Learning phase can be glamorous for any one who really loves to learn. To mean it, I would say it is a craze, passion and a treat to my knowledge base. Little addition is so valuable in our day to day life that makes me happy and keeps me abreast of others. In a way it has to be enjoyed with natural and fresh look.
This post is going to be a bit special for me. I will try to leave a message with this. To guide you on my past experience, I have visualized education as my important growth phase of life. I am from Biology background through out my post graduation level. Then a sudden turn around to Management studies in Bangalore for another Master degree. From the very beginning I took my studies a serious affair and tried to perform in every occasion. But converting my direction to corporate world with a background of Bio-science was never an easy task for me. In fact I was not well aware of the whole course and the phases I would have to pass through out the tenure of MBA session with marketing specialization. I had to study and learn those stuff which I have never dreamt of or had any idea. That also a completely different stream in a different and polished environment and of course a pool of unhygienic competition. As a whole the experience was not anticipated at all.
But finally I came out with flying colors both in terms of Ranking and Job placement. I would share few of my strategies taken over there to establish my footprints. These can be helpful those who are trying hard to make their presence vibrant in an unfavorable environment having limited access to air your voice. Bit of courage and persistence can make you stronger in any awkward situation. These are mentioned here as follows:
First list those objectives you want to achieve down the line of 6 months,1 year , 2 years, 5 years ,10 years while pursuing education and aiming your expected job. Segregating time frame, setting up targets and finally chasing that really works wonder. It is important to understand the basic nature of your learning efficiency. One should know his potential and try to maximize it as far as possible. Easy going but planned way of learning keeps you focused, directed, confident and energetic. It is really important to increase assimilation power and relating course theory to practical incidence.
Answers to these self Ö€asked questions can be indicative to formulate your plan for those:
1. Do you know your institution and industries well?
2. What is their latest trend of demand?
3. How are you are feeling as a part of this new phase?
4. What are your strength and in which field?
5. Do you have enough idea to route your skill in the required direction?
6. What is the way of measuring your stand among the crowd?
7. What are the areas to hit upon to make an impact on others?
8. Have you drawn out a study plan to optimize your time?
9. How well you can differentiate your plan of action based on urgency?
10. Are you good enough to write every small points of your learning?
11. Do you know how to collect small but relevant information methodically?
12. Is it possible to diagnose the key factors and key people who can be of
your help?
13. How well organized you are in planning out something new?
14. Can you differentiate between learning and execution simultaneously?
15. What are the negative ideas that keep you worried?
16. How well you can present yourself to the new people?
17. Are you good enough to do self analysis and interrogation?
18. Could you prove yourself better than yesterday?
19. What extent you are responsible to yourself and your ego?
20. How disciplined and methodical you are with a serious process?
I hope answers of these questions will vary from a person to person obviously. But thoughtful and individualized answers would boost your energy and keeps you ever motivated. I must admit that finding answers and approach towards these questions are case specific and relative. But every unique effort will prove gold to you once you are convinced on your dedication and expected outcomes.
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