The knowledge, fulfillment, self-awareness, and broadening of horizons that come from a college experience can transform your life ׀ and the lives of those around you ׀ in other equally valuable ways.
More security, better health, closer family and stronger community, in addition to greater wealth, are the real value of a college education.
Think about it...
BETTER HEALTHBetter health makes everything else possible. It gives you the strength to take on lifeҀs challenges. To enjoy the opportunities that come your way. College is where you can build the knowledge and skills to maintain better health. Young adults with a 4-year college degree are much less likely to be obese than those with only a high school diploma.
Stronger community means more cooperation, more collaboration ׀ and more progress in understanding and solving the issues we face as a society. College is where you can shape your views on those issues. Find your voice. And build a stronger community. Individuals aged 18 to 24 with a 4-year college degree were much more likely to vote in the 2008 election.
More security means less worry. Less worry that you wonҀt be able to support yourself or the people you love. That youҀll have to rely on others to get by. College is a way to achieve independence. To achieve more security. Individuals with a 4-year college degree are about half as likely to be unemployed as those with only a high school diploma.
Closer family comes from sharing life experiences, from passing on knowledge, from inspiring the next generation to achieve even more than the last. College is an opportunity for you to broaden your world, to create the foundation for a closer family. Children of parents with a 4-year college degree are much more likely to be read to every day than children of parents with only a high school diploma.
--Reprinted from the College Board Adcovacy and Policy Center
See all the ways a college degree can enhance your life and lifestyle: ycg.org/edpays
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