Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Australian Scholarship Opportunities

Anne Wexler Scholarship for Australian-American Public Policy Studies

Prestigious new Masters Scholarship for 2011 for up to Aus$140,000 for up to two years for research or study in Australia towards a Masters degree.

The aim of the Anne Wexler Scholarships is to grow Australian-American educational linkages by building the network of public policy experts and to encourage ongoing policy exchange between both countries. U.S. postgraduate students with strong academic credentials and leadership potential can apply to undertake a Master's degree in Australia in an area that supports the late Mrs Wexler's bi-national interests in the fields of public policy. These may include key areas such as health, sustainability, energy, climate change, regional security, political science, history or governmental relations. Consideration will be given to those undertaking one year of study to complete a Master's degree.

This is not a Fulbright scholarship but it is administered by the Australian-American Fulbright Commission. Applications close 30 Sept 2010.

See: http://www.fulbright.com.au/scholarships/AnneWexlerScholarships.html

Fulbright ANU College of Business and Economics Postgraduate Scholarship

Applications are invited from graduates in the field of business or economics for 8-12 months research or study at this leading College at the Australian National University. The scholarship is valued at up to Aus$40,000. Applicants will be assessed on their academic and professional merit; clearly defined and achievable proposal; and the potential for their research or study project to add value and build collaborations between Australia and the U.S.

See: http://www.fulbright.com.au/scholarships/FulbrightANUCollegeofBusinessandEconomicsScholarship.html

Fulbright CSIRO Postgraduate Scholarship

Valued at up to Aus$35,000 this scholarship supports an American citizen to undertake 8-12 months postgraduate research in Australia, related to their American PhD, at one of the ten CSIRO Flagship Research Centres. The CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) is the Australian Government's leading and largest science research organization with over 6,000 staff working on outcome focused scientific research to benefit industries, communities and the environment.

See: http://www.fulbright.com.au/scholarships/CSIROscholarship.html

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