With that being said I think it's time I put on a monocle and get into my psychology state of mind.

How many of you know exactly what you want to do with your life? If you don't know what you want to do just yet, don't stress it. There is a simple task you can do to get the motor started. Here is what I want you to think about for a second. If you have a goal isn't the best way of achieving it to start planning? Surely many of you know that once out of college, real life starts but planning for the future can start anywhere.

I am a firm believer in the power of your mind. What I mean by that is if you believe it, it will be achieved. If you want to be successful you have to believe it.
If any of you have taken psychology, you might be familiar with Maslow's Hierarchy pyramid. To your right is an extremely well designed image of the pyramid. The pyramid basically breaks down into five sections that describe the needs of humans. Self-Actualization is at the top of the pyramid and some people never get there. Self-Actualization is the highest point you can reach and it represents you accomplishing your life goals.
Many people never get there, but I promise you that the people who don't get there are the people that quit.
We can all reach our goals but if we don't start thinking about what it is we want to accomplish now, we'll never get there!
That my friends, was food for thought.
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