Overview of Higher Online Education in Germany
Germany's higher education institutions offer an extensive range of high-quality, post-secondary programs that students can choose from. Broad-based universities as well as specialized schools in subjects such as engineering, technology and science provide many options for students to pursue. German higher education is funded by federal and state governments and is overseen by the Ministry of Education.
Although on the rise, only about 19 percent of Germans earn university level degrees, which is a lower percentage than many other developed countries. Their universities in recent years have been crowded although recent increases in government funding and focus is helping to alleviate this problem.
Types of Schools and Degrees
There are more than 90 universities that offer a wide range of programs and award degrees up through the doctoral level. Another 190 schools or so are more specialized and offer bachelor's and/or master's degrees in subjects such as engineering, business and information technology. Schools of Applied Sciences, Technology, Arts, Business and others offer education that is primarily career focused whereas the larger, general universities provide a broader education and focus more heavily on research.
Bachelor's degrees can usually be earned in three years and master's degrees in another year or two. The length of doctoral degree programs vary depending on the program. All post-secondary education institutions must be accredited by one of seven certified accreditation agencies. As a result of the Bologna Process which created standardization of degrees across the European Union, German degrees are considered equivalent to degrees earned throughout Europe as well as many other countries.
Private universities and colleges are growing in numbers, size and reputation with over 60 now in operation. These schools tend to be more practically-focused with an international orientation and thus appeal to international employers. Private schools charge tuition whereas public schools are free to German and EU citizens as long as the program is completed in a timely manner.
International Students
Germany is a popular destination for those who want to study abroad, with about 200,000 international students attending German schools of higher education each year. International students can attend German schools assuming they meet the admissions requirements set by the school. Some subject-matters, mostly in science and medicine are restricted at the federal level while some subjects are restricted by individual schools. Admissions are competitive at some schools with aptitude exams becoming more commonly used in evaluating international students. These exams can often be taken in one's home country. Additionally, foreign students must be speak German fluently and may need to pass a language exam before being accepted. They must possess proof of completion of secondary school or higher education entrance exam that is deemed equivalent to Germany's higher education entrance exam.
A number of schools now offer degree programs taught primarily in English to meet the increasing demand of international students who want to study in Germany. The program options are more limited but provide a unique opportunity to international students who don't have the advanced German language skills that would lead to success in traditional courses.
Tuition for non-EU international students is very reasonable, costing about 500 euros a semester at public schools in 2010. There are typically some other fees, such as a semester fee of about 100 euros and living expenses to consider. Non-EU students must remember to apply for a study visa well in advance. All students should plan to arrive early as they will need to register in person before the semester starts.
The German Academic Exchange Service website provides detailed information to help international students who are interested in attending school in Germany.
About Germany
Germany is a country of 16 states with a population of over 82 million people. Berlin is the largest city with over three million people. It has the fifth largest economy in the world and is known for superior product design and quality of its manufactured products. It's climate overall is moderate, but varies between the mountainous, low-lying and coastal regions.
Germany's elementary and secondary education system is very strong resulting in a 99 percent literacy rate. Due to a long-standing focus on vocational training, 70 percent of secondary school graduates continue on with three years of vocational training which often coincides with apprenticeship training. About another 19 percent continue on to earn a university-level degree.
Germany Universities
Accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg -- University Accadis Bad Homburg - Bad Homburg
Albert-Ludwigs-Universit䀀t Freiburg -- University of Freiburg - Freiburg
Bauhaus Universit䀀t Weimar -- Bauhaus-Universit䀀t Weimar - Weimar
Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universit䀀t -- University of Wurzburg - W쀀rzburg
Bergische Universit䀀t - Gesamthochschule Wuppertal -- University of Wuppertal - Wuppertal
Carl von Ossietzky Universit䀀t Oldenburg -- University of Oldenburg - Oldenburg
Christian-Albrechts-Universit䀀t Kiel -- University of Kiel - Kiel
Deutsche Hochschule f쀀r Verwaltungswissenschaften -- German University for Administrative Sciences Speyer - Speyer
Deutsche Sporthochschule K怀ln -- German Sport University Cologne - Cologne
DIU Dresden International University -- Dresden International University - Dresden
Eberhard-Karls-Universit䀀t T쀀bingen -- University of T쀀bingen - T쀀bingen
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universit䀀t, Greifswald -- University of Greifswald - Greifswald
Europa Universit䀀t Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) -- Viadrina European University - Bradenburg, Frankfurt
Evangelische Fachhochschule Darmstadt -- Protestant University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt - Darmstadt
Evangelische Fachhochschule Freiburg -- Protestant University of Applied Sciences Freiburg - Freiburg
Evangelische Fachhochschule f쀀r Religionsp䀀dagogik und Gemeindediakonie Moritzburg -- University Moritzburg - Moritzburg
Evangelische Fachhochschule Hannover -- Faculty V-Diakonia, Health and Social Services - Hannover
Fachhochschule des Mittelstandes (FHM) Bielefeld -- Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences of the Middle Class - Bielefeld
Fachhochschule Erfurt -- Erfurt
Fachhochschule Esslingen -- Hochschule Esslingen - Esslingen
Fachhochschule f쀀r Angewandtes Management -- University of Applied Management (FHAM) - Bad Tolz, Erding, G쀀nzburg, Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz
Fachhochschule f쀀r die Wirtschaft Hannover -- College of the Economy (FHDW-Hannover) - Celle, Hannover
Fachhochschule f쀀r Oekonomie und Management Essen -- College of Economy & Management (FOM) - Food
Fachhochschule f쀀r Verwaltung und Rechtspflege Berlin -- College of Administration and Judicature (FHVR) - Berlin
Fachhochschule Furtwangen -- Hochschule Furtwangen - Furtwangen, Tuttlingen, Villingen-Schwenningen
Fachhochschule Gie߀en-Friedberg -- Friedberg, Pour, Wetzlar
Fachhochschule Regensburg -- Regensburg University of Applied Sciences - Regensburg
Freie Universit䀀t Berlin -- Free University of Berlin - Berlin
Friedrich-Alexander Universit䀀t Erlangen-N쀀rnberg -- University of Erlangen Nuremberg - Erlangen, Nuremberg
Friedrich-Schiller-Universit䀀t Jena -- Friedrich Schiller University of Jena - Jena
Georg-August-Universit䀀t G怀ttingen -- University of G怀ttingen - G怀ttingen
Gerhard-Mercator-Universit䀀t GH Duisburg -- University Duisburg-Essen - Duisburg, Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia
HafenCity Universit䀀t Hamburg -- Port City University of Hamburg - Hamburg
Hamburger Universit䀀t f쀀r Wirtschaft und Politik -- Hamburg University of Economics and Politics - Hamburg
Heinrich-Heine-Universit䀀t D쀀sseldorf -- Heinrich Heine University - D쀀sseldorf
Hochschule f쀀r Forstwirtschaft Rottenburg -- Rottenburg University of Applied Forest Sciences - Baden-W쀀rttemberg, Rottenburg am Neckar
Hochschule f쀀r K쀀nste Bremen -- University of the Arts Bremen - Bremen
Hochschule f쀀r Musik Detmold -- University of Music Detmold - Detmold
Hochschule f쀀r Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin -- University of Music "Hanns Eisler" - Berlin
Hochschule Vechta -- University of Vechta - Vechta
Humboldt-Universit䀀t Berlin -- Humboldt University of Berlin - Berlin
IB-Hochschule Berlin -- University of Federal International (IB) Berlin - Berlin
International University in Germany -- International University - Bruchsal
Internationale Fachhochschule Bad Honnef - Bonn -- International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef - Bad Honnef, Bad Reichenhall
Jacobs University Bremen -- Bremen
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universit䀀t Frankfurt -- Goethe University Frankfurt - Frankfurt am Main
Johannes Gutenberg-Universit䀀t -- Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz - Mainz
Justus-Liebig-Universit䀀t Giessen -- University of Giessen - Giessen
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit䀀t M쀀nchen -- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich - Munich
Martin-Luther-Universit䀀t Halle-Wittenberg -- Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg - Halle
Otto-Friedrich-Universit䀀t Bamberg -- University of Bamberg - Bamberg
Otto-von-Guericke-Universit䀀t Magdeburg -- Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg - Magdeburg
Philipps-Universit䀀t Marburg -- Philipps University of Marburg - Marburg
Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule M쀀nster -- Theology University of M쀀nster - M쀀nster
Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Augustin -- Theology University of Sankt Augustin - Sankt Augustin
Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Vallendar -- Theology University of Vallendar - Vallendar
Private Universit䀀t Witten/Herdecke GmbH -- University of Witten/Herdecke - Witten
Rheinische Friedrich- Wilhelms- Universit䀀t Bonn -- University of Bonn - Bonn
Robert-Schumann-Hochschule D쀀sseldorf -- Robert Schumann University - D쀀sseldorf
Ruhr-Universit䀀t Bochum -- Ruhr University Bochum - Bochum
Ruprecht-Karls-Universit䀀t -- Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg - Heidelberg
Schiller International University -- Heidelberg
SRH Fachhochschule Hamm - Hochschule f쀀r Logistik und Wirtschaft -- SRH Hamm University - Hamm
SRH FernHochschule Riedlingen -- SRH Riedlingen University - Riedlingen
SRH Hochschule Berlin -- SRH Berlin University - Berlin
SRH Hochschule Calw -- SRH Calw University - Calw
Steinbeis-Hochschule-Berlin -- Steinbeis University Berlin - Berlin
UniBwM - Universit䀀t der Bundeswehr -- Bundeswehr University Munich - Neubiberg
Universit䀀t Augsburg -- University of Augsburg - Augsburg
Universit䀀t Bayreuth -- University of Bayreuth - Bayreuth
Universit䀀t Bielefeld -- University of Bielefeld - Bielefeld
Universit䀀t Bremen -- University of Bremen - Bremen
Universit䀀t der Bundeswehr Hamburg -- Helmut Schmidt University - Hamburg
Universit䀀t der K쀀nste Berlin -- Berlin University of the Arts - Berlin
Universit䀀t des Saarlandes -- Saarland University - Saarbr쀀cken
Universit䀀t Dortmund -- Dortmund University - Dortmund
Universit䀀t Erfurt -- University of Erfurt - Erfurt
Universit䀀t Flensburg -- University of Flensburg - Flensburg
Universit䀀t Gesamthochschule Kassel -- University of Kassel - Kassel
Universit䀀t Gesamthochschule Paderborn -- University of Paderborn - Paderborn
Universit䀀t Gesamthochschule Siegen -- University of Siegen - Siegen
Universit䀀t Hamburg -- University of Hamburg - Hamburg
Universit䀀t Hannover -- University of Hannover - Hannover
Universit䀀t Hildesheim -- University of Hildesheim - Hildesheim
Universit䀀t Hohenheim -- University of Hohenheim - Stuttgart
Universit䀀t Koblenz-Landau -- University of Koblenz-Landau - Koblenz, Landau
Universit䀀t K怀ln -- University of Cologne - Cologne
Universit䀀t Konstanz -- University of Konstanz - Kostanz
Universit䀀t Leipzig -- University of Leipzig - Leipzig
Universit䀀t Mannheim -- University of Mannheim - Mannheim
Universit䀀t Osnabr쀀ck -- University of Osnabr쀀ck - Osnabr쀀ck
Universit䀀t Passau -- University of Passau - Passau
Universit䀀t Potsdam -- University of Potsdam - Potsdam
Universit䀀t Regensburg -- University of Regensburg - Regensburg
Universit䀀t Rostock -- University of Rostock - Rostock
Universit䀀t Stuttgart -- University of Stuttgart - Stuttgart
Universit䀀t Trier -- University of Trier - Trier
Universit䀀t Ulm -- University of Ulm - Ulm
Universit䀀t zu L쀀beck -- University of L쀀beck - L쀀beck
Westf䀀lische Wilhelms-Universit䀀t -- University of M쀀nster - M쀀nster
Wests䀀chsische Hochschule Zwickau -- West Saxon University of Applied Sciences of Zwickau - Zwickau
Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen -- Zeppelin University - Friedrichshafen
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