Education is perhaps the single best gift any parent could give his/her child, and if you live in the United States, for example, that education is not optional, but compulsory, at least for most of a childҀs life. Most children in the US will grow up and become educated in a single system׀one that caters primarily to United States citizens. Children are required to attend school from age 5 until approximately age 18, which will adequately prepare many of these students׀those that choose to do so׀to further their education at an American college or university. But what happens when parents of US children decide to take a position of employment that is outside of the United States, like an executive of an international corporation? Is it possible for these children to receive the same US-based education׀one that is taught in English and will prepare them for college׀even though they are living outside of the United States? The answer is yes, and this is usually accomplished through one of the many international schools programs.
What Are International Schools Programs?
In simple terms, international schools programs are those that endorse international education. They do this by using a core curriculum that is different from the country where the school is actually located. Many international schools programs use an international curriculum, such as the popular International Baccalaureate or the Cambridge Internal Examinations curriculum, the latter of which is very popular in India. Others will use a curriculum from another country, such as a United States-based curriculum, being taught at a school in France. To qualify as an international school program, the school must meet certain criteria as laid out by the International Association of School Librarianship. These are:
瀀 Must offer transferrable programs and credits
瀀 A regularly fluctuating school population
瀀 A student body that is both multinational and multilingual
瀀 Must use an international curriculum׀a curriculum other than that of the host country
瀀 Must be accredited as an international school
瀀 Faculty that is both transient and multinational
瀀 Curriculum in which instruction is presented in English (usually) or presented bilingually
As businesses and the world in general have become more globalized, the number of schools offering international schools programs has risen dramatically. International schools programs have long been the schools of choice for employees of many international businesses and organizations, foreign embassies and missionaries, but more recently, the number of local children attending international schools is also up׀children whose parents want them to learn a new language, usually English, and prepare them for more gainful employment outside of their own country, i.e. the United States or United Kingdom..
International Schools Programs: About the Curriculum
The curriculum taught at international schools is typically based on that schoolҀs country of origin, with the most popular models being based around US education or education in the United Kingdom. However, the use of an international curriculum׀curriculum designed around creating a more global and collaborative citizen׀is also becoming very popular.
Most International Schools programs׀the schools using an international curriculum׀provide instruction in all of the following areas:
瀀 Mathematics
瀀 Language Arts
瀀 The Sciences
瀀 Humanities
瀀 The Arts
瀀 Physical Education
瀀 Information Technology
瀀 Design Technology
瀀 And moreŀ
This curriculum is designed to create a well-rounded student who is prepared to meet the challenges of higher education. Also central to most international schools programs is a fostering of appreciation for the diversity of other cultures. Students will regularly interact with fellow classmates and instructors from around the globe, learning the importance of both independence and interdependence in the new global society.
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