Are you an International student who is planning to study at an American University? Do you still require additional information regarding the available accommodations for international students? Studying in America offers a number of unique advantages, but because housing in and around the campus tends to fill up very quickly it is vital that you make arrangements well in advance. To help make sure you donҀt get Ӏleft out in the cold,Ԁ in this article we will list some of the more popular on-campus accommodations for international students, and provide some basic information regarding each of these options.
Accommodations for International Students: On-Campus Options
International students intending to study in the United States have a number of on-campus options. Some of these accommodations for international students include:
瀀 Coed Residence Halls. Coed residence halls, also called dormitories or dorms in the United States, house both men and women students in the same building, but not, of course, in the same room. To maximize the number of people the residence hall can accommodate, most dormitories will house two students to each room׀rooms that usually feature two small beds, a desk and closet space. Residents in the coed dorms typically share one of several community bathrooms and a community living area where students can study, watch television or play games. These types of residence halls, although a very new concept for most international students, are very popular in the United States, and fill up very quickly. Therefore, it is vital that you mail your housing application at the same time you are applying for school admission.
瀀 Single-Sex Dormitories. If the idea of sharing your residence with students of the opposite sex is unappealing, you can also apply for residence in a single-sex dorm. Most universities do set aside at least a portion of their residence hall space to house men and women separately, but like coed dorms, these residences can fill up quickly, so time is of the essence.
瀀 Housing for Fraternities and Sororities. If you are looking for accommodations for International students that are a bit more close-knit, you may want to consider joining a fraternity or sorority. Both offer a more socially active university experience, one which also stresses university and community service. If this sounds like the type of experience that would interest you, contact the university you plan to attend for additional details about ӀRush Week,Ԁ the timeframe when fraternities and sororities recruit new members.
瀀 University Apartments. Many universities have apartments that are located either on-campus or very nearby. These accommodations for international students offer a bit more privacy, however, because university apartments are so sought after, the competition for acceptance into these units can be very fierce, and are usually reserved for upper class persons and graduate students.
瀀 Married Student Housing. For married students, on-campus accommodations for international students are limited to married housing units. Most major US universities will set aside a certain amount of housing space, which could include residence halls or on-campus apartments, for those students who are married.
As you can see, there are a number of alternatives for on-campus accommodations for international students, each offering a fantastic opportunity to make new friends and learn more about the American culture. However, because on-campus housing is such a popular housing alternative for both US and international students, it is imperative that you apply early to ensure acceptance.
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