Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Edstartup Idea

This week in Edstartup 101, we've been asked to explain our idea in no more than two screens full of text. My idea is a non-profit, but non-profits have to start up, too, right?


I would like to create a non-profit which promotes a new vision of the K-12 education system by collecting and disseminating research in best learning practices, running a demonstration school to model our vision, and producing open resources that allow other districts and states to scale the curriculum and practices of the demonstration school.  Key components of the vision would include: multiage and developmentally grouped classes; competency based core curriculum; technology used both to learn and to create; and an emphasis on collaboration and lifelong learning skills.

What problem does your idea solve?

In one of his blog posts, Will Richardson sums up the problem by saying, "...if we donҀt start writing and advocating for a very different vision of learning in real classrooms, one that is focused not just on doing the things we've been doing better but in ways that are truly reinvented, one that prepares kids to be innovators and designers and entrepreneurs and, most importantly, learners, we will quickly find ourselves competing at scale with cheaper, easier alternatives that wonҀt serve our kids as well."

How does your idea fix the problem?

In order to reinvent education in K-12, we have to make more changes than will happen in a public school under current conditions.  Thomas Carol says, "If we didnҀt have the schools we have today, would we create the schools we have today?"  Only by separating the school from current state and federal legislation can we actually answer that question with a model.  The non-profit will run a grant funded, zero tuition demonstration school with exceptionally transparent practices to serve as a blueprint for bold changes.

Why do you want to fix the problem?

I've been in education for most of my life, as a student, a teacher, a consultant, and a parent.  I believe we as humans are curious, self directed learners, that we are better together than apart, and that caring mentors are essential to the learning experience.  I am disheartened by the relentless emphasis on high stakes testing and scripted teaching.  I want to model a bold change that scales without being standardized.

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