life involves very serious and important decisions. You manage your finances; you are taking charge of your education and career; you are doing your best, every day, to improve yourself through higher education. In essence, you are becoming an adult (if you aren't one already). Your vote, then, matters most because you are finally able to cast it. Go voice your opinions on issues, policies, candidates, and referendums. Stand up for what you believe in. Vote!
4.)Your choice of presidential candidate could impact issues like abortion and gay marriage rights. How? As Laura Seldon of MTVҀs Rock the Vote explains, Supreme Court justices, who are appointed by the President, are appointed for life. Four of the nine current justices are in their seventies, which means that there is a good chance they will be retiring or possibly experiencing age-related health issues within the next few years. The President may likely have to appoint a new justice, and the Supreme Court hears cases that deal with issues like voter rights, gay marriage, affirmative action, and more. Your life and your American rights could be affected.
5.) IT IS OUR FUTURE- Like many others, college students feel that voting isn't that important. They feel that their "1" vote wont make a difference. Well what if 1,000,000 students felt that way? Those votes are valuable and just because these students thought their vote didn't matter, we're faced with a politician who might not be fit for the job. This election impacts all of us.
Let's go out there and vote!
Remember that not many countries have this freedom...
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