Have you ever thought about taking advantage of an opportunity to study abroad? If so, the following information about student exchange scholarships may be quite helpful. Student exchange programs, through which students have the opportunity to study and live for a time in a foreign country, can be the experience of a lifetime, but the truth is that for some students participation in these types of programs is only made possible through financial assistance. Fortunately, there are many organizations, including the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)׀the organization we will feature here׀that make applying for these student exchange scholarships a fairly simple process.
Student Exchange Scholarships though CIEE
Among the large fraternity of students who have previously participated in a student exchange program, it would be very difficult to find a person who didnÒ€t enjoy the experience immensely. In fact, many former students will fondly recall their opportunity to study abroad as the experience of a lifetime. However, for some students these opportunities would not even be possible without some type of financial assistance. This is a fact that the CIEE is well aware of, and because of that, the organization has become a vehicle through which students can apply for a number of student exchange scholarships. Just one application packet through the CIEE allows students who are interested in studying abroad to apply to many student exchange scholarships and grants simultaneously, thus increasing their odds of receiving a financial award.
How to Apply for Student Exchange Scholarships through CIEE
Applying for one of the many student exchange scholarships through CIEE is a fairly straightforward process, but candidates should be very careful and meticulous when preparing their application materials. Competition can be rather stiff for these scholarships and the quality of your materials can often be the difference between receiving funding and being passed up.
When applying for one of the many CIEE student exchange scholarships students should first read over the eligibility requirements and procedures for each individual scholarship. Also, keep in mind that incomplete applications will not be considered, and it is the applicantÒ€s responsibility alone that their application packet is complete.
Below are the items that must be submitted together when applying for CIEE student exchange scholarships:
A completed scholarship application form
A financial administrator form
A 500-Word Essay. The 500-word essay you submit should of course be typed, and will require that you address certain areas and topics. These include the location where you plan to study, the term you are applying for and the names of each CIEE scholarship for which you are applying. You should also include information regarding your primary objectives for studying abroad, details regarding your financial need and how the CIEE student exchange scholarships for which you are applying will help you meet those needs. In the final component of your essay, be sure to include any extenuating circumstances or situations that may be relevant in the consideration of your scholarship application. This essay is your first, and perhaps only opportunity to showcase who you are, and therefore, you should write an interesting and polished essay with no spelling or grammatical mistakes.
Additional items may also have to be submitted, based on the eligibility criteria for each individual scholarship. Failure to include these items could significantly jeopardize your student exchange scholarships application.
There are two firm deadlines for submitting CIEE scholarship applications, April 1 for summer, fall, and academic year programs, and November 1, for winter, spring, and calendar year programs. Awardees will be notified by email approximately 4 weeks following either of these two deadline dates.
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