Monday, July 28, 2008

What's Your Pedigree?

A recent series of postings on the NACAC e-list chewed over the propriety of a white South African in the U.S. checking "African American" on the college application "ethnicity" box. It was determined that she could possibly call herself a White African American, which manages to be insulting and logically twisted on so many levels it's hard to know where to start. Further discussion revealed that counselors have also had to deal with issues of apparently white students "actually" being black (by virtue of the "one drop" rule, I suppose--seems almost medieval though). Others noted the various dilemmas of those living abroad who aren't sure what ethnic box to check, some less legit than others. I recall from my Amherst admission days the well-to-do Jewish students living in Argentina (mostly descendants of refugees from Nazi Germany) who wanted to call themselves "Hispanic."

I'm a naturally suspicious person, so I see most of these inquirers as trying to get permission to game the system, that is, presenting themselves as African American or Hispanic in order to reap the benefits colleges bestow on those groups as a result of their histories and conditions in the United States. In the ultra-competitive environment of college admission, this sneaky attempt to piggyback on well-intentioned college admission policies seems only natural if repulsive. But rather than blame the hopeful perpetrators, perhaps we should look at the system that encourages this behavior.

In 19th-century New Orleans a highly complex system of classification sorted African Americans into categories depending on the supposed ratio of white to black blood they possessed. There were quadroons (one quarter white) and octaroons (one-eighth white) and others with varying degrees on either side. This system translated into, or rather, paralleled, an equally complex social/class system that tried to assign everyone into a very specific slot within New Orleans society. (Wealthy white men often had two families--their legitimate ones, with wife and children living in the American sector of the city, and their "illegitimate" ones in the French Quarter, with perhaps an octaroon wife and their mutual children, who were often well-cared for and educated.) Naturally, this complexity created a vast web of social interaction and relation nearly impossible to sustain.

We seem to have reached a similar point in our attempt to classify the racial characteristics of an increasingly interactive population. When one has to ask a question like "How black is she?" perhaps it's time to revisit the whole concept of racial classification (at least in the area of college admission) and replace it with a social/class based system that may be more useful.

Although the question "How black/Hispanic is he?" (and its variant, "Is she black/Hispanic enough?") seems crude, it is often simply another way of asking, "Does this applicant embody the characteristics we expect to see when we see a black/Hispanic applicant?" To upack the question even more: "Is this candidate sufficiently disadvantaged/culturally different/needy to meet our criteria for creating a diverse class?" Of course, this line of questioning is based on stereotypes when you work at a highly competitive college. Even though you do it with the best of intentions, you are asking these students to conform to the idea that black and Hispanic students are disadvantaged, etc.

As long as students who have checked the box "African American" or "Hispanic" (or any other similar boxes) conform to the idea we need to have of them, there aren't usually problems. Difficulties arise when, for example, a black student raised at a New England boarding school by two black faculty members has a below average academic record and a lackluster involvement in any other activities. What should take precedence, her race or her accomplishments? Should someone who's had every advantage but not really done much with them be given a boost because of her race? Conversely, how should one respond to the comment of an (African American) admission officer who contends that a straight-A, high testing lacrosse player "isn't black enough?"

I believe these absurdities could be drastically reduced if we asked every student to live up to or exceed the best standards of his or her environment, regardless of race or ethnicity. Instead of asking for an essentially meaningless characteristic (skin color in relation to academic potential), it's far more relevant and useful to ask for a student's economic/social background. Doing so can provide much more important information when trying to assess how a student will do in the college environment. Quality of education, determination in the face of adversity, willingness to persevere, and leadership can fill out a great deal of a student's application. We already try to put students in conext, why not expand that idea? Relying on ethnicity as a prime factor only encourages us to deal in stereotypes that lead to fatuous conclusions.

So to all you "white African Americans" and others of similar ilk-- we're on to your game. Stop trying to take advantage of our colleges' good nature! And colleges, look into dropping the simplistic race/ethnicity check boxes and replacing them with deeper and farther-ranging questions that can help you better assess a student's potential membership in your community. It's more complicated but in the end will probably be more compelling. In this age of globalization and increasing interaction among races and ethnicities, there seems to be less and less justification for keeping rigid divisions in place.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

AACSB Online MBA Programs

One of the factor most frequently considered when choosing a certified MBA or an Online MBA Course is whether the programs is accredited by AACSB, AMBA, FIBBA, EQUIS or other accrediting agencies. This article is on AACSB-accredited Online MBA programs.

AACSB International was founded in 1916 and had begun its accreditation functions in 1919. Since then, a numbers of accreditation standards had been approved by the AACSB International members, which allows online MBA courses offered by business schools globally that support and encourages excellence in management education to be accredited by AACSB.

When an online MBA course or a certified MBA programs is accredited by AACSB International, it represents that the business school had achieved the highest standards of achievement, worldwide. Business schools or university that had achieved the AACSB accreditation confirm their commitment to quality and continuous improvement. Therefore an AACSB-accredited online MBA course or certified MBA program had entered the hall of fame in terms of excellence in management education.

When an Online MBA Course or the certified MBA program had been accredited by AACSB International, the followings can be assured about the business school:
Հ Manage resources to achieve a vibrant and relevant mission.
Հ Advance business and management knowledge through faculty scholarship.
Հ Provide high-caliber teaching of quality and current curricula.
Հ Cultivate meaningful interaction between students and a qualified faculty.
Հ Produce graduates who have achieved specified learning goals.

Accreditation Standards Used by AACSB to Accredit Online MBA Programs

All accrediting agencies use their own standard to accredit online MBA programs. The accreditation by AACSB International assures quality and promotes excellence and continuous improvement of the Online MBA Course.

The followings is an excerpt of the preamble to Accreditation Standards used by AACSB International:

Complex demands on management and accounting education mirror the demands on
organizations and managers. Challenges come from
Հ Strong and growing global economic forces
Հ Differences in organizational and cultural values
Հ Cultural diversity among employees and customers
Հ Changing technology in products and processes

In this environment, management education must prepare students to contribute to their organizations and the larger society and to grow personally and professionally throughout their careers. The objective of management education accreditation is to assist programs to meet these challenges.

From the preamble, it can be observed that AACSBҀs accreditation focuses on the quality of education. The AACSB accreditation standards set rigorous and demanding thresholds and challenge the business school to pursue continuous improvement to their Online MBA Course. However, it is important to note that accreditation itself, does not create quality learning experience. The quality of the Online MBA Course or certified MBA programs has to be created by the faculty staffs themselves.

AACSB also places a lot of emphasis on interaction among students and faculty members. Therefore, you can expect that any certified MBA programs accredited by AACSB has to provide plenty of interaction. To be accredited by AACSB, the business schools or institution has to achieve and demonstrate acceptable level of performance consistent with its mission.

Upon achieved AACSB accreditation, the business school or institution has to embark on continuous process of accreditation maintenance. This process includes:
An annual report of data
An annual summary of strategic management
A periodic five-year review of strategic progress

The AACSB Accreditation Committees

The followings are the AACSB Committees involved in the accreditation of any Online MBA Course:

Initial Accreditation Committee
Accounting Accreditation Committee
Maintenance of Accreditation Committee
Accreditation Quality Committee
Accreditation Coordinating Committee

The Process of AACSB Accreditation for Online MBA Course

The AACSB Online MBA Course Accreditation process is a continuous process. The transitions from one step to the other and from one committee to another flow smoothly without disruption of the business schoolҀs progress and their Online MBA Courses.

The followings are the accreditation process:
1. The applicant school establishes AACSB International membership. The applicant then submit Eligibility Application to begin the accreditation process for the Online MBA Course.

2. The PreAccreditation Committee assigns a mentor, and based on the PreAccreditation Committee review of the Eligibility Application for the Online MBA Course.

3. The mentor visits the applicant and (a) assists the school to respond to any concerns raised by the Eligibility Application and (b) reviews how the applicant satisfies each standard. They also perform a gap analysis to be used as the basis for the Accreditation Plan.

4. The Accreditation Coordinating Committee reviews the Eligibility Application as revised to meet any concerns raised by the PreAccreditation Committee and rules on eligibility issues such as diversity and excluded programs. Changes in existing conditions during the implementation period may delay or expedite initial accreditation of the Online MBA Course.

5. With the mentor's assistance, the applicant prepares and submits an Accreditation Plan and a Strategic Plan for the accreditation of the Online MBA Course. The Accreditation Plan is presented as part of the school's Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan extends beyond the achievement of accreditation of the Online MBA Course.

6. The PreAccreditation Committee reviews the Accreditation Plan and approves it, or iterates suggestions for modification and review until approval is possible.

7. Once the PreAccreditation Committee has accepted the accreditation plan, the plan is forwarded to the Initial Accreditation Committee.

8. The Initial Accreditation Committee reviews the Strategic Plan and approves it, or iterates suggestions for modification and review until approval is possible.

9. The applicant submits annual reports on progress made and any delays in achieving its Accreditation Plan. Any changes to the Accreditation Plan are described in the annual reports.

10. The mentor continues to work with the applicant for up to three years as the applicant implements its Accreditation Plan for the Online MBA Course. Initial accreditation must be achieved within five years of the Initial Accreditation Committee acceptance of the Accreditation Plan.

11. Two years in advance of the anticipated accreditation review visit, a Peer Review Team chair (but not the full team) is appointed. The team chair monitors the applicant's progress through the final two years of the accomplishment of the Accreditation Plan.

12. The applicant of the Online MBA Course accreditation prepares its Self-Evaluation Report while working with the team chair.

13. The Initial Accreditation Committee appoints the other members of the Peer Review Team. The team reviews the Self-Evaluation Report, and it prepares and sends a pre-visit letter that is approved by the Initial Accreditation Committee.

14. The visit takes place, and the team delivers to the applicant and to the Initial Accreditation Committee a visit report that includes an accreditation decision recommendation. The Initial Accreditation Committee ratifies or remands the recommendation.

15. Recommendations for accreditation of the Online MBA Course or denial that are ratified by the Initial Accreditation Committee are then sent to the Board for ratification or remand.

Responsibilities of the Online MBA Course Provider

The followings are the listed responsibilities of the Online MBA Course provider:
1. Maintain educational achievements appropriate to AACSB International
accreditation standards and to the member's strategic mission.
Հ Prepare annual reports
Հ Provide annual accreditation-related data
Հ Provide appropriate reports for five-year reviews
Հ Ensure that program quality is maintained and that all programs
have continuous improvement efforts
Հ Ensure that programs promote and operate with integrity

2. Represent AACSB International accreditation [accurately].
Հ Maintain accurate institutional publicity regarding accreditation
Հ Make accurate representations regarding accreditation to students
and prospective students
Հ Promote AACSB International accreditation in catalogs, web sites,
and promotional materials

3. Participate in the AACSB International accreditation review process
Հ Provide representatives to participate in peer review of other
Հ Assist in the continuous improvement of AACSB International

4. Represent degree and non-degree programs accurately, realistically and with
integrity in all communications.
Հ Identify educational learning goals realistically
Հ Describe the success of graduates accurately
Հ Develop and follow consistent practices that ensure integrity in the
representation of information about programs and the institution
Հ Report program data and information accurately to external parties
(1) This expectation is monitored through the accreditation review process.
(2) This expectation is a condition of membership.
(3) This expectation is presented for guidance.

Top 40 Distance Learning MBA or Online MBA Programs with AACSB Accreditation

The followings are the MBA Courses accredited by AACSB that has made it to the Top 40 ranking of Distance Learning or Online MBA listed by the Financial Times 2008 ranking:

MBA at Open University Business School, UK
Global Distance Learning MBA at Henley Management College, UK
MBA at Manchester Business School, UK
MBA at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico
The Warwick MBA by Distance Learning at Warwick Business School
MBA at Kelly School of Business, Indiana University, US
Global MBA for Latin American Managers at Thunderbird School of Global Management and Tecnologico de Monterrey, US
Fast Track MBA at Babson College, US
Strathclyde Flexible Learning MBA at University of Strathclyde Business School, UK
One-year Internet MBA at University of Florida, Hough Graduate School of Business, US
Northeastern University Online MBA Program at Northeastern University, US
Global On-line MBA Program at University of Texas at Dallas, US
iMBA at Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University, US
W.P.Carey MBA ր Online Program at Arizona State University, US
Healthcare MBA at The George Washington University, US
MBA Anywhere at Drexel University ր LeBow College of Business, US
UNL Distance MBA at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, US
Global MBA On-Demand at Thunderbird School of Global Management, US
The Surrey MBA at University of Surrey, School of Management, US
Global MBA at IE Business School, Spain
Euro*MBA at Euro*MBA Consortium in France, Netherlands, Poland, Spain & Germany
MBA (Distance Learning) at Aston Business School, Aston University, UK
Thunderbird and Indiana University ր Kelley Direct MBA/M-GM Dual Degree at Thunderbird School of Global Management and Indiana University, US

You may want to read some of the review for the program above that was published on this Online MBA Course site.

Monday, July 21, 2008

MIT Offers over 1800 Free Courses Online

MIT Massachesettes Institute of Technology offers over 1800 free classes online including lecture notes, video feed and exams.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Free Community College

Many states offer free Community College tuition to high school students. Check with your local Community College. Some things to consider

-You will need to pay for any required textbooks
-You may have to pay a nominal health fee-it's $16 near us
-Classes are harder because they are usually on the semester system-1 semester+1 year of material condensed into the semester
-Take online classes at the Community College
-You may need a principal's signature-this would be your parent if you home school privately

Friday, July 18, 2008

Insight Online School

Insight online High School is another free homeschool option for students living in California. According to their website
What are the location and age restrictions?
Students must be residents of Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura, San Bernardino, or Kern County, and must be 19 years of age or younger when they enroll. Students under 14 must provide evidence of completion of eighth grade. Some exceptions apply for students 20 and 21 years of age who have been continuously enrolled in high school and making progress toward a diploma.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Distance Learning MBA at Leicester University

Doing a Distance Learning MBA is slightly different from doing an Online MBA Program. In fact, an online MBA course should be a branch of distance learning MBA. In todayҀs term, when distance learning is mentioned, it would refer more on getting a certified MBA by correspondence.

The Distance Learning MBA offered by University of Leicester is more by correspondence than through online, although students can still access some information online. To graduated from a certified MBA program would mean that you have undergone a rigorous management training is fit to manage. Hence, getting a certified MBA from one of the best MBA programs is important.

The Distance Learning MBA at Leicester University, UK, is one of the few universities that have its MBA program accredited by AMBA for its full-time MBA and its distance learning MBA programs. For more information on how AMBA accredits MBA programs and Accredited Online MBA Programs, please click on the link.

Why should you study for a distance learning MBA from University of Leicester? Getting a certified MBA is an investment that is able to fast track your career. According to a survey conducted by AMBA, MBA graduates enjoy an 18% average rise in their base salary upon graduating with a certified MBA. This may not sound very attractive, but after three to five years, it is a different story altogether. MBA graduates enjoy an average salaries of 53% higher compared to the pre-MBA salaries. To read more about MBA salaries, please click on the link.

As in other Online MBA Course, one of the greatest benefit of studying for your MBA by distance learning or online is the great flexibility of studying and advancing your career at the same time. Furthermore, University of Leicester has many impressive years of experience in delivering distance learning MBA education. They currently have more than 5,000 distance learning students, which suggest that their current teaching and learning supports is well developed for the distance learning course.

The cost of a distance learning MBA at University of Leicester is competitively priced at  7,300. To enable more financially-strained students to pursue the distance learning MBA, they also offer flexible payment plans. According to the UK Good University Guard, The Guardian University Guide and the Sunday Times University Guide, the University of Leicester is one of the top 20 UK university. This makes their distance learning MBA programs one of the best MBA programs in Europe.

The Leicester MBA enables you to become a competent and capable manager in todayҀs global business environment. You will develop the skill and ability to evaluate and analyse business data and implement appropriate solutions in any business environment. You will also develop an understanding of a wide range of management skills and techniques. Upon completing the distance learning MBA, you will be conferred a Master of Business Administration from the University of Leicester.

When you pursue a certified MBA by doing the distance learning MBA from the University of Leicester, you can focus on chosen subject to obtain a specialist MBA in:
Հ MBA (Marketing)
Հ MBA (Finance)
Հ MBA (Total Quality Management)
Հ MBA (EmployeeRelations)
Հ MBA (IT Management)

Students of the distance learning MBA at University of Leicester are based across the globe and are from a variety of professional backgrounds. Distance learning MBA students follow the same programs as the full-time MBA students and receive the same qualification.

If you are considering to do an Online MBA program, you are likely to be one of those who are combining the challenges of post graduate study with the demands of career and family life. The distance learning MBA program by University of Leicester are designed to offer students with the flexibility to balance these demands. The distance learning MBA program is so flexible that even if you need to relocate or are required to travel frequently, you still can be accommodated. With four class commencements per year in May, August, November or February, you can choose the most optimum time to start your program.

While independent study is the core of any distance learning MBA, you can always obtain the necessary support from the University of Leicester. You could also assess study materials in printed and electronic format. The LeicesterҀs School of ManagementҀs Virtual Learning Environment allows students to access the Digital Library. For those who still need the face-to-face meeting with faculty members and teaching staffs, they can do it through the summer school and regular programs of workshops and visits.

Students of the Distance Learning MBA receive their course materials including textbooks by post. A suggested time-table is also provided to guide students to study as if they are attending the full-time MBA. Students who wish to peruse material from the Digital Library are provided with an online catalogue. Students may request that books to be sent by post. Some of these books are available as e-books.

There is also a network of local resource centres around the world. We currently have centres in Cyprus, Dubai, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Nigeria, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, St Kitts, St Lucia, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad, Uganda and the USA.

The curriculum of the Distance Learning MBA from University of Leicester

The program can be completed in a minimum of 24 months and a maximum of 60 months. If you are looking to complete your MBA in less than this period, then you may want to consider Online Fast Track MBA.

How are Distance Learning MBA Students Assessed?

You will study core subjects and choose two electives modules. You are also required to complete a 15,000 words MBA dissertation. The residential summer school is optional. How does the University of Leicester assess you in a distance learning MBA? You will be assessed in a mixture of continuous assessment and examination. Students are required to complete one assessed work for each module. Most of these essays and course works are submitted by post. Some allows it to be e-mailed. Detailed feedback will be given by your tutor on your performance.

As the distance learning MBA from University of Leicester is one of AMBA accredited MBA programs, MBA graduates who obtained the certified MBA may join and benefit from AMBA membership. In addition, the distance learning MBA also has The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)Ҁs accreditation to be admitted directly into the CIMҀs Professional Diploma in Marketing.

There are altogether four stages for the distance learning MBA. MBA students are required to study the following core subjects in Stage 1:

Foundation Knowledge and Professional Skills
Organisational Behaviour
Accounting for Managers
Marketing Design and Operations
Strategy, Business Information and Analysis

In Stage 2 of the Distance Learning MBA, students have to study the following core subjects:

Corporate Finance
Business Ethics in a Global Context

In Stage 3, students are required to choose 2 electives from the following selections:

Հ Project Management for IT
Հ Managing Information: Technology
and Systems
Հ International Organisational
Հ Public Finance
Հ International Finance and
Հ Fixing Futures: Trading and Other
Հ Accounting Representations: Public
and Private Sector
Հ Branding and Communication
Հ Business-to-Business Marketing and
Supply Chain Management
Հ Knowledge Management
Հ Managing Diversity
Հ A Critical Inquiry into Consultancy
Հ Critical Perspectives on
Corporations and Consumers
Հ Critical Approaches to HRM
Հ Alternative Economies
Հ The Future of Work
Հ Marketing of Services
Հ Consumption, Society and Culture
Հ Total Quality Management
Հ Information Technology in
Հ International Marketing
Հ Retail Marketing
Հ Employee Relations
Հ Strategic Human Resource
Հ Benchmarking
Հ Shakespeare and Management
Հ Developments in Business Finance
Հ Performance Measurement:
Quantitative Approaches
Հ Investment and Portfolio Analysis

In the final stage of the Distance Learning MBA, students have to study the followings:

Research Methods

At this last stage of your Distance Learning MBA, you have to undertake an MBA dissertation. This dissertation allows you to examine in depth, a topic or problem of particular relevance to your work. You are expected to be able to integrate and inter-relate concepts, techniques and competencies acquired during the entire MBA course. You have to submit a 15,000 words MBA dissertation.

The Admission Criteria for the Distance Learning MBA

Three years of relevant work experience is a must. Potential MBA students should also demonstrate that they are able to contribute to the program. References are also required. English Language proficiency is a must. Good scores from IELTS and TOEFL is accepted.

If you are considering doing a Distance Learning MBA from one of the top MBA program in Europe, then you should really consider the Distance Learning MBA from University of Leicester.

Monday, July 7, 2008

the La Trobe University scholarships &Prizes

Scholarships and Prizes
Welcome to the La Trobe University scholarships information site. The University offers a wide range of scholarships to commencing and continuing students across all fields of study, both undergraduate and postgraduate.
Eligibility criteria for university wide, faculty and campus scholarships vary, as do the closing dates. Students are encouraged to check scholarships offered by their campus or faculty and to note the relevant application requirements and closing dates.
Scholarships & prizes for prospective undergraduate students
Scholarships & prizes for current undergraduate students
Scholarships & prizes for postgraduate students
Scholarships & prizes for international students

Australian Scholarships

Australian Scholarships
Charles Sturt University is registered to receive various scholarship students on behalf of

The Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID).

Australian Scholarships is an Australian Government initiative to build partnerships and increase mutual understanding, knowledge and innovation in the Asia Pacific region. The scholarships available include:
Australian Development Scholarships (ADS)
is managed by AusAID and provides people with the necessary skills and knowledge to drive change and influence the development outcomes of their own country, through obtaining tertiary qualifications at participating Australian institutions
Australian Leadership Awards (ALA)
is managed by AusAID and provides scholarships for post-graduate studies in Australia and for short-term fellowship opportunities in specialised research study or for professional attachments through participating Australian organisations focused on developing future leaders
DEST Endeavour Awards Program
is managed by DEST and provides opportunities within the Asia-Pacific region for developing mutual understanding through study, research, professional development and international education experiences

CSU science scholarship

Explore your passion for science with a CSU science scholarship
Charles Sturt University offers you a helping hand to start your career in science via lucrative scholarships for on campus applicants in selected science courses. These University funded scholarships will provide successful applicants with $4000 per annum for up to four years, subject to satisfactory progress.
If successful, you can determine exactly how the money is to be spent.
These scholarships are not means tested and will be awarded to those students with a University Admissions Index(UAI)(NSW) or ENTER(VIC), of 80 or above and who have completed a scholarship application form. We will also consider non school leavers via an assessment process.
These scholarships will target the following courses:
Bachelor of Agricultural Business Management
Bachelor of Applied Science (Parks Recreation and Heritage)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Viticulture)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Wine Science)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Wine Science)/Bachelor of Applied Science (Viticulture)
Bachelor of Clinical Science
Bachelor of Environmental Science
Bachelor of Equine Science
Bachelor of Forensic Biotechnology
Bachelor of Horticulture
Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Nuclear Medicine)
Bachelor of Medical Science
Bachelor of Medical Science/Bachelor of Forensic Biotechnology
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science (Agriculture with Specialisations)
Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)/Bachelor of Science
These CSU scholarships will give you valuable financial support as you undertake your chosen degree to begin a brilliant career in the sciences.
To apply for the scholarship all you need to do is
download the application form, complete all sections and achieve a UAI (NSW) or ENTER (VIC) of 80 or above, and have listed one or more of the above courses in your preferences.
Application forms need to be returned by 24 October 2008 to:
Science Scholarships

Scholarships Officer
Charles Sturt University
PO Box 789
Albury NSW 2640

Equity Scholarships

Equity Scholarships
Application forms and information booklets are available at the Equity Scholarships page at
Equity Scholarships include the Commonwealth Scholarships Programme (CS) established by the Australian Government, and Institution Equity Scholarships (IES) established by individual institutions. Equity Scholarships are comprised of many different scholarships and at CSU we offer the following scholarships:
Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarships (CAS-Ordinary) with up to four years of funding available, to assist with accommodation costs.
Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarships (CECS-Ordinary) with up to four years of funding available, to assist with general education costs.
Indigenous Access Scholarships (CAS-Indigenous payment) through a once-only scholarship payment, to assist Indigenous students to undertake either an eligible enabling course or an undergraduate course. Each provider awarding an IAS to a student must provide the student with an on-going Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarship (CECS) and, where eligible, a Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarship (CAS).
CSU Equity Scholarships as a one year payment for general education costs.
Applications for these scholarships are made via ONE application form and applications are asssessed by UAC using stringent criteria. Students do not need to signify which scholarship they are applying for. A centralised assessment scheme at UAC assesses all applications and then allocates the appropriate scholarships based on the criteria. For example, all applications are assessed for the Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarships (CAS). Applicants who do not receive or are not eligible for a CAS are then placed into the pool for a Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarships (CECS). Those who do not receive a CECS then go into the pool for CSU Equity Scholarship.
In 2008 the Equity Scholarships scheme will include:
162 new Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarships valued at $4,324 each
416 continuing Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarships valued at $4,324 each
20 Indigenous Access Scholarships - valued at $4,080 each
181 new Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarships valued at $2,162 each
341 continuing Commonwealth Education Scholarships valued at $2,162 each
300 CSU Equity Scholarships valued at $2,000 each

Scholarships at the University of Adelaide

Scholarships at the University of Adelaide
The University offers a comprehensive scholarships scheme for undergraduate and postgraduate students. This site provides information about these scholarships and many others funded by the University, industry and non-profit organisations, which are available to potential and currently enrolled students.
Undergraduate Scholarships
A range of scholarships, funded by the University and some by external organisations, for both commencing and continuing undergraduate students from wide-ranging backgrounds.
Scholarships for Commencing Students
Scholarships for Continuing Students
Scholarships for Students in Financial need
Scholarships for Students with Disabilities
Scholarships for Students from Rural, Regional or Remote Areas
Scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students
Vacation Scholarships
Honours Scholarships
Here provides information on a wide range of prestigious scholarships for students undertaking Honours programs at the University of Adelaide.
Postgraduate Scholarships
As one of Australia's premier centres for postgraduate study, offer extensive support to students wishing to undertake advanced study:
Postgraduate Research Scholarships
Postgraduate Coursework Scholarships
Postgraduate Travel Scholarships
Rhodes Scholarship Information

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Online Fast Track MBA - How Fast is Fast

Many of the potential students who are looking for an Online MBA Course would like to consider Online Fast Track MBA. One such business school that offers such online fast track MBA is the Hagan School of Business.

The Online Fast Track MBA offered by the Hagan School of Business is accredited by AACSB International and is one of the best online MBA programs. AACSB is the oldest and most prestigious accrediting organization for business programs including online MBA programs. The Princeton Review recognized the school as one of USҀs most outstanding business schools.

The Online Fast Track MBA at the Hagan School of Business offers five majors in their certified Online MBA Course. The five majors are:

Financial Management
Information Systems
Human Resource Management

What is the Requirement for the Typical Certified MBA?

This certified MBA program from Hagan School of Business was designed for candidates who wish to pursue the certified MBA or Online MBA on fast track basis. The various curricula of the certified MBA require 57 credits, not counting any waiver and transfer credits. Certain appropriate course work which was completed at the undergraduate and graduate level may be applied.

The maximum time frame to complete the Online MBA Course was set at six years. MBA students who pursue the certified MBA program at full-time may complete the entire course in two years. Part-time students shall require three years. The certified MBA courses are offered on trimester basis. Classes commence in September, November, March, June and July.

Each of these MBA course meets one evening per week, with each session lasting for three hours in the evening. There are also Saturday courses which meet in the morning.

Online Fast Track MBA

The difference between the Online Fast Track MBA course compared to the normal certified MBA course is that candidates may be able to complete the course 10 months earlier. These are done by offering courses in a sequence for a speedy graduation.

As what Associate Dean Charles Cante explained, ӀIn todayҀs financially-focused world every professional needs to have business knowledge in order to remain competitive and prosper. Whether itҀs the new medical doctor, dentist, lawyer or psychologist trying to build a successful practice or the scientist or engineer who wants to position their discovery or an educator who wants to become an administrator, the MBA degree is an essential and positive driving force towards these ends.Ԁ

You can now earn your MBA from one of the best online MBA programs in as little as 13 to 15 months with the Online Fast Track MBA course. You are able gain valuable knowledge to help build a dynamic career in your own field.

The Online Fast Track MBA course was designed for non-business students who wanted to pursue business study. It is open to all college graduates, regardless of your basic degree discipline. It is also useful for professional school graduate who would like to pursue for a certified MBA before starting a residency.

The Online Fast Track MBA comprises of 57 credits which covers major discipline expected of a business study. Up to 24 of those credits may be waived depending on the educational experience of the MBA students.

For those who wish to pursue the Fast Track MBA the traditional way, they are able to do so too. Pursuing an Online Fast Track MBA would means that a student who starts their studies during the first summer term would be able to graduate after the second summer term of the following year.

The school also offers strong network of advisers for the Online Fast Track MBA who help students in all areas, from choosing specialization to support services such as registration, which makes them one of the best online MBA programs around. Students of the Online Fast Track MBA are also grouped as a cohort to help build relationship in their studies as well as networking opportunities.

The followings are a description of the Core Courses in the Online Fast Track MBA program. The Online Fast Track MBA curriculum is designed to provide a broad and integrative approach to business. These includes financial reporting, analysis and markets, domestic and global environment, creation and distribution of goods and services, and human behaviour in organizations.

The core courses of the Online Fast Track MBA lay the foundation for any area of concentration or related advance courses.

Students of the Online Fast Track MBA may have from 12 to 18 credits waived usually, with the exception of some who could get up to 24 credits waived. The followings are the core courses before waive:

Հ MBA 500 - Business Perspectives (required of all MBA students within the first 9 credits)
Հ MBA 510 - Quantitative Tools for Management
Հ MBA 520 - Financial Accounting and Reporting
Հ MBA 530 - Economics for Management
Հ MBA 540 - Operations Management
Հ MBA 550 - Finance for Managers
Հ MBA 560 - Marketing Management
Հ MBA 570 - Management and Organizational Behavior
Հ MBA 580 - Information Systems

Advanced Courses of the Online Fast Track MBA

The followings are the concentration for the Online Fast Track MBA:
Human Resource Management
Financial Management
Information System.

The concentration of the Online Fast Track MBA course consists of 12 credits in advanced courses which was chosen according to the specifications of the department. In addition, students are also required to take 18 credits of advance courses outside the field of concentrations.

There is also a concentration for MBA Financial Management. This concentration focuses on corporate financial management and financial markets. The objectives of this program are to acquaint students with the process of financial decision-making, to provide a theoretical base for students to analyse real-world situations and to discuss and provide solutions to cases and problems related to financial decision-making.

For those students of the Online Fast Track MBA who wish to pursue MBA Information System, they can gain the definite advantage when they are able to manage information within their business organization. Therefore, the objective of this concentration is to develop the skills to analyse, design and evaluate an organization's information and decision systems.

The concentration in Management of the Online Fast Track MBA is designed to provide the conceptual, analytical and creative skills needed in the management of the business organization across fields of business resources, functions, units environment and cultures. The program emphasise the development of executive skills in the area of organizational design, development innovations and entrepreneurship.

The concentration in Human Resource Management of the Online Fast Track MBA course is designed to specifically address the challenges faced in the management of human resources in private corporations and public institutions. The development of decision making and problem solving skills will be emphasized in the areas of human resource planning, development, training, recruitment, selection, retention and global HRM.

The concentration in Marketing of the Online Fast Track MBA Course focuses on marketing as an interface between business and society. The aims of this concentration of the Online Fast Track MBA are to relate marketing theory and practice and to evaluate the societal consequences of marketing practice; to encourage students to think conceptually, critically, analytically and creatively; to develop students' proficiency in effective marketing decision-making; to foster computer literacy by integrating computer usage into marketing decision-making.

Therefore, the objective of the concentration in Marketing of the Online Fast Track MBA is to make students marketing literate by offering courses which represent the current state of the art.

For prospect students who are interested to complete Online MBA Course within short duration from one of the best online MBA programs, the Online Fast Track MBA may be the choice.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Keller Graduate School Online MBA Course Review

This article is a review on the Online MBA Course offered by Keller Graduate School of Management, DeVry University. The online MBA course at Keller is one of the best online MBA programs around, and was designed to provide good management concepts and techniques which the MBA students may use immediately.

The certified MBA program from Keller Graduate School of Management allows the students to customise it by selecting from a wide range of electives in specialisation such as accounting, finance, marketing, health services, hospitality management, international business and more. KellerҀs Online MBA Course may be earned in less than a year, and this is definitely an attractive point for potential MBA student who would like to earn a certified MBA from one of the best online MBA programs.

The followings are the some reasons why you should study for your online MBA course from Keller:

  • DeVry University has been a leader of technology-based business education for more than 75 years. Their certified MBA program and online MBA course is known to prepare their MBA students for high-demand and high-paying careers in business administration. KellerҀs online MBA course is one of the best online MBA programs in the US.

  • Keller works with many top business corporation to design their certified MBA programs and Online MBA Course with the aim of producing MBA graduates that meet the needs of the market. Their certified MBA programs and online MBA course also build communication skills, teamwork skills, computer applications and system integration.

  • As Keller is actively working with business leader, MBA students can expect that all instructions from their faculty members are grounded in the real business world. MBA students learn how to assess and analyse business problems through case studies and dynamic classroom environment.

  • Upon graduation from KellerҀs Online MBA Course, MBA graduates continued to enjoy career services to help them to identify career opportunities so as to make the most of their experiences and credentials.

KellerҀs Online MBA Course
The KellerҀs Online MBA Course provides the utmost in convenience and flexibility in MBA education which allows its MBA students to continue advancing their career path while studying. The Online MBA Course allows students to attend online class and complete their coursework at any time of the day. MBA students may participate in online interaction with faculty members and other students.

The faculty members handling the KellerҀs Online MBA Course are as qualified as their onsite course. Therefore, MBA students can be assured of their MBA qualities. All instructors are trained on Keller approach and they are also continuously monitored to ensure that they meet the academic quality.
In terms of the online platform, Keller has a robust virtual library to provide MBA students with the revenue to do their research. The online platform is functional 24 hours a day and also offers course syllabi, assignments and other online resources. Keller provides online MBA students with electronic textbooks and interactive course materials.

For those prospect MBA students who are still not sure if they should register with Keller, there is a course demo at their website to show how the online MBA course is conducted.

Great Career Prospect from One of the Best Online MBA Programs

Many MBA graduate from KellerҀs certified MBA program and online MBA course now holds prestigious career positions. Some of these positions include Directors that spearhead multifunctional activities, functional managers, consultants/entrepreneurs and administrators/supervisors. MBA graduates careerҀs opportunities are found in a wide range of career fields including: Accounting and finance, general management, human resource management, management consulting, information system management and marketing.

The certified MBA program and online MBA course offered by Keller emphasizes the practical skills and concepts that business demand from management professionals. The MBA program provides comprehensive business education that enables MBA students to develop their management expertise and advance their career.

The followings are the listed objectives of KellerҀs certified MBA program:
Հ instilling a multi-functional perspective that allows for management of cross-disciplinary endeavors and integration of functions across the business enterprise
Հ developing analytical skills in accounting and finance needed to conduct sound analyses and provide insightful interpretation of the financial implications of business decisions
Հ gaining the ability to conduct quantitative analyses of business situations and use technology to support effective business decisions
Հ developing a strong understanding of legal, political and ethical influences on business opportunities
Հ formulating market-driven strategies and plans to effectively meet customer needs
Հ gaining a solid appreciation of the structure, management and operation of the economic system to allow for interpretation and interpolation of economic trends

The curriculum of KellerҀs Online MBA
The certified MBA program from Keller requires successful completion of 48 semester credit hours. MBA students can customise the program from a list of electives and concentration areas to meet their own professional and personal goals. MBA students who are certified public accountants get some subject exemptions.

The courses offered by KellerҀs MBA are divided into three categories ր Core Courses, Program Specific Courses and Elective Courses. The MBA Core Courses are:
Accounting and Finance: Managerial Use and Analysis
Applied Managerial Statistics
Leadership and Organisational Behaviour
Managerial Application of Information Technology
Marketing Management

The Program Specific Courses offered by KellerҀs MBA are:
Managerial Accounting
Managerial Finance
Legal, Political and Ethical Dimensions of Business
Business Economics
Business Planning Seminar

MBA students need to complete 18 credit hours for the Elective Courses.

MBA students of KellerҀs certified MBA or Online MBA Course can pursue four-course concentration in the following areas: Accounting, Electronic Commerce Management, Finance, General Management, Health Services, Hospitality Management, Human Resources, Information Security, International Business, Marketing, Network and Communications Management, Project Management, Public Administration and Security Management.

Financing of KellerҀs Online MBA Course
Keller offers few payment options to assist MBA students finance their MBA programs. The followings are the payment options available to MBA students who are pursuing their Online MBA Course at Keller:

Installment Plan
MBA students pay at least half of their tuition charges for the session on or before the registration day. The balance are paid on week four of the session.

Tuition Reimbursement
This options apply to MBA students who receive tuition reimbursement from their employers. A direct billing arrangement between the employer and DeVry University is possible.

Delayed Deferral Plan
This option is available to MBA students who is receiving tuition reimbursement from their employer. This plan allows MBA students to pay the fees five weeks after completing the session.

You may wish to read more on How to Finance Your Online MBA Course.

Admission Criteria
Applicants for the certified MBA program must hold a baccalaureate degree to be admitted to DeVry UniversityҀs Keller Graduate School of Management.
Applicants who meet baccalaureate degree requirements and whose undergraduate cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is 2.70 or higher are eligible for admission. Such applicants need not complete the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE).

Applicants who meet baccalaureate degree requirements and whose undergraduate CGPA is below 2.70 must also achieve acceptable scores on the GMAT, GRE, or the Keller-administered admission test. The Keller-administered test may be completed, by appointment, wherever the University's graduate programs are offered or through School's Assessment Center. Admission test scores are valid up to five years from the date tests are completed.

Prerequisite Skills Requirements
All applicants must demonstrate quantitative and verbal skills proficiency to be admitted. Proficiency can be demonstrated by submitting acceptable GMAT, GRE or Keller-administered test scores, or through prior coursework performance.

Hence, if your are considering of doing an MBA from one of the best online MBA programs in the US, do consider Keller's Online MBA. For the latest information on KellerҀs Online MBA Course, please visit their website.