Monday, June 17, 2013
Prize Bond Draw Result Rs.200 Quetta 17-June-2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Connected Coaching
I wanted to take the course because I consult and I also will be teaching an online course this fall. I felt I should learn more about interacting in an online environment. I'm already pretty sure I'm too much of a "take charge" type to excel in this model, so I have to start out by accepting that my style will need adjusting to do it well.
We were asked to create a Learning Pledge for the course. Here is mine:
- Engage educators by requesting stories about their strengths
- Use paraphrasing and powerful questions to assist educators in realizing previously unrecognized potential.
- Persevere in exploring ideas and concepts, rethinking, revising, and continual repacking and unpacking as they build upon and assist in uncovering strengths of those they coach.
- Engage in discussions on difficult or messy topics from an appreciative inquiry perspective to increase confidence and self efficacy.
- Develop an online voice.
- Recognize and embrace the building of relationships and trust through co creation of content, and avenues other than text׀video, audio, images.
- Remix recognized face to face protocols and activities to use for coaching in online spaces.
- Explore new forms of collaboration׀Voicethread, Mindmeister, Primary pad, TodayҀs Meet for example.
- Exploit the affordances of technology ր Elluminate, Skype׀for synchronous communication.
- Use activities to create a connection to the content and context, to oneself, and to those who are part of the learning community at school and online.
- Engage in, demonstrate, and advocate for educators to become connected and self directed.
- Update professional expertise in and support educators in developing problem based learning units.
- Share expertise with and scaffold experiences for educators in developing action research.
- Understand and assist educators in the development of TPACK.
- Reflect transparently upon their practice in a CoP or a professional blog.
- Conduct action research around wonderings to improve coaching practice.
- Review and analyze with an open mind and without judgment all and many perspectives on coaching.
- Experiment with and reflect upon new strategies.
University of Oregon
Saturday, June 15, 2013
NED University to start admission process in August 2013
In this regard the admission forms and fee can be submitted before September 23 while the entrance test will be organized on September 28. Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr Afzalul Haque has permitted a 20 percent upsurge in the fee. With this effect the 1,676 merit students will now have to pay Rs21,000 at the time of admission. The upsurge of Rs100,000 for the 313 students on self-finance basis will also be implemented.
The NED University of Engineering & Technology is considered among the oldest universities in Pakistan offering engineering educational services. It offers a diverse range of courses in various disciplines of engineering in which undergraduate programs are in (19) Engineering disciplines and twenty-seven (27) MasterҀs level postgraduate programs along with one each in Architecture and in Information Technology.
Doctorate programs and the faculty development programs are also offered by this institution, which enable the faculty to teach up to date courses for the students. The internal candidates as well as the external candidates also get the advantage of these services.
The Library assists as the universities and the local referrals collection of technological innovation. The collection includes general movement guides, referrals guides, encyclopedias, hand books, publications, research magazines, government and store records, microfilms, microfiche, audio/video audio cassettes, CD-ROM directories and software. - See more at:
In this regard the admission forms and fee can be submitted before September 23 while the entrance test will be organized on September 28. Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr Afzalul Haque has permitted a 20 percent upsurge in the fee. With this effect the 1,676 merit students will now have to pay Rs21,000 at the time of admission. The upsurge of Rs100,000 for the 313 students on self-finance basis will also be implemented.
The NED University of Engineering & Technology is considered among the oldest universities in Pakistan offering engineering educational services. It offers a diverse range of courses in various disciplines of engineering in which undergraduate programs are in (19) Engineering disciplines and twenty-seven (27) MasterҀs level postgraduate programs along with one each in Architecture and in Information Technology.
Doctorate programs and the faculty development programs are also offered by this institution, which enable the faculty to teach up to date courses for the students. The internal candidates as well as the external candidates also get the advantage of these services.
The Library assists as the universities and the local referrals collection of technological innovation. The collection includes general movement guides, referrals guides, encyclopedias, hand books, publications, research magazines, government and store records, microfilms, microfiche, audio/video audio cassettes, CD-ROM directories and software. - See more at:
In this regard the admission forms and fee can be submitted before September 23 while the entrance test will be organized on September 28. Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr Afzalul Haque has permitted a 20 percent upsurge in the fee. With this effect the 1,676 merit students will now have to pay Rs21,000 at the time of admission. The upsurge of Rs100,000 for the 313 students on self-finance basis will also be implemented.
The NED University of Engineering & Technology is considered among the oldest universities in Pakistan offering engineering educational services. It offers a diverse range of courses in various disciplines of engineering in which undergraduate programs are in (19) Engineering disciplines and twenty-seven (27) MasterҀs level postgraduate programs along with one each in Architecture and in Information Technology.
Doctorate programs and the faculty development programs are also offered by this institution, which enable the faculty to teach up to date courses for the students. The internal candidates as well as the external candidates also get the advantage of these services.
The Library assists as the universities and the local referrals collection of technological innovation. The collection includes general movement guides, referrals guides, encyclopedias, hand books, publications, research magazines, government and store records, microfilms, microfiche, audio/video audio cassettes, CD-ROM directories and software. - See more at:
Govt of Pakistan Cabinet Division Islamabad Required for Chairman NEPRA
Traffic Warden Jobs in Lahore 2013 Punjab Police Department
Eligibility Criteria:
Qualification: BA/B.Sc (2nd Division) or equivalent qualification from a recognized university
Pay: BS-14
Age: 18 to 25 on 01-07-2013
Gender & Domicile: Both male & Female candidates domiciled Lahore only.
Place of Posting: Lahore
Minimum Physical Standard: Male candidates should have 5' Feet and 7? inches height with 33 Inches X 34.5 Inches Chest
Written Test & Syllabus:
AM MCQҀs type test of graduate level of 100 marks and 2 hours duration will be conducts which will consist of 100 questions to be equally appointed amongst five fields of Studies that are English, Urdu, General Knowledge, Pakistan Studies and Islamiat/Ethics
Traffic Warden Jobs in Lahore 2013 Punjab Police Department
- Applicants are require to submit Online Application Form by the closing date which is 01-07-2013 till 4:00pm. candidates should fill the online form carefully for which detailed guideline and instructions has been given on the official website. Editing or to correct data this option will be available to the candidates till 01:00 pm on the last date of Form submission.
- original treasury receipt of Rs.400/- under head : ӀC02101. Organization of state-Examination Fee Realized by the Punjab Public Service Commission:, will be deposited in any branch of the state bank of Pakistan or National Bank of Pakistan. original receipt will be produced at the time of written test or interview. Without which candidates are not allowed to appear in the written test or interview
- Hard copy of online application form is not needed.
- Schedule of Interview for the said posts will be uploaded on this website as the official will declared it. And hence candidate should also download their Interview call letters from this page so that is why candidates should have to keep in touch with this page to stay up to dates.
Candidates will be admitted to the written test and called for interview provisionally. on detailed scrutiny of applications of candidates, declared successful in written test, If any candidate is found ineligible in any respect under rules, his/her candidature will be cancelled regardless of the fact whether he/she appeared in the written test or qualified therein. To avoid frustration, candidates are advised in their own interest to make sure before applying that they fulfill all the requirement of the rules and selection criteria as advertised relating to the post before the closing date.
Educational consultants doing fraud with Pakistani Students
National University of Modern Languages Job Opportunities 2013
Individuals who fulfill the criteria may send their applications along with CV, attested copies of academic degrees/ certificate, experience certificates, domicile, NIC and two recent photographs
before dated 25-June-2013.
Clearly mentioning the post applied for on envelops.
Looking at how others have improved their teaching ability
I stumbled upon this interesting course which is free from MIT; it involves teachers striving to increase their ability to help children learn. In my mind this is the goal that all of us who are homeschooling are attempting to do. We used the open method of teaching or as some like to call it unschooling. This worked well for us. Our three children studied what interested them. We gave them opportunities to explore lots of different avenues. We kept them in touch with others who were also interested in their subjects of choice. We ended up with three very well educated children who are very successful in their chosen fields. Our youngest will graduate in a few days as a doctor.
The remember to structure your classes to fit your children. Some of them may want to read everything. Others will need a more hands on approach to learning. And there are some children who need an audio or visual way to absorb the learning. Combinations of all of those will help them to progress at a rate that is satisfying to you and them.
Homeschooling is not right for everyone. Some people will find that their children need the highly involved social structure of a classroom. In that case there are several different alternatives such as charter schools or private schools. Find what works best for you and them. They are our future and it is important that they learn how to learn! Good luck and have fun!
Friday, June 14, 2013
Study in Germany 뀀 Study guide 뀀 University City 뀀 University City of Aachen
Aachen is the westernmost town of Germany, located in the border triangle near the Dutch and Belgian border. The small student town has around 250 000 inhabitants.
Under the Carolingian emperor Charlemagne, who resided here from 768 in 1165 and was eventually canonized to Aachen became an important royal residence. In 936 a king was crowned in Aachen
Study in Germany 뀀 Study guide 뀀 University Details 뀀 Fachhochschule Aachen
Type /: College/state
Year of establishment: 1971
Number of students: 8232
Promotions-/Habilitationsrecht: Yes / No
Country: Germany
Office address: Kalverbenden 6
52066 Aachen
Postal Address: Postfach 10 05 60
52005 Aachen
Phone: (0241) 6009-0
Fax: (0241) 6009-1090
뀀 Responsible Student Services / Student Office:
Thursday, June 13, 2013
University of Minnesota
Founded in 1851, the University of Minnesota has four campuses�Twin Cities, Duluth, Morris, and Crookston�a collaborative center in Rochester, extension offices, and research and outreach centers throughout the state.
The University of Minnesota, founded in the belief that all people are enriched by understanding, is dedicated to the advancement of learning and the search for truth; to the sharing of this knowledge through education for a diverse community; and to the application of this knowledge to benefit the people of the state, the nation, and the world. The University's mission, carried out on multiple campuses and throughout the state, is threefold:
Research and Discovery
Generate and preserve knowledge, understanding, and creativity by conducting high-quality research, scholarship, and artistic activity that benefit students, scholars, and communities across the state, the nation, and the world.
Teaching and Learning
Share that knowledge, understanding, and creativity by providing a broad range of educational programs in a strong and diverse community of learners and teachers, and prepare graduate, professional, and undergraduate students, as well as non-degree-seeking students interested in continuing education and lifelong learning, for active roles in a multiracial and multicultural world.
Outreach and Public Service
Extend, apply, and exchange knowledge between the University and society by applying scholarly expertise to community problems, by helping organizations and individuals respond to their changing environments, and by making the knowledge and resources created and preserved at the University accessible to the citizens of the state, the nation, and the world.
In all of its activities, the University strives to sustain an open exchange of ideas in an environment that embodies the values of academic freedom, responsibility, integrity, and cooperation; that provides an atmosphere of mutual respect, free from racism, sexism, and other forms of prejudice and intolerance; that assists individuals, institutions, and communities in responding to a continuously changing world; that is conscious of and responsive to the needs of the many communities it is committed to serving; that creates and supports partnerships within the University, with other educational systems and institutions, and with communities to achieve common goals; and that inspires, sets high expectations for, and empowers individuals within its community.
Study in Germany 뀀 Study guide 뀀 University Ranking of young career with Reuters and Business Week
No time students, but HR 5000 were surveyed for this ranking, mostly from companies with 1000 employees or more. This presentation focused on the conversion of the old university system to
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
For Homebound Students, a Robot Proxy in the Classroom
20 Tips for Young Professionals
2. Seek out a mentor. I'm guessing many busy professionals may say, "I don't have time to be a mentor," but most mentor relationships happen naturally rather than being established formally. Be on the lookout for them. I bet my best mentors probably don't know they even served in that role.
3. Keep up with the news every day. Read the paper, check news websites and blogs, listen to NPR on the way to work. Know what's in the news about your organization or industry before your boss or client asks.
4. Get away from your desk, and walk outside. Even if it's just to walk around the block or grab a sandwich, at some point during the day your brain needs natural light and a whiff of fresh air, and your body needs to stretch.
5. Plan the work before you work the plan. Having no plan gets you nowhere. Plans will change either by force or circumstance. Be flexible, but have a plan regardless of whether it's a work project, a trip, a major purchase, or an important life decision.
6. Don't pass up a chance to learn. Find out what your boss or leaders in your profession are reading (books, professional publications, websites, etc). Seek out professional development opportunities; pay for them yourself, if necessary. Join professional organizations, and get involved.
7. Go to your boss with a solution, not a problem. Your boss is solving problems all day. Make her life easier by presenting a solution when you present a problem. Even if it's not the solution that ultimately solves the problem, it keeps your boss from dreading the sight of you at the door.
8.Write thank-you and follow-up notes (handwritten, not emailed). Collect cards from people you meet at events, in meetings, or just out and about. A handwritten "nice to meet you" note will set you apart and help the people you meet remember you. Technology is good, but the personal touch still matters.
9. Travel any chance you get. Travel to small towns and big cities across the country and around the world. Don't put off travel. You'll never tell your grandchildren about that great trip you didn't take because you were too busy at work.
10. Be interested and inquisitive. Ask good questions, and ask them often. Young professionals have a great deal to offer a work environment. Speak up when you have something to offer, but remember to balance your enthusiasm with senior-level colleagues' experience.
11. Remember that everyone carries their own sack of rocks. You never know what type of personal issues the co-worker who missed a deadline is dealing with at home or with his family.
12. Create your own personal style. That doesn't mean wearing flip-flops in a formal corporate environment. However, you can set yourself apart from the pack with a twist on the ordinary. To each his own, but just find your own.
13. Stay in the loop, but avoid the gossip. Be a "boundary spanner"׀someone who is respected and trusted by people in all parts and at all levels of the organization.
14. Look for "reverse mentoring" opportunities. You can be a resource to your older colleagues. Seasoned professionals can learn a great deal from their younger peers.
15. Looking busy doesn't equal being productive. The co-worker who crows about his heavy workload and long hours is probably much less productive than the one who is organized and prioritizes his days.
16. A good editor will make you shine. Don't look at having your writing edited as you would look at a teacher correcting a paper. Editing is a collaborative process, and there's always room for improvement in your writing.
17. Don't come to work sick. No one appreciates the stuffy-nosed martyr. That's why you're afforded sick days.
18. Cultivate contacts outside work.Your next job will probably come from someone you know through church, nonprofits, alumni groups, friends, and professional organizations.
19. Take risks. It's OK to mess up occasionally. No one can expect perfection. You can often learn more from mistakes than successes. Yes, really, you can.
20. Strive for work/life balance. The "balance" will probably fluctuate daily, but creative outlets, exercise, and hobbies make you a more valuable (and saner) employee.
Reprinted from About the Author: Reba Hull Campbell promotes the interests of South Carolina cities and towns as deputy executive director of the Municipal Association of South Carolina.
The Learning Network Blog: What Are You Listening to?

If Daft PunkҀs ӀGet LuckyԀ is already starting to seem like the Ӏsong of summerԀ to you, youҀre not alone. The groupҀs new album is also No. 1 on the Billboard charts, while the rap duo Macklemore & Ryan Lewis extends its run with the top single.
What are you listening to these days? Why?
In ӀDaft Punk Holds On at No. 1,Ԁ the ArtsBeat blog reports:
Daft PunkҀs ӀRandom Access MemoriesԀ (Daft Life/Columbia), featuring the hit single ӀGet Lucky,Ԁ had 93,000 sales in its second week out, according to Nielsen SoundScan. That is a 73 percent drop from its opening week, but it was enough keep the album on top, beating out a handful of new releases.
Alice in ChainsҀ new release, ӀThe Devil Put Dinosaurs HereԀ (Capitol) ׀ the grunge-era groupҀs second album since reuniting with a new singer, William DuVall ׀ opened at No. 2 with 61,000 sales. John FogertyҀs ӀWrote a Song for EveryoneԀ (Vanguard), featuring Creedence Clearwater Revival and other of his songs recorded with stars like Kid Rock, Keith Urban and Jennifer Hudson, sold 51,000 copies to open at No. 3. Also this week, the British group Little Mix bows at No. 4 with 50,000 sales of ӀDNAԀ (Syco/Columbia).
On the singles chart, Macklemore & Ryan LewisҀs ӀCanҀt Hold UsԀ stays at No. 1 for a fifth week, with 184,000 downloads and five million streams in the United States on services like Spotify and YouTube. Earlier this year, the groupҀs ӀThrift ShopԀ spent six weeks as the top single.
Students: Tell us ŀ
What are you listening to right now? Do you find your playlist changes with the seasons?If so, what do you think of the concept of a Ӏsong of summerӀ? What songs do you associate with previous summers? What do you think will be this summerҀs song?How much do you tend to follow pop music? Are your favorite songs ones everyone knows, or more obscure music?If you want to find new music, you might try the new ӀPress PlayԀ music blog. What songs there do you like? Why?Students 13 and older are invited to comment below. Please use only your first name. For privacy policy reasons, we will not publish student comments that include a last name.
Teachers: We have a related lesson plan, ӀPuttinҀ On the HitsԀ
Lyceum school Japanese Language Admission, Study in Japan
G.O.P. Bill on Schools Would Set Fewer Rules
Walden Zone App
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
The Learning Network Blog: Student Opinion | Would You Want a Bike Share Program for Your Community?

New York City is in the second week of its bike share program, joining other major cities like Boston, London and Mexico City.
Would you want a bike share program for your community?
In the article ӀOut for a First Spin: CityҀs Bike Share Program Begins,Ԁ Matt Flegenheimer writes about last weekҀs kickoff for bike sharing in New York.
By midafternoon, the passing flickers of blue were already ubiquitous ׀ negotiating light taxi traffic in the West Village, hurtling through the protected lanes of Midtown, drifting toward the Brooklyn waterfront.
For the first time, under cooperatively clear skies, New Yorkers sat astride the cityҀs first new wide-scale public transportation in more than 75 years: a fleet of 6,000 bicycles, part of a system known as Citi Bike, scattered across more than 300 stations in Manhattan below 59th Street and parts of Brooklyn.
There were kinks in the systemҀs early hours. A bike was swiped on Sunday as crews worked at the last minute to fill the stations. A mail delivery snag left as many as 200 members without access to the system. Some tourists dipped credit cards in vain for minutes, unaware that the program was initially open only to annual subscribers.
But MondayҀs riders were, by definition, an eager and forgiving cross section: founding members who registered for a yearly pass for $95, allowing them to ride between stations for as long as 45 minutes with no added charge.
Students: Tell us ŀ
Would you want a bike share program for your community? Why?How safe is biking in your neighborhood?Do you think more people would bike to work or the store if bikes were somehow shared?Can you imagine sharing more things with strangers besides bikes, like college textbooks, a prom dress or even a car?Students 13 and older are invited to comment below. Please use only your first name. For privacy policy reasons, we will not publish student comments that include a last name.
Some Say Spelling of a Winning Word WasnҀt Kosher
Julie Turkewitz contributed reporting, and Susan Beachy contributed research.
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: June 6, 2013
Because of an editing error, an article and a picture caption on Saturday about the debate over the proper spelling of Ӏknaidel,Ԁ the word a Queens boy spelled correctly to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee, gave an outdated location, in some editions, for the Second Avenue Deli, which serves the dumplings but spells them Ӏkneidels.Ԁ It is in Midtown East, not the East Village. The article also included a quotation that gave an outdated name for a newspaper where a dictionary editor said that some people send their knaidel recipes. It is The Tampa Bay Times, no longer The St. Petersburg Times.