Many people donҀt know how to deal with being home sick. We all love to be in our comfort zones so it is only natural to feel uneasy when you are away from home. The majority of the time when you arrive at a new school, you aren't going to know everyone that is there. Homesickness does creep up on you, but there are ways of dealing with it.
- You might not know anyone, but you do have one thing in common, you all are college students so that could be a great way to start a conversation.
- If there is a cafeteria, sit by someone and make conversation.
- Keep in mind that there are other new students there who are also shy so donҀt let that hold you back.
- No group of people can replace your family, but friends can feel like a family, so join groups.
ӀYouԀ Time:
- Find something you love to do alone, and embrace it.
- Visit the gym to get a little cardio in.
- Watch movies or T.V shows youҀve never seen.
- Most importantly, do NOT focus on the fact that you are alone; remember that your family will always be there for you and that by you going to school you are making them extremely proud!

Catch you next time,
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