Cambridge European Trust
European Vacation Scholarships
The Cambridge European Trust offers scholarships towards the cost of academically valuable activities undertaken by Cambridge students in European countries (not confined to the EU). (Activities in the UK, such as attendance at a non-English intensive language course, will be considered for support only if the applicant can demonstrate that the equivalent activity in a European country outside the UK is not possible.)
Aims of the Scholarships
The aim is to encourage Cambridge students to improve their knowledge of the history, languages, culture, politics, and styles of teaching and of research organization, of other European countries.
Eligible activities
Activities may be related or unrelated to the applicant's Cambridge degree subject. Purposes such as attendance at summer schools offered by European universities, profound courses in languages for non-linguists, and scientific work in European laboratories could be supported.
Ineligible activities
The Scholarships will not fund:
怀Attendance at academic conferences, seminars or meetings which, although they may happen to take place in another European country, are not likely to improve participants' awareness of the host country
怀Presenting research papers at conferences
怀Medical electives and equivalent
怀Vacation courses and field trips organised by Cambridge Faculties and Departments
Eligible applicants
怀Students at any level of study (undergraduate, taught postgraduate or research postgraduate) may apply
怀Undergraduates who are graduating in the year of application may apply, provided they are continuing to postgraduate study in Cambridge
怀Students of languages may not apply for intensive language tuition in their language of study (but may apply for cultural visits to a country whose language they are studying)
Given the aim of the Scholarships, it will be clear that certain applicants and activities will have priority for funding. For example: an NST student is more likely to be funded for a language course than an MML student (because the MML student is likely to have already acquired a greater degree of cultural awareness); discretionary, 'added-value' research visits are more likely to be funded than research which is part and parcel of a graduate student's normal programme of research; and a French national is more likely than a German national to be funded to undertake an activity in Germany. Such prioritising is necessary because - particularly in the Easter and Long Vacations - the number of applicants, and the amount sought, greatly exceeds the Trust's capacity to make awards.
Amount of award
The value of awards will be determined according to the cost of the activity and the other resources available to the applicant, but most awards are expected to be of 250.
Those offered an award are be expected to submit a short written report on their return.
The application form should be returned by the dates below to the Secretary, Cambridge European Trust Vacation Scholarships, The International Office, 9 Jesus Lane, Cambridge, CB5 8BA. Decisions will be made as soon as possible thereafter.
Vacation Applications by
Michaelmas 20 November 2009
Easter 26 February 2010
Long 21 May 2010
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