What is an international student? Actually, the term Ӏinternational studentsԀ has a dual definition. Of course, anyone studying in a foreign country, such as students in a study abroad program, would be considered an international student. But you also must consider those students who, because they currently live in another country, usually because one or both of their parents are employed by an international or multinational company, attend a type of international school in which the curriculum is based on their country of originҀs curriculum, and delivered in their own native language. In this article we will discuss both types of international students in a bit more detail, including the benefits of studying at an international school.
International Students: Study Abroad Students
The Ӏstudy abroadԀ type of international student is one who applies in his or her home country to study abroad in one of the many participating foreign countries. These international students typically study in a host country for a predetermined amount of time; one semester, a full academic year, or a more short-term summer session spanning 4-5 weeks.
Studying abroad as an international student can be the experience of a lifetime, with memories that will be cherished forever. A couple of the benefits to being an international student include:
Academic Enrichment. Studying abroad not only allows students to experience an alternate academic setting and atmosphere, it gives them an alternate perspective on the world and teaches them new approaches to studying and solving problems. These benefits are invaluable and will almost certainly improve their academic success upon returning to their home school.
Learning to Appreciate other Cultures. The variance between tolerating other cultures and appreciating them is vast. International students studying abroad have the unique opportunity to be entirely immersed in another culture; the customs, language and traditions. And because of that, most students will usually come to embrace that culture as if it were their own.
International Students: Foreign Residents
International students who are residents of a country other than their homeland can benefit greatly from attending an international school. Two of these benefits are:
Preparing for College. When students attend an international school׀a school that offers a curriculum they are familiar with in a language they comprehend׀they are able to improve their academic success and prepare for college either in their home country or at any number of international universities.
Increase Professional Opportunities. International students regularly interact with students and faculty from a number of diverse backgrounds. This experience, which often includes new language acquisition, will become a major benefit to them professionally in our new global economy.
International students, whether foreign residents or those studying abroad, not only benefit greatly from an academic standpoint, but their exposure to different cultures and new ideas will continue to pay dividends long after they finish school.
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