Monday, December 10, 2012

Shepherd University

Transfer Opportunity Program at Shepherd (TOPS)

Shepherd and Montgomery College have collaborated to form this guaranteed transfer agreement.

A 35% tuition discount to students transferring from MC to Shepherd with honors and at least a cumulative 3.4 GPA.
A 25% tuition discount to students transferring from MC to Shepherd with at least a cumulative 2.8 GPA.

Discount is available for up to four consecutive semesters after completion of an associate's degree.
Must be enrolled full-time each semester and earn at least 24 credit hours by the end of each spring semester, excluding summer.
Must maintain at least a 2.8 GPA at Shepherd.

  1. You have achieved at least a 2.8 cumulative GPA from MC and all college work, making you eligible for consideration for a 25% discount off of Shepherd's out-of-state tuition rate. Students who graduate with honors from MC with at least a 3.4 GPA from MC and all college work may be eligible for a 35% discount off of Shepherd's out-of-state tuition rate.
  2. Your official, final transcript must be received at Shepherd by September 15 for the fall semester and February 15 for the spring semester. Your discount will be awarded once your official, final MC transcript indicating your graduation date is received by the Office of Admissions.

The discount is available for up to four consecutive semesters after completion of an associate's degree.
To maintain this discount while enrolled at Shepherd, you must begin each fall and spring semester at full-time status (12 credits or more), you must earn at least 24 credit hours by the end of each spring semester, excluding summer, and you must enroll continuously each semester, excluding summer. Students who begin this program in the spring semester need to earn at least 12 credit hours at the end of the spring semester to maintain the discount.
To maintain the 25% discount while enrolled at Shepherd, you must maintain a minimum Shepherd University GPA of 2.8. To maintain the 35% discount while enrolled at Shepherd, you must maintain a minimum Shepherd University GPA of 3.0.
    Students are guaranteed housing if they apply by July 1.

    For more information, visit 

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