(last date: 26july 2012)
(last date: 26july 2012)
Applications are invited through Registered Post for the under mentioned posts
POST 1: 32 posts of Auditors (14 posts for Head Quarter) & (18 posts for Sub Office
)(GEN=16, SC=4, BCA=4, ESM GEN=1, ESM SC=1, ESM BCA=2, ESM BCB=1, OSP SC=1, OSP BCA=2)
Educational Qualification:
-Degree of recognized University or its equivalent.
- Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.
Age: 17-40 years
Pay Scale:9300-34800+ ` 3200 Grade Pay.
POST 2: 12 posts of Junior Engineer (Mechanical)
(GEN=4, SC=2, BCA=2, ESM GEN=1, ESM SC=1, ESM BCB=1, OSP BCB=1)
Educational Qualification:
- Has passed three years National Certificate (Theoretical) Course in Mechanical Engineering conducted by State Board or has qualified the same from any other recognized institution.
- Hindi / Sanskrit upto Matric standard.
Age:17-40 years
Pay Scale: 9300-34800 + ` 3600/- Grade Pay
POST 3: 6 posts of Assistant Public Relations Officer
(GEN=3, BCA=1, ESM BCA=1, ESM BCB=1)
Educational Qualification:
- Graduate from a recognized University or its equivalent.
- Diploma in journalism from a recognized University/ Institute or its equivalent.
One year course from Indian Institute of Mass Communications.
- One year experience in a Publicity Organization of a Union or State Government in a post of comparable responsibility.
One year experience as:
--- a whole-time correspondent in a daily newspaper with a circulation of not less than 10,000 duly certified by Audit Bureau of Circulation.
--- an Editor or a Sub-Editor or a Weekly newspaper with a circulation of not less than 5,000 duly certified by Audit Bureau of Circulation.
--- a whole-time correspondent in a news agency. No honorary or part time experience shall be counted.
- Knowledge of Hindi/Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.
Age :17-40 years
Pay Scale: 9300-34800 + ` 4000/- Grade Pay
Post no :1 to 3
General candidates: Rs 150/-
SC/BC candidates of Haryana: Rs35/-
How to Apply:
A candidate whether he belongs to general category or reserved categories viz. SC, BC, ESM/DESM can submit only one application for particular category of post.
Application form complete in all respects duly filled in by the candidates in their own handwriting in capital letters and signed in the specified space should be sent only through Registered Post to
the Secretary,
Haryana Staff Selection Commission,
Bays No. 67-70, Sector-2,
Panchkula PIN- 134151.
All the column of the application form should be filled in.
Applications related to RTI should be sent by writing рRTI ApplicationҀ on top of envelopes.
The candidate should give details of all the examinations passed from Matriculation or its equivalent onwards and mention total and percentage of marks obtained and maximum marks in each examination.
The candidates are advised to attach photocopy only of essential qualification certificates/diploma/degree with the application form alongwith Eligibility Certificate in case of DESM and Sports Gradation Certificate in case of Outstanding Sports Person category and PHC Certificate from the Competent Authority.
The candidates, who have obtained degrees or Diplomas or Certificates for the various courses from any institution declared fake by the University Grants Commission, shall not be eligible for being considered for recruitment to the posts advertised.
i) One copy of latest stamp size photograph duly attested should be pasted on the application form.
ii) Attested photocopy of Treasury Challan.
iii) Attested photocopy of essential qualifications and above /diploma/degree should be attached with the application form.
iv) Attested copy of fresh Eligibility Certificate in case of DESM candidates duly issued by the respective Zila Sainik Board.
v) Attested copy of Sport Gradation Certificate in case of Outstanding Sports Persons, duly issued by the Competent Authority.
vi) Attested photo copy of BC / SC / PHC Certificate issued by competent authority. The candidates residing outside the state of Haryana should send original Indian Postal Orders with the application forms after retaining counterfoil of IPOҀs with them. They will produce the original Treasury Challan/ IPO (Counter Foil), and all other relevant documents along with Photostat attested copies, at the time of interview.
The candidates are advised that the photocopy of all qualifications should be attached with the application form.
Note :- An application form will be summarily rejected in the following events :-
(i) If a candidate makes more than one application for a particular category.
(ii) If the application is not in the prescribed format appended with this advertisement.
(iii) If the application is unsigned/incomplete.
(iv) If full fee is not deposited in the manner prescribed or proof thereof not attached.
(v) If the application is not sent through Registered Post.
(vi) If the experience certificate is without detail of salary per month received (wherever the condition of experience apply).
(vii) If the application is received in CommissionҀs office after the closing date, HSSC will not be responsible for any postal delay.
(viii) If a candidate does not possess the qualification of Hindi/Sanskrit up to Matric Standard/ Higher Standard.
(ix) If a candidate does not possess the requisite academic qualification on the cut off date.
(x) If a candidate is underage/overage on the cut off date.
(xi) If a candidate does not indicate visible identification mark in column 13 of the application form.
Website : www.hssc.gov.in
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