Friday, February 22, 2013

I wish I knew

We've all reached a point in our lives where we regret the mistakes we've made in the past.  No matter what you go through, lessons are learned. What I do wish is that I knew a couple of things freshmen year that I know now.  Here's my list on what I wish I knew.

5 Things I wish I knew

1.The Flash drive- Losing a flash drive can be painful.  I once lost a flash drive with resumes, essays, and account information for multiple websites. The best advice is what ever you have on your flash drive, save it to your computer another flash drive that stays at home, and send it to multiple emails.  You can never be too safe.

2.Don't drink on a weekday- I started college with the mentality that partying will be the thing to do, until I drank on a Tuesday night.  My friend's mother left on vacation for two weeks so we had an open house to ourselves.  It was my friend's bright idea to invite a couple friend's over despite us have an 8 am class the next day.  We drank, and I learned the hard way that Vodka is not my best friend.  I made it to my class, but  became best friends with the toilet where I threw up my small intestine.  I learned my lesson.

3.ASC Center-  Berkeley College has a great service where they tutor students, for free.  I needed help with my statistics class.  It wasn't until  I received my week six progress report that I knew something was wrong.  I was failing the class and I knew something needed to be done.  Thankfully I went to the Academic Support Center and they were able to help me pass my class.

4.Money for books- I remember early on in school I found out that student accounts could put money in your ID which could be used to buy books.  This money of course was determined by how you were packaged in financial aid.  I am approaching graduation and looking back I should of never asked for the maximum amount of money.  

5.Communicate with Professors-  It took me a while to realize that speaking with your professor can be all the difference in your overall experience in the class.  I remember being nervous to speak to any professor now I  feel like I've made a couple friends out of them.

Take these five tips and learn from my mistakes, I sure did.

Catch you next time,


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