Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Not Your Average Distance Program

Sarah Fudin currently works in community relations for University of Southern California Rossier Online, which provides current and aspiring teachers the opportunity to earn a Masters in Teaching and teacher certification online.  Outside of work Sarah enjoys running, reading and Pinkberry frozen yogurt.

The landscape of distance learning is evolving. For years, there has been a stigma attached to online education and the quality of such programs. Many imagined students with just their computers -- no interaction with others and classes conducted through pre-recorded lectures (if you were lucky) or transcripts. But recent advances have revolutionized the way people learn from afar. No longer is the quality of distance education inherently inferior to traditional schooling and no longer is it a form of isolation. It is now a tool for reaching people across the world and building connections not otherwise possible. Learning online is no longer a substitute for the classroom experience: itҀs an expansion of it.

The Technology

Web 2.0 technology is centered on the convergence of participatory information sharing, collaborative networking, and user friendly/centered webpage design. Sites that integrate this technology are conducive to social media, video sharing, blogging, and networking, and these applications are the cornerstones of new distance learning programs. Successful online education integrates these features to create an interactive program that offers dynamic content and optimizes the potential for learning.

The Platforms

Web 2.0 is the basis for new distance learning platforms. Most classes are conducted via live streaming video chat for face-to-face interaction with professors and classmates. These classes are in real time so that you can ask your professor questions and review topics with your classmates. Professors are also available for office hours, and this facilitates a connection as direct as the in-class experience.

Learning Management Systems (LMS) are the software applications used to manage content and to facilitate interaction with students. LMSs allow professors to manage course rosters, take attendance, post assignments and upload coursework. LMSs also make it possible for students to submit assignments directly and post on class message boards, and offer further opportunities for academic and social interaction between students and teachers.

Social Media

Social media is a crucial part of distance learning. Connecting on social networks enhances the educational experience in many ways. Many distance learning programs strive to ensure their learners have full access to the same resources as their in-class learners. Social media even helps online students connect with in-class learners and a wide network of alumni, as well as professors, recruiters and career counselors.

Because distance learning connects people from all over the world, your classmates will come from a variety of backgrounds. You will meet people of all ages, professions and perspectives that enrich the classroom and add depth to the educational experience. Connecting with your classmates opens a world of possibilities by exposing you to new things, helping you develop a broader range of interests and offering new opportunities. The social possibilities are so important that some online learning programs build specially designed social networks for their students.

Examples of New Distance Learning Programs

The University of Southern California offers two of their prestigious programs online. Their Master of Arts in Teaching online program, the MAT@USC, is the first quality teacher preparation program of its kind and integrates online learning with field-based experiences in classrooms across the country to provide teachers with a solid foundation of theory and practice. USCҀs Master of Social Work degree online, MSW@USC, also blends education and practice by giving students a chance to gain hands-on experience within their communities.

The University of North CarolinaҀs Kenan-Flagler Business School created the MBA@UNC to allow students to earn a Master of Business Administration, and their School of Government recently brought its renowned Master of Public Administration program to an online platform, now known as MPA@UNC.

Georgetown UniversityҀs School of Nursing & Health also delivers its Master of Science in Nursing online (Nursing@Georgetown), the first nursing program that uses an LSM to deliver quality education through video-conducted classes and dynamic course content.

There are other schools that, while not offering online degrees, still provide classes online. Taking online classes has many advantages: It exposes you to the benefits of Web 2.0 technology and may provide some flexibility in your schedule. Some schools, like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), even offer their course materials for free online. Stanford University offers engineering courses online for free as part of the Stanford Engineering Everywhere program. Programs such as these facilitate an interest in learning by allowing you to explore topics outside of your comfort zone, areas of expertise and even your school.

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