In the article ӀAs Vandals Deface U.S. Parks, Some Point to Online Show-Offs,Ԁ Felicity Barringer writes about the recent spike in graffiti in national parks.
WHO is Steve Bolyard?
WHERE is Saguaro National Park?
WHAT did Mr. Bolyard find on saguaros there?
WHAT are some other national parks that are dealing with more vandalism?
WHY do officials think social media is playing a role in the increase in vandalism in United States parks?
HOW was one offender, Trenton Ganey, caught by the authorities?
HOW did park officials catch the vandals who chopped up cactuses when Saguaro was hit again last month?
WHEN have you visited a national park?
Related: Our Student Opinion question ӀHow Much Time Do You Spend in Nature?Ԁ and our 6 QҀs ӀAt National Parks, Tech + Tourists = TroubleӀ
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