Online Degrees in Education: What to Look For and Questions to Ask
The primary goal of any online degree in education program should be to fully prepare you for a career as a teacher. Thus, your primary selection criteria should be a school with which you feel comfortable׀one that offers the most effective instructional methods and caters to a variety of learning styles. In addition, there are several factors and characteristics to consider׀questions you need to ask to ensure you get the most from your educational experience. Some of these include:
Accreditation. Is the school and program through which youҀll earn your online degree in education accredited? This is very crucial and must always be considered, because if not, you may be wasting your time. Although most online schools of education are fully accredited through either the National Council of Accreditation for Teacher Education or the Teacher Education Accreditation Council, there are a few schools operating online without the proper credentials, and therefore a degree from one of these schools may be worthless, preventing you from becoming employed after graduation.
Schedule. One of the primary reasons for pursuing an online degree in education as opposed to a traditional degree is the flexibility. Sadly, some schools will promote their education program as Ӏonline,Ԁ when in reality only a small portion of that program is conducted via the Internet. For that reason, always make sure that the schedule requirements for your degree program will not interfere with your other responsibilities.
Curriculum. Are you certain that the curriculum offered through the online education program addresses your career interests and requirements? Has the curriculum been approved by a recognized standards committee? Always research the curriculum fully before making an enrollment decision.
Faculty. Does the faculty include doctoral level instructors and/or instructors with real-world teaching experience? Who you learn from is often as important as what you learn, so take some time to investigate your instructorsҀ qualifications beforehand.
Career Assistance. Does the online degree program help with placement assistance? Are the majority of graduates able to pass the state licensing exam? Competition for teaching jobs can be fierce in some states, which is why those schools that offer career services should be high on your list.
An online degree in education can open up a whole world of opportunities, but before jumping Ӏfeet firstԀ into the first educational opportunity you come across, it is always a good idea to first do some research to ensure the school is a good fit for your unique interests and abilities.
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