Tuesday, July 22, 2008

AACSB Online MBA Programs

One of the factor most frequently considered when choosing a certified MBA or an Online MBA Course is whether the programs is accredited by AACSB, AMBA, FIBBA, EQUIS or other accrediting agencies. This article is on AACSB-accredited Online MBA programs.

AACSB International was founded in 1916 and had begun its accreditation functions in 1919. Since then, a numbers of accreditation standards had been approved by the AACSB International members, which allows online MBA courses offered by business schools globally that support and encourages excellence in management education to be accredited by AACSB.

When an online MBA course or a certified MBA programs is accredited by AACSB International, it represents that the business school had achieved the highest standards of achievement, worldwide. Business schools or university that had achieved the AACSB accreditation confirm their commitment to quality and continuous improvement. Therefore an AACSB-accredited online MBA course or certified MBA program had entered the hall of fame in terms of excellence in management education.

When an Online MBA Course or the certified MBA program had been accredited by AACSB International, the followings can be assured about the business school:
Հ Manage resources to achieve a vibrant and relevant mission.
Հ Advance business and management knowledge through faculty scholarship.
Հ Provide high-caliber teaching of quality and current curricula.
Հ Cultivate meaningful interaction between students and a qualified faculty.
Հ Produce graduates who have achieved specified learning goals.

Accreditation Standards Used by AACSB to Accredit Online MBA Programs

All accrediting agencies use their own standard to accredit online MBA programs. The accreditation by AACSB International assures quality and promotes excellence and continuous improvement of the Online MBA Course.

The followings is an excerpt of the preamble to Accreditation Standards used by AACSB International:

Complex demands on management and accounting education mirror the demands on
organizations and managers. Challenges come from
Հ Strong and growing global economic forces
Հ Differences in organizational and cultural values
Հ Cultural diversity among employees and customers
Հ Changing technology in products and processes

In this environment, management education must prepare students to contribute to their organizations and the larger society and to grow personally and professionally throughout their careers. The objective of management education accreditation is to assist programs to meet these challenges.

From the preamble, it can be observed that AACSBҀs accreditation focuses on the quality of education. The AACSB accreditation standards set rigorous and demanding thresholds and challenge the business school to pursue continuous improvement to their Online MBA Course. However, it is important to note that accreditation itself, does not create quality learning experience. The quality of the Online MBA Course or certified MBA programs has to be created by the faculty staffs themselves.

AACSB also places a lot of emphasis on interaction among students and faculty members. Therefore, you can expect that any certified MBA programs accredited by AACSB has to provide plenty of interaction. To be accredited by AACSB, the business schools or institution has to achieve and demonstrate acceptable level of performance consistent with its mission.

Upon achieved AACSB accreditation, the business school or institution has to embark on continuous process of accreditation maintenance. This process includes:
An annual report of data
An annual summary of strategic management
A periodic five-year review of strategic progress

The AACSB Accreditation Committees

The followings are the AACSB Committees involved in the accreditation of any Online MBA Course:

Initial Accreditation Committee
Accounting Accreditation Committee
Maintenance of Accreditation Committee
Accreditation Quality Committee
Accreditation Coordinating Committee

The Process of AACSB Accreditation for Online MBA Course

The AACSB Online MBA Course Accreditation process is a continuous process. The transitions from one step to the other and from one committee to another flow smoothly without disruption of the business schoolҀs progress and their Online MBA Courses.

The followings are the accreditation process:
1. The applicant school establishes AACSB International membership. The applicant then submit Eligibility Application to begin the accreditation process for the Online MBA Course.

2. The PreAccreditation Committee assigns a mentor, and based on the PreAccreditation Committee review of the Eligibility Application for the Online MBA Course.

3. The mentor visits the applicant and (a) assists the school to respond to any concerns raised by the Eligibility Application and (b) reviews how the applicant satisfies each standard. They also perform a gap analysis to be used as the basis for the Accreditation Plan.

4. The Accreditation Coordinating Committee reviews the Eligibility Application as revised to meet any concerns raised by the PreAccreditation Committee and rules on eligibility issues such as diversity and excluded programs. Changes in existing conditions during the implementation period may delay or expedite initial accreditation of the Online MBA Course.

5. With the mentor's assistance, the applicant prepares and submits an Accreditation Plan and a Strategic Plan for the accreditation of the Online MBA Course. The Accreditation Plan is presented as part of the school's Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan extends beyond the achievement of accreditation of the Online MBA Course.

6. The PreAccreditation Committee reviews the Accreditation Plan and approves it, or iterates suggestions for modification and review until approval is possible.

7. Once the PreAccreditation Committee has accepted the accreditation plan, the plan is forwarded to the Initial Accreditation Committee.

8. The Initial Accreditation Committee reviews the Strategic Plan and approves it, or iterates suggestions for modification and review until approval is possible.

9. The applicant submits annual reports on progress made and any delays in achieving its Accreditation Plan. Any changes to the Accreditation Plan are described in the annual reports.

10. The mentor continues to work with the applicant for up to three years as the applicant implements its Accreditation Plan for the Online MBA Course. Initial accreditation must be achieved within five years of the Initial Accreditation Committee acceptance of the Accreditation Plan.

11. Two years in advance of the anticipated accreditation review visit, a Peer Review Team chair (but not the full team) is appointed. The team chair monitors the applicant's progress through the final two years of the accomplishment of the Accreditation Plan.

12. The applicant of the Online MBA Course accreditation prepares its Self-Evaluation Report while working with the team chair.

13. The Initial Accreditation Committee appoints the other members of the Peer Review Team. The team reviews the Self-Evaluation Report, and it prepares and sends a pre-visit letter that is approved by the Initial Accreditation Committee.

14. The visit takes place, and the team delivers to the applicant and to the Initial Accreditation Committee a visit report that includes an accreditation decision recommendation. The Initial Accreditation Committee ratifies or remands the recommendation.

15. Recommendations for accreditation of the Online MBA Course or denial that are ratified by the Initial Accreditation Committee are then sent to the Board for ratification or remand.

Responsibilities of the Online MBA Course Provider

The followings are the listed responsibilities of the Online MBA Course provider:
1. Maintain educational achievements appropriate to AACSB International
accreditation standards and to the member's strategic mission.
Հ Prepare annual reports
Հ Provide annual accreditation-related data
Հ Provide appropriate reports for five-year reviews
Հ Ensure that program quality is maintained and that all programs
have continuous improvement efforts
Հ Ensure that programs promote and operate with integrity

2. Represent AACSB International accreditation [accurately].
Հ Maintain accurate institutional publicity regarding accreditation
Հ Make accurate representations regarding accreditation to students
and prospective students
Հ Promote AACSB International accreditation in catalogs, web sites,
and promotional materials

3. Participate in the AACSB International accreditation review process
Հ Provide representatives to participate in peer review of other
Հ Assist in the continuous improvement of AACSB International

4. Represent degree and non-degree programs accurately, realistically and with
integrity in all communications.
Հ Identify educational learning goals realistically
Հ Describe the success of graduates accurately
Հ Develop and follow consistent practices that ensure integrity in the
representation of information about programs and the institution
Հ Report program data and information accurately to external parties
(1) This expectation is monitored through the accreditation review process.
(2) This expectation is a condition of membership.
(3) This expectation is presented for guidance.

Top 40 Distance Learning MBA or Online MBA Programs with AACSB Accreditation

The followings are the MBA Courses accredited by AACSB that has made it to the Top 40 ranking of Distance Learning or Online MBA listed by the Financial Times 2008 ranking:

MBA at Open University Business School, UK
Global Distance Learning MBA at Henley Management College, UK
MBA at Manchester Business School, UK
MBA at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico
The Warwick MBA by Distance Learning at Warwick Business School
MBA at Kelly School of Business, Indiana University, US
Global MBA for Latin American Managers at Thunderbird School of Global Management and Tecnologico de Monterrey, US
Fast Track MBA at Babson College, US
Strathclyde Flexible Learning MBA at University of Strathclyde Business School, UK
One-year Internet MBA at University of Florida, Hough Graduate School of Business, US
Northeastern University Online MBA Program at Northeastern University, US
Global On-line MBA Program at University of Texas at Dallas, US
iMBA at Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University, US
W.P.Carey MBA ր Online Program at Arizona State University, US
Healthcare MBA at The George Washington University, US
MBA Anywhere at Drexel University ր LeBow College of Business, US
UNL Distance MBA at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, US
Global MBA On-Demand at Thunderbird School of Global Management, US
The Surrey MBA at University of Surrey, School of Management, US
Global MBA at IE Business School, Spain
Euro*MBA at Euro*MBA Consortium in France, Netherlands, Poland, Spain & Germany
MBA (Distance Learning) at Aston Business School, Aston University, UK
Thunderbird and Indiana University ր Kelley Direct MBA/M-GM Dual Degree at Thunderbird School of Global Management and Indiana University, US

You may want to read some of the review for the program above that was published on this Online MBA Course site.

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