Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Brain Food

As everyone gets their minds back into school,  I thought a post on some brain foods might be helpful.  If you're like me, time off of school means complete shutdown mode.  I don't want to hear the words discussion board or syllabus.  The holiday season has passed and the brain needs that little pick me up to get it back into college mode.

Taking care of yourself is essential to making it through college so here are 20 foods that can help your brain stay fresh and focused for the next semester!

 1.Fish-  I am sure many of you have read somewhere that fish is brain food and it is.  Fish is high in protein and helps the brain stay alert.

2.Berries- We've always known that fruits and veggies are a great part of a balanced diet, but it is said that berries go straight to the brain.  Blueberries can help with memory.  Instead of snacking on a blueberry Pop-Tart grab a hand full of blueberries while you're studying and your chances of passing a test will skyrocket!

3.Nuts-  Walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts no matter the type, nuts are said to help clear up junk stored in your brain.  Nuts make for a great snack, are rich in protein and have omega-3 fatty acids.

4.Salmon-  The omega-3 fatty acids are essential to a healthy lifestyle and for a healthy brain, plus this stuff is delicious!

5.Greens-  The greener the better! Leafy greens are a jam packed with nutrients and if you're busy studying, just like fruits, vegetables can help boost that memory!

6.Oysters- Unlike other shell fish, oysters are reported to be good for you and can help with mood enhancement.

7.Tuna- Similar to the oysters, tuna also helps with your mood and is rich in vitamin B. Tuna makes for a great snack as well.

8.Whole Grains-  Whole grain is better than anything processed.  If you want to maintain concentration, eat something whole grain while studying.

9.Sunflower Seeds-  Many consider sunflower seeds junk food but these seeds contain healthy fats, protein and even some antioxidants all used to help that brain stay active.

10.Green Tea- Despite the caffeine, tea that is brewed fresh will help your brain by delivering it the antioxidants that it needs.

11.Coffee-  Obviously we aren't talking about a sugar packed cup from Dunkin' but coffee actually has some  fiber in it and the boost of energy you get from it is an added plus.  Drinking it moderately is always key.

12.Eggs-  One of the most potent foods for the health freak, eggs are packed with nutrients.  At an average of about 70 calories, the egg is super healthy and can help with your memory as well.  The egg white is only 17 calories for those of you keeping count.

13.Avocados-When it comes to brain foods, avocados should be high on your list.  It has healthy fats, and can be used  in many meals.

14.Eggplant-  Not my favorite on the list but the eggplant especially its skin, can help with the communication between our brain cells.  I guess I just haven't had it cooked right.

15.Tomatoes- Rich in antioxidants, tomatoes can actually help against cell damage.

16.Yogurt-  A very versatile food, yogurt can help improve nerve function and it also helps with alertness and mood.

17.Chocolate-  Not a bag of M&M's, but chocolate is PACKED with health benefits.  Dark chocolate can help with mood, concentration, cognitive skills and even blood flow to the brain.  Who would have thought?!

18.Brown Rice-  Way better than white rice, brown rice is said to have carbohydrates that are excellent to maintaining cardiovascular health, which in turn helps out the brain.

19.Garlic-  Despite the funky breath, garlic can help reduce cholesterol, is packed with antioxidants that help protect the brain and can also help the cardiovascular system.  If that isn't enough for you, it can also be used to fight off vampires. 

20.Olive Oil- Healthy fats are the best fats!  Olive oil can be used to cook and season your food without the added nastiness that other oils have.  If you eat right, your brain will see the effects.

There are many more foods out there that can boost your brain! Keep in mind that a healthy brain, is a strong brain.

P.s, if you want to really make an impression on a professor and pass your class, munch on some garlic while you're sitting in the front. ha.ha

You'll get an A+ guaranteed!

Catch you next time!


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