The MBA graduates have a vital role in the competitive business world today. They are eagerly needed by businesses worldwide. Salaries and other bonuses influence these post graduates. The salary for all levels of MBA holders shows continuous increment each year. Studies show that the average salaries for MBA professionals have risen above 21% in the last seven years. The MBA salaries also increase with seniority levels within an organization. With an MBA degree, one can increase his salary up by as much as 50%. Besides the base salary, the total compensation earned yearly include bonus of around $25,000 and other benefits, including tuition reimbursement, car allowances, and relocation that add about $15,000 on an average. The base salary and bonus may vary from one company to another. Some companies offer a higher base salary and fewer bonuses, while others offer a high year-end bonus. Business companies look for MBA graduates to widen their business areas to get more profit. A professionally qualified MBA graduate can assist the company to meet the business targets. As the profit level of a company increases, there may be increases in the remuneration to its staff. This is the main factor that increases the average salary of a business professional. Also, some leading business companies offer competitive and exciting salaries and benefits to qualified and experienced MBAs solely to attract them. Year-after-year the salary scale goes up; each year showing a large difference with its preceding year. A significant salary change can be seen in a person's salary if he or she completes an MBA program while working in an organization. But, there are a number of factors determining the salary offer like the area of specialization, prior earnings profile, pre-MBA work experience, geographic location and cost of living, and the academic record in the business school he or she attends. Compensation packages will also be offered. Consider a person working in a reputed business company earning a salary of $25,000 per year; the salary will increase up to $50,000 or $60,000 after his MBA graduation. MBA provides detailed information on MBA, Top MBA Programs, MBA Online, MBA Programs and more. MBA is affiliated with Online Business Schools |
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Salary for MBA Degree Holders
High Paying Bachelor's Degree Holders
The Bachelor's degree, in most cases, is awarded after four years of college. This degree is offered primarily by universities, although some community colleges and technical schools also provide it for limited subjects. Bachelor's degrees serve as detailed overviews, and feature a focus on a general subject or profession. These degrees are required for many entry-level positions as well admission to graduate school.
" When used professionally, the Bachelor's degree can earn a range of salaries from $32,000 to upwards of $80,000 and even more. The salaries seen by these degree holders vary largely by industry, and management level. Just like the degree can establish a Bachelor of many subjects, it too can produce professionals of many fields. Recently, a few articles were published about the top starting salaries for such degrees, and we've provided a snap-shot look at some of the top earners. Bachelor's degrees in aerospace and astronautical engineering are for jobs in designing, constructing, and testing technologies related to aircraft, military use, or spacecraft. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates the lowest 10% of earners in this profession earn about $59,000 annually. In 2010, aerospace and astronautical engineering ranked in the top ten starting salaries among these degrees at about $57,000. Also making the top ten for 2010 with abut $57,000, Bachelor's degrees in electrical engineering are also lucrative starting points. The BLS says the bottom 10% of earners with this degree and profession see about $53,000, while the highest 10% see over $126,000. As part of the continually growing technology sect, computer engineering is not surprisingly another profitable industry. Bachelor's degrees in computer engineering currently account for about 385,000 workers in the United States. The lowest 10% of computer engineers make about $59,000 annually, and the BLS mentions their highest 10% make nearly $140,000. Similar to computer engineering though much broader in professional scope is the major of computer science. These Bachelor's degrees make slightly more as starting salaries, estimated at about $61,000 annually, although this figure represents a much larger sample size than the computer engineering profession; there are a reported 3.3 million workers in this field, according to the BLS. Rounding out the top starting salaries are Bachelor's degrees in petroleum engineering. The BLS reports the lowest earners in this profession making an average of about $58,000, but the wages make huge jumps in terms of incremental compensation. The median salary for a petroleum engineer, for example is over $108,000. This number pays even higher in areas of geographic harshness and hazardous work conditions, with some annual mean salaries as high as $154,000. These degrees are offered at many colleges and universities around the country. The Bachelor's degree can earn a position in research, testing, field work, or analysis. By earning a Bachelor's in one of these fields, you'll enjoy higher starting wages than many other professions. Some of these starting wages are even competitive with graduate degree salaries. From outer space to the innards of the earth, these degrees are responsible for the information we learn by way of human exploration. Earning an online bachelors is very feasible as well. It allows for more flexibility and the freedom to go to college in PJs or anytime around the clock! Article Source: Graduate Degree International Program; Bachelors and Masters Degree Info; Conventional and Online Masters Degree; College and University Degree Info ; MBA Program Review |
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011
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Sunday, August 28, 2011
A Review of Sakai: Free As In Freedom

A couple of weeks ago I bought ChuckҀs Sakai: Free As In Freedom (Alpha). When it arrived in the mail from Amazon, I thought, Ӏgreat, another $20 shelled out on a book that was exciting to buy but that I wonҀt actually read with all the other distractions in my life.Ԁ How wrong I was. ChuckҀs book is actually a page-turner ր at least for those of us whoҀve tried to tag along for the Sakai ride. There have already been two positive reviews of the book by Alan Berg and Jim Farmer. Like them, I took no small pleasure in reading it not least because Chuck reveals a lot of things that I was only vaguely aware of (having never sat on the Sakai board) or that I might have been familiar with but that IҀve forgotten over the course of the years.
Not all of ChuckҀs recollections can be summed up in this review but one especially worth highlighting (and which you can get the gist of by reading the closing chapters) is that Chuck and the board differed on issues of governance. Anyone whose dipped more than their pinky toe into open source initiatives knows, following Eric Raymond, that there are cathedral style (e.g. hierarchichal) software organizations and bazaar style (e.g. organic self-organizing) ones, and that open source (with many notable exceptions including the up and coming Instructure) generally gravitates toward the bazaar. But while many of us came to Sakai (and open source) because we longed for more inclusive, less top-down software communities, this doesnҀt mean weҀre partial to moving away from the cathedral and into the bazaar in equal degree. These same differences existed on the board and Chuck sums up the division as follows:
My opinion was that the purpose of the Foundation was to have a light touch and focus on nurturing the individual and organizational members of the community. The Foundation was to be the cheerleader, the communicator, throw good parties several times per yearŀ.and generally give folks a rallying point to find each otherŀ the Foundation was never to take the responsibility for the direction of the product, nor should the Foundation hire core developers, nor should the developers report to the Foundation staff to receive their assignments.
The opposing view held by the majority of the board members was that the Foundation and Foundation staff were a form of command and control with the top of the authority hierarchy as the Sakai Foundation Board of Directors. Theŀstakeholders were concerned that letting individualsŀ.make their own priority decisionsŀ.would be too risky for the adopting schoolsŀ..Central control and guidance was needed to insure that the product would move forward according to a well-defined and well-understood roadmap and do so on an agreed-to schedule.
Given my own school's tepid reception to the Sakai product (I still remember one Weber student who summed up his experience in version 2.4x with the withering description Ӏeverything is scattered from hell to breakfastԀ), we were receptive, on pragmatic grounds, to a little more command and control planning. And yet, at the same time, ChuckҀs vision appealed to my own deeply seated political and pedagogical beliefs. Especially as Chuck justifies them near the end of his diary:
The reason that I prefer a bazaar-style organizational structure for Sakai was that software for teaching and learning is something that everyone understands and has feelings about. There is not one set of designated experts who can define and design teaching and learning software and hand that design to some developers and have them Ӏcode it upԀ as if programming was an advanced form of typingŀ.good ideas can literally come from any part of the world and an idea can come as easily from a student as from a professional instructional designer. So I felt that it would be wrong to let design and priority decisions rest in the hands of a select few.
Given the competing virtues that are inherent in authoritarian and more anarchic governance structures, it was true, as Chuck also observed, that there wasnҀt a Ӏuniversally correctԀ organizational strategy that Sakai could have followed. But for better or worse, ChuckҀs vision differed from most of the boardҀs and in his view it played an important role in his decision to relinquish the executive directorship to Michael Korcuska at the Amsterdam conference in the summer of 2007.
ChuckҀs sympathies with a more loosely organized development model can also be found in other places in his narrative. For example, while he eventually learns to appreciate Carol Dippel and her QA efforts, heҀs initially skeptical. And while he credits Mike ElledgeҀs use of Microsoft Project to systematize SakaiҀs development efforts he readily admits his own aversion to using it. The portrait is rounded out when Chuck recounts buying a couple of suits for bettering his Sakai advocacy: apparently his credit card company flagged the purchase as suspicious. By whatever stereotypes of consumer behavior credit card companies use to build portraits of their users they seemed to have pegged him more as a Birkenstock than Wingtip kind of guy.
IҀve only talked with Chuck once very briefly while riding up an elevator at the Movenpick hotel at the Amsterdam conference. But I donҀt get the sense, even after noting the above predilections, that heҀs a simple Richard Stallman caricature who is out to Ӏstick it to the man.Ԁ For example, in contrast to some of the rest of us, his misgivings of Blackboard were not that deep-seated. He describes the patent suit as a defensive action that any corporation out to protect share-holder value would have been interested in pursuing (p. 176) And in spite of the suit he continued to seek productive partnerships between Sakai and the Blackboard corporation. Like Brad and Joseph he knew how to appeal to freaks like me who sometimes have difficulty acknowledging that our 401-kҀs make us complicit too in the heartlessness of capitalism. But he did it in a way without alienating potential partnerships with commercial interests outside academe.
As the SovietҀs used to say (and as historians often still profess), Ӏthe future may be certain but the past is always contested territory.Ԁ Which is another way of saying that if Chuck has offered up an intriguing story, I hope it doesnҀt end up being the authoritative history of Sakai. The sub-title, after all, is a Ӏretrospective diaryԀ rather than a history, which would suggest that many other stories are worth telling. For example, Chuck glosses over the divisions that arose between those of us who saw Sakai primarily as an LMS and as a commodity whose core design could largely be derived from prior art and those who proclaimed the LMS as dead and Sakai as a larger platform and community for innovating new online teaching technologies. The CLE versus LMS story is, I expect, only one of many other stories worth telling. Perhaps, as Jim Farmer has suggested, we need to publish a compilation? In the meantime ChuckҀs book is a great (Alpha) history.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Student Housing: Sharing a Flat vs. Staying with a Host Family

Student Housing Options: Sharing a Flat
Studying abroad can be one of the most memorable experiences in a studentҀs life. Not only will you gain a new perspective on that countryҀs academia, but youҀll also have the unique opportunity to meet new people and learn their culture.
If youҀre like most students, you probably enjoy being surrounded by people your age who possess similar views to your own. You also take pleasure in having a degree of independence from your parents and the university. These feelings are only natural, and definitely among the benefits of sharing a flat with other students. Of course your studies are important, but so too are the people, events and experiences outside of the school setting that will collectively help shape your life.
However, if you do decide to opt for the independence and enjoyment that comes from a sharing flat, you will want to make absolutely certain that the roommate(s) you choose to cohabitate with are at least somewhat compatible to you. Nothing is worse than spending an entire semester or longer with a person or people youҀre constantly at odds with or who irritate you, so spend some extra time getting to know your potential roommates before you make any snap or rash decisions to take this step.
Expenses. Sharing a flat can be very expensive, especially as compared to staying with a host family (which is usually free). YouҀll also need to consider the income of your roommates so you donҀt get stuck paying for more than your fair share of the household expenses.
Lease. Sharing a flat will usually involve signing a lease, so itҀs important that you and each of your roommates are in agreement with the leaseҀs terms.
Other Guests. Are you all in agreement to the idea of one or more roommates having the occasional overnight guest? This may sound like a strange question, but youҀd be surprised by how many tensions can arise from situations just like this. That is why it is so important to have a frank discussion about questions such as these, and come to a unified agreement in advance.
Student Housing Options: Staying with a Host Family
9- are essentially resident landlords who often have children who are similar in age to you, the student. This student housing option also has several benefits, along with a few disadvantages. The benefits include:
Culture and Language.Living with residents of the host country affords you the opportunity to learn the traditions and customs of that region, and perhaps even acquire some new language skills.
No Commitment. When you sign a lease, as would normally be required when sharing a flat, you are committed to that agreement for the entire term. However, if you decide to stay with a host family there is no commitment, so if things arenҀt working out you are always free to leave.
Of course there are also some disadvantages to this type of living arrangement, including, perhaps, some limitations on your freedom. As a guest of a host family you will be expected to abide by the rules theyҀve established, which in some cases could include a curfew along with other house rules.
So what will you decide? Essentially the decision is a matter of preference, one that, in the end comes down to whatҀs most important to you. Granted, when sharing a flat youҀll almost certainly have more freedom, but this freedom will come with a fairly hefty price tag, and thereҀs no guarantee that you and your roommates will be compatible. On the other hand, if you decide to stay with a host family, youҀll probably have a bit less freedom, but your accommodations and meals will be free, and youҀll have many opportunities for cultural enhancement. It can be an agonizing decision, but whatever you decide you can rest assured that the advantages for each of these options almost always outweigh the drawbacks.
School Exchange Programs: Promoting Academic Excellence and Cultural Understanding

School Exchange Programs: About the Program, Participants and Host School
School exchanges are programs in which students of a variety of ages have the opportunity to study in a foreign country for a predetermined length of time, usually 10-12 months, or the duration of one school year. The programs are open to high school students, predominantly juniors and seniors, and to students at the university level. There are several countries from around the world that participate in school exchange programs, ranging from countries as far east as China and Japan, to as far west as the United States, Spain and the United Kingdom.
The application process for a school exchange program usually commences one year to 18 months prior to the start of the program. Students are usually required to complete a lengthy application, and will most likely undergo a series of interviews with the program staff to ensure they are a good match for the program. If accepted, they will typically be notified approximately 6 months in advance to their departure, giving them ample time to secure the required travel documents׀such as a student visa׀make the necessary travel arrangements and arrange for student housing (to be explained later).
When students arrive in their destination country, they will attend a host school, and have the benefit of interacting on a daily basis with their new-found peers. They will learn new teaching and learning methods, make new friends and have plenty of opportunities to share their own experience of living and studying in another country. Students and teachers at the host school will also benefit from the program. They have the opportunity to share a year-long bond with someone who offers a different cultural perspective, a bond where each student brings with them valuable insights and their own unique cultural perspective, allowing both the exchange student and the members of the host school to learn from one another.
School Exchange Programs: Student Housing and Activities
The opportunity to study at a host school is an incredible experience, but academics is only half of what school exchange participants will take away from the program. College-aged exchange students can choose to share an apartment or flat with other students their age, living independently and enjoying the college atmosphere and activities. Some will elect to save money, however, and opt for the same student housing option that is open to secondary students: living with a host family.
Host families, who generally have children roughly the same age as the program participants, are essential to the school exchange program. Not only do they house and feed their international house guests, they support them through by hosting nightly discussions, playing games and helping with homework. On the weekends they all embark upon various cultural events and exciting activities, allowing the exchange student to get a taste for, and fully absorb all the customs, traditions, food, language and fun associated with their host country.
School exchange programs help to promote academic excellence, as well as cultural learning, understanding and tolerance, and those students lucky enough to set off on of these international adventures will have a memorable experience that will help shape their perspective for the rest of their lives.
Student Exchange: The Opportunity of a Lifetime

What Is a Student Exchange Program?
Student exchange is a program in which two or more secondary schools or universities partner together to offer educational opportunities and cultural enhancement for students who wish to study and travel abroad. For example, in a student exchange program between two partner schools in China and the United States, a student in China can elect to study at a school in the United States, while meanwhile an American student will travel abroad and study in the partner Chinese school. These programs are an absolute once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for students, not only from an academic standpoint, but as an affordable way to learn the customs, culture and even the language of the host country.
Student exchange programs have been in existence for many years now. They became popular after the Second World War in an effort to promote the understanding and tolerance of other cultures, and since that time, they have evolved and expanded considerably. Currently there are hundreds of potential host nations and schools throughout the world that take part in student exchange, thus bolstering the number of opportunities for students who wish to take advantage of this very unique experience.
Student Exchange Program: The Details
The checklist below highlights some of the details and specifics normally involved with the student exchange program, although certain particulars will vary from program to program:
Qualifications. To participate in a student exchange, qualified individuals will have demonstrated success in and out of the classroom and be of high moral character. Also, at the secondary level, students must be between 16-18 years of age.
Costs. Costs will vary depending on the type of student exchange program. At the university level the tuition for these programs is usually provided as part of a scholarship opportunity or federal grant, but at the secondary level these costs are usually absorbed by the participantҀs family. Most additional costs revolve around travel and health insurance, as well as other risk management components.
Duration. The duration of student exchange programs can range from 6-24 months, but generally the exchange will span approximately 10 months.
Student Housing. At the secondary school level, housing and meals are usually provided exclusively by host families at no extra cost. This Ӏhost familyԀ option is also available for university students, but since these students are of legal age they have many more housing options to choose from, including sharing an off-campus flat or apartment with other students or living on-campus in the residence halls or school dormitories.
Student Exchange: The Benefits
The benefits of student exchange are many, too numerous, in fact, to mention them all here. They include:
Cultural awareness, understanding and acceptance
Language acquisition
Gaining perspective of new teaching and learning methods and modalities
An enhanced interest and appreciation of global issues
Learning independence and attaining maturity
A sense of accomplishment
And many moreŀ
Students who participate in, and successfully complete a student exchange program will return not only as better students, but as better people, with a deeper understanding of cultural issues, tolerance and flexibility
Friday, August 26, 2011
Online Degrees in Nursing: Train to Become a Licensed Practical Nurse

Online Degrees in Nursing: Training and Qualifications for an LPN
There are many different types of online degrees in nursing, but the shortest, and certainly one of the most popular, is the Associates Degree in Nursing, a program that will help you meet the requirements of a Licensed Practical Nurse.
After you complete the core general education subjects, which are required for all types of associate degrees, training to become an LPN will typically span one year and will include both classroom study (courses that can be taken online) and supervised clinical practice. While pursuing this online degree in nursing you will learn the basic concepts and subjects that are involved in patient care, including anatomy, physiology, surgical nursing, pediatrics, obstetrics, nutrition and first aid, all of which will prepare you for the nurseҀs licensing exam.
Licensure is required for all LPNs, which is really nothing more than a four-part computer-based exam called the National Council Licensure Examination, or NCLEX-PN. This exam will cover topics ranging from maintaining a safe and effective care environment to health promotion and maintenance. Those students who have satisfactorily completed their LPN coursework have a very high rate of passage on this exam.
Online Degrees in Nursing: What Can You Do With an LPN License?
Those who complete the online LPN nursing degree and pass the NCLEX-PN are immediately eligible to begin working with patients, assisting physicians and registered nurses in a variety of care settings, including hospitals and elder care facilities. Duties of an LPN usually include tasks such as recording patientsҀ vital signs, preparing and administering injections and enemas, dressing wounds and helping patients with their daily hygienic needs, such as dressing and bathing.
With an online degree in nursing you will instantly become very marketable, as the career outlook for LPNs continues to be exceptional, despite the recent economic downturn. There are currently nursing shortages in every state, and qualified nurses are always needed to fill those roles. The salary range for an LPN, while somewhat lower than that of Registered Nurses, is still very competitive, with plenty of room for advancement. In fact, the experience gained working with in these types of care facilities is very valuable, and many LPNs will later go on to complete their Bachelors or Masters Degree in Nursing and become registered nurses with higher salaries and increased responsibility.
Online Degrees in Nursing: How Do Online Degrees in Nursing Work?

Online Degrees in Nursing: What You Will Need to Get Started
As the name implies, online degrees in nursing are college degree programs in which the majority׀and sometimes the entirety׀of the coursework is conducted online. As a result, to be successful in these types of programs, you will need to possess certain equipment and qualifications before you enroll, including:
Personal Computer This could be a desktop computer, laptop computer or tablet-style computer to which you have regular access.
Reliable Internet Connection A high-speed internet connection (broadband, DSL, Wireless, etc.) is essential when taking any online nursing degree class.
Basic Computer Knowledge A basic understanding of how your computer and the Internet operate is essential when enrolling in an online nursing degree program.
Ability to Work Independently. Because the majority of the coursework will be completed online, students must possess the discipline to work independently to meet course deadlines.
While these are the base qualifications and equipment you will need to enroll in an online degree in nursing program, the school or university in which you enroll may have additional requirements, such as the ability to video chat or the ability to run a particular operating system.
Online Degrees in Nursing: How Do The Degree Programs Work?
These days almost every nursing degree, from an associate degree to degree at the doctoral level, is available online. Typically, these programs are broken down into two sections: course work and clinical practice, with the former being conducted over the Internet, and the latter at a medical facility of some type.
For the coursework section of the program, the school or university will generally host its own website, and students will be given a password. With this they will be able to access the site and participate in regularly scheduled activities, such as group chat sessions, video conferencing, lectures and seminars. Between these arranged sessions, students can also access the site to view any course assignments they may have missed and to read and contribute to bulletin board discussions.
Online Degrees in Finance: Bachelor of Science in Finance

Online Degrees in Finance: About the Online Bachelor of Science in Finance Degree
The online Bachelor of Science in Finance degree is a program featured at many colleges and universities across the country. The program is designed for busy, career-oriented professionals who are looking to advance within their current company, and for those seeking management-level employment opportunities in a variety of industries, including banking, investing, retail, insurance, financial services and government agencies.
The curriculum for the online Bachelor of Science in Finance degree is very thorough, and structured to include the most current trends in finance, including the latest techniques and practices that will allow graduates to compete in an ever-growing global economy. Throughout this online degree program, students will learn the basics of effective financial management, including the latest information and practices in financial analysis and planning, making important financial decisions and managing the financial resources of the firm and the firmҀs clients.
Those who successfully complete the Bachelor of Science in Finance degree are in very high demand, and will be prepared for employment in areas/businesses such as:
Large private companies in a variety of industries
Government agencies and organizations
Non-profits groups
Small businesses
Management groups
Marketing and Financial services
Investment firms
And much, much moreŀ
Online Bachelor of Science in Finance Degree: Who Should Enroll?
The online Bachelor of Science in Finance degree is ideal for busy professionals׀just like you׀who are looking for a quality finance program that is flexible and convenient enough so as not to interfere with your current work schedule. Coursework is completed online at your own convenience, and when assignments are completed you simply email them back to the instructor for comments and evaluation. It really is that simple. This allows you to schedule your studies around your work schedule and family responsibilities, studying only when itҀs an opportune time for you, including nights and weekends if you prefer.
A Bachelor Degree in Finance will not only provide you with the fundamental skills and principles you need to succeed in the financial world, it will almost always open new doors to more expansive opportunities and higher salaries. In fact, many will go on to earn and receive their MBA or Doctorate degree with an emphasis in Finance, and for both of these degrees, the Bachelor of Science in Finance is the perfect stepping stone.
Online Degrees in Education: What to Look for When Choosing a Program

Online Degrees in Education: What to Look For and Questions to Ask
The primary goal of any online degree in education program should be to fully prepare you for a career as a teacher. Thus, your primary selection criteria should be a school with which you feel comfortable׀one that offers the most effective instructional methods and caters to a variety of learning styles. In addition, there are several factors and characteristics to consider׀questions you need to ask to ensure you get the most from your educational experience. Some of these include:
Accreditation. Is the school and program through which youҀll earn your online degree in education accredited? This is very crucial and must always be considered, because if not, you may be wasting your time. Although most online schools of education are fully accredited through either the National Council of Accreditation for Teacher Education or the Teacher Education Accreditation Council, there are a few schools operating online without the proper credentials, and therefore a degree from one of these schools may be worthless, preventing you from becoming employed after graduation.
Schedule. One of the primary reasons for pursuing an online degree in education as opposed to a traditional degree is the flexibility. Sadly, some schools will promote their education program as Ӏonline,Ԁ when in reality only a small portion of that program is conducted via the Internet. For that reason, always make sure that the schedule requirements for your degree program will not interfere with your other responsibilities.
Curriculum. Are you certain that the curriculum offered through the online education program addresses your career interests and requirements? Has the curriculum been approved by a recognized standards committee? Always research the curriculum fully before making an enrollment decision.
Faculty. Does the faculty include doctoral level instructors and/or instructors with real-world teaching experience? Who you learn from is often as important as what you learn, so take some time to investigate your instructorsҀ qualifications beforehand.
Career Assistance. Does the online degree program help with placement assistance? Are the majority of graduates able to pass the state licensing exam? Competition for teaching jobs can be fierce in some states, which is why those schools that offer career services should be high on your list.
An online degree in education can open up a whole world of opportunities, but before jumping Ӏfeet firstԀ into the first educational opportunity you come across, it is always a good idea to first do some research to ensure the school is a good fit for your unique interests and abilities.
Language Exchange Programs Defined

What Is a Language Exchange and How Does It Work?
Simply put, a language exchange is a type of language acquisition program in which two or more people who speak a different language come together׀either in person or electronically via email, voice chat, etc.׀to practice one anotherҀs language. For instance, if an English speaker is interested in learning Spanish, in a language exchange program he/she would be paired with a Spanish speaker interested in learning English.
There are several different ways a language exchange can be performed and practiced, including one of the more popular techniques called the Cormier method. In this system, small mixed groups of native speakers׀speakers of two languages׀will spend half the time conversing in one language and the other half speaking in the alternate language. This is carried out through various activities that are designed to address every important area of effective language acquisition, including vocabulary, comprehension and pronunciation.
While language exchange programs can take place in person, the improvements in technology in recent years have made it possible for speakers of different languages to get together electronically from thousands of miles away to practice each otherҀs language. This is often accomplished using a language exchange service of some type׀one that provides a lesson plan and simplified instructions, usually for a very nominal fee. At the beginner level, speakers in a language exchange will often communicate exclusively through email or text, but as speakers become more advanced in each otherҀs language, video chat is often added to enhance the experience and to stress proper pronunciation.
The Benefits of a Language Exchange
Learning a new language takes not just practice, but the right kind of practice. Unlike other popular ways to learn a new language, methods such as a language class׀in which the instructor does most of the speaking׀and total immersion׀in which the native speakers really have no motivation to help you learn׀a language exchange allows both parties to speak, write and practice the new language often, with both parties sharing the same goal and thus just as motivated to help the other learn.
Another benefit of language exchange is that it stresses the type of communication most often used by people׀conversational communication׀and does so in a way that is very structured, yet comfortable. Through the carefully designed lesson plans and how-to guides, a language exchange program ensures that speakers will always have something to talk about, and because there is no evaluation process or penalty for mistakes, students tend to feel more at ease with the process and are more apt to practice on a regular basis.
Language Exchange: One on One vs. Group Language Exchange

Language Exchange: What Is Language Exchange?
Language exchange is a unique and extremely effective form of new language learning in which two or more people are grouped together, either physically in the same room or electronically through email, video chat etc., to learn each otherҀs language. The program can be conducted in either a one on one or group setting, with activities designed to teach and learn the other language.
In recent years, the language exchange model of new language acquisition has been lauded for the benefits it offers to all learners involved. It is a great alternative to the traditional model of language learning, direct language instruction, because instead of having one person teach many, this program demands a direct, even intimate participation between both parties, with plenty of opportunities for one on one discussions and language activities. This not only helps to learn the word and grammar equivalents in another language, but also the various idioms and pronunciations in language that are so vital to complete fluency.
One-on-One Language Exchange
One-on-one language exchange is a style in which two learners participate together in activities and dialogue designed to teach and learn the otherҀs language. In other words, a student from, say, Mexico would be paired with a French student, each desiring to learn the otherҀs language. This type of one-on-one exchange, with activities and instructions that are part of an overall lesson plan designed by the language exchange coordinator, can span several months or even a couple of years, and during that time it is not uncommon for the two learners to become very close friends as well as teachers and learners respectively.
One of the benefits to the Ӏone-on-oneԀ language exchange model is the program is much more conducive to electronic communication than is group instruction, essentially allowing two learners from opposite ends of the globe to meet regularly through email, instant messaging and video chat.
The obvious disadvantage to a one-on-one approach is the program is limited to only two teachers/learners instead of many. This tends to limit the amount of activities that can be performed and may not be completely representative of the language(s) that are being taught and learned.
Group Language Exchange
In group language exchange, several people meet together, some of which speak one language and some the other (usually 50-50), to conduct group discussions and participate in group activities, all designed to learn the otherҀs language. In other words, using the same example as above, a group language exchange with 10 participants would likely have 5 individuals from Mexico and 5 from France who meet regularly to participate in the program. Like one-on-one instruction, the activities are usually part of an overall lesson plan designed by the language exchange coordinator.
The advantage to a group language exchange is that it allows participants the opportunity to learn from several people at once. For example, in a group dialogue learners can hear various people speak the language on a single topic, both male and female, and a larger group usually translates to more discussion and longer dialogues. This repetition and the longer sessions can lead to increased comprehension.
Naturally, the group setting is not very conducive to electronic communication, as it is much more difficult to coordinate such activities when many people are involved. And while the group method can also lead to lifelong friendships, it tends to be much less intimate than one-on-one instruction, as people tend to be a bit more inhibited in a group setting.