Good morning world!
Back in September I posted a blog titled Home Sick, and It spoke about a couple ideas on how to deal with being away from home. I decided to revisit that post and give some tips on dealing with homesickness.
During this holiday season it's a great feeling knowing that you'll be going home to spend some time with your family. If you can't make it home for the holidays, try and focus the following three key points.
Always remember that your family is who you let into your hearts. Blood is thicker than water but love conquers all. Enjoy.

1.Ask a friend- College students are known to grow a pretty tight bond. If you know you cannot get home this holiday season, try to go home with a friend. I know some of you might find it difficult to just ask to someone if you could go home with them, but if you and your friends are truly close, they will accept you like the family member you are.
2.Avoid Pity- So you couldn't go home this year, DO NOT drown in your sorrows. As much as you want to sink into your bed, get up and do something. If you have to read a book, watch every single Jackie Chan movie, or even take on origami, just do something to relax. I don't want to sound like a preacher here but love yourself!
3.Go out and meet people- If you are on campus or near a town, this holiday season can be a great opportunity to meet people. While on campus, walk around the halls and see who you bump in to, chances are they might be looking for someone to hang out with. The same thing goes for a town near you. If you hit the streets you can get your mind off of things, and just enjoy the break for what it is, time off.
Whether you are home with your family, or riding solo this holiday season, you should keep in mind that being optimistic goes a long way. If you couldn't make it back home, be thankful that you at least have a roof over your head, many people spend the holiday season on the streets. If you got stuck on campus, be thankful that you're healthy and that you got the chance to see another day. As we approach this holiday season always remember that a family member does not have to be a blood relative, family comes from within.
Happy Holidays!
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