The website ӀWorld Wide SchoolsԀ is a very unique and helpful site that features a directory of schools, but the title of the site is a bit misleading. This website is not, as the name might imply, a directory of every school in the world׀that would be one big directory׀but rather a directory of International schools. So what, you may be saying, is an international school? International schools can be found on almost every continent, offering a curriculum that is different from that of the host country. Many international schools are instructed entirely in English, using the same curriculum as the country that owns and runs the school, usually the US or a country in the United Kingdom. Other international schools may have bilingual instruction, using a recognized international curriculum that is generally accepted at universities worldwide. But regardless of the type of curriculum or language, if you need to do some research on international schools the World Wide Schools website is the place to do it.
Why Are World Wide Schools Becoming So Popular?
The concept of international or World Wide schools is one that is becoming increasingly popular these days, largely because the world is changing and becoming much less compartmentalized. Not only are there more opportunities right now, in places such as the US, Europe and Asia, for foreign educated and trained professionals, there are more and more businesses in the United States electing to expand their economical horizons and setting up shop overseas. This has a two-pronged and positive effect on the enrollment numbers at international schools. United States businessmen and women, for example, who have children and now live in countries around the world representing their company of employment, elect to send their children to international schools to ensure those children will be adequately prepared for the rigors of college. In addition, parents that are local to the international school, those parents who understand the opportunities offered by this globalization, are now opting to send their children to international schools to help prepare them for a better and more profitable future.
What Is the Purpose of the World Wide Schools Website?
The World Wide Schools website is designed to help people around the world find important international school information. The countries represented on the World Wide schools website include:
Czech Republic
And many, many moreŀ
Once you click on the appropriate country, you will be taken to a page offering general pieces of information regarding the schools in that country׀information such as the curriculum and the grading system used. On this same page, along the left side of the page, is a clickable listing of all the schools in that region. Once you click on a school name, you will be taken to yet another page that gives specific school information, ranging from the start and end times of each school day to the average number of students in the class.
The World Wide Schools website is a remarkable resource for anyone, wherever they may live, to find both general and specific information on international schools, without ever having to leave the website.
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