The Educational Foundation awards scholarships to women
who are pursuing accounting degrees at both the
undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
You may apply for more than one scholarship, with the exception of Women In Transition and Women In Need. See our Frequently Asked Questions page for details.If applying for multiple scholarships, send only one set of attachments.
For more information about EFWA Scholarships,
visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.
Laurels Fund ր The Laurels Fund was established in 1978 to honor Sally Self, a pioneering woman of distinction in the accounting profession. Its purpose is to provide one-year academic scholarships for women who are pursuing a Ph.D. in accounting. Scholarships range from $1,000 to $5,000 each.
Women in Transition Scholarship ր The Women in Transition Scholarship was established in 1990 to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Educational Foundation. It was designated for women returning to school to earn a Bachelors degree in accounting. This scholarship is awarded for $16,000 over four years and is renewable annually upon satisfactory completion of course requirements.
Note: This scholarship is not being offered in 2009.
Women in Need Scholarship ր The Board of Trustees created the Women in Need scholarship in 2000 for women who are beginning their third, fourth, or fifth year of academic pursuit and require financial support to complete their degrees. This $2,000 scholarship is renewable for one additional year upon satisfactory completion of course requirements.
KPMG Scholarships ր In a continuing effort to support women's initiatives, KPMG is sponsoring three Women In Need scholarships. KPMG LLP, the audit, tax and advisory firm (, is the U.S. member firm of KPMG International. KPMG International's member firms have 113,000 professionals, including 6,800 partners, in 148 countries.
Seattle ASWA Chapter Scholarship ր The Seattle chapter of the American Society of Women Accountants established an annual scholarship in 2007 for an amount up to $2,000 to be awarded to a candidate attending an accredited school within the State of Washington. This scholarship will be renewable for one additional year upon satisfactory completion of course requirements.
Michele L. McDonald Scholarship ր This scholarship was established in 2006 by members of the Albuquerque chapter of the American Society of Women Accountants in memory of one of their members. This is a one-year scholarship in the amount of $1,000, and preference will be given to a woman returning to college from the work force or after raising children.
Rowling, Dold & Associates LLP Scholarship ր This woman-owned CPA firm in San Diego, California, sponsors a one-year scholarship in the amount of $1,000. It is available for women returning to school with either undergraduate status; as incoming, current or reentry juniors or seniors; or minority women. This scholarship may be renewable for one additional year upon satisfactory completion of course requirements.
Matching Funds Challenge -- Up to $5,000 will be matched for contributions to EFWA in the amount of $250 or more.
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